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  • Should Dominic Cummings resign?
  • Northwind
    Full Member



    A friend worked as a troubleshooter for the dwp 8 odd years ago, to look at why UC was being delayed, he found incompetence at every level, civil servants having rings run round then by big IT companies, everyone knew it was going to be massively late & overbudget, this was fed back up to the ministers (IDS) who just ignored it and insisted deadlines would be met….

    That’s the weird thing about Tories though isn’t it? They’re supposed to be against the big state, in favour of cost cutting and efficiency… But this experience isn’t uncommon, a lot of departments are absolute chaos and they seem totally happy with it. It’s almost like the people at the top are happy to have big IT companies run rings round them and make loads of money, hey.

    Free Member

    OP question – yes.

    He seems to all the world to be a sociopath. Whilst the point about government being too big / beaurocratic is valid, I don’t believe his method for changing things is. He simply does not care about any collateral damage. His motivation for making it quicker to “get stuff done” by government is highly unclear, after all a lot of rules are ultimately there to stop bad people doing bad things.

    It feels like we have a small child with an AK47 being told that only the bullseye on the target 30 yards away will do, and by the way mind out for those people standing right next to it. Maybe they’ll have a proper go at the target, but maybe they’ll just mess about and accidentally shoot all the bystanders, or themselves.

    Full Member

    I thought that on a day where the Supreme Court have set precedents that will go on long after Brexit that this thread should rise once more.

    Cummings? Wft? Do you really deserve all the supposed “genius” plaudits that some give you?

    Or has reality just bit you in the arse?


    Full Member

    The guy is a nutter. He’ll be loving all this chaos.

    Free Member

    F yes – mad as a box of frogs & wired to the moon. A total loon with a very nasty air about him!

    Full Member

    Looks like Cummings may be thrown under a bus in an attempt to save Johnson

    Full Member

    Resign? No.
    Hope he will be dragged through the courts but that won’t happen.
    I have referred to him on here as a fly searching for another pile of shit to feed on.
    He won’t hang around for long.
    Odious, verminous turd.

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