shifting bottle mou...

[Closed] shifting bottle mount forward - fidlock

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i need to shift my bottle mount forward as its catching my fidlock bottle on the resevoir of the shock - obviously no adjustment can be made with fidlocks at all - the base mount has hardly any movement, and even then its still catching - i have plenty of space to shift the mount and fit the bottle towards the front of the frame, so is there a clever thing out there that acts as a secondary set of bottle bosses? meaning i can then attach fidlock base to it and shift it forward to clear the shock resevoir?

Posted : 02/03/2022 9:04 am
Free Member

I have a similar problem. On my frame, the bosses are closer to the bottom bracket than normal so my choice of bottle cage is limited. Currently using an Arundel but they're not cheap and all the grit and grim is wearing it out.

Posted : 02/03/2022 9:08 am
Free Member

There are a few options I've seen over the years. No idea if they are any good, but it's hard to see that they could fail really.

Or Fidlock themselves (and others) do strap-on bottle mounts if it works better elsewhere (E.g. underside of top tube rather than downtube).

Posted : 02/03/2022 9:10 am
Full Member

Wolftooth and a few others do a bracket for this.

Posted : 02/03/2022 9:12 am
Full Member

A Shimano DI2 battery mount should do this.

Posted : 02/03/2022 9:13 am
Full Member

Don’t bother with Wolftooth, it’s just does the same job for twice the price (annoyingly I have one)

Posted : 02/03/2022 9:16 am
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ahh bloody excellent thanks! yep the wolftooth/76 projects ones are exactly what i was thinking! albeit a little bulky but should still work

shimano di2 looks a similar thing too - after as slim line as possible as dont want to push the bottle too much higher

Posted : 02/03/2022 9:17 am
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yep 76 projects one FTW - cheaper and exactly what im after nice one!

Posted : 02/03/2022 9:18 am
Full Member

Topeak do one too. Not adjustable but cheap.

Posted : 02/03/2022 9:19 am
Full Member

I've used the 76 projects one linked above and it works well. Before that I was using a bodged solution of an old water bottle cage that I'd cut the back off and drilled a second set of holes where I needed them. It worked perfectly perfectly well but eventually cracked.

Posted : 02/03/2022 9:25 am
Full Member

I use the Topeak one, it's cheap and comes in a two pack

Posted : 02/03/2022 9:26 am
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The Shimano Di2 external battery mount should do the job. It’s relatively thin. But whichever option is the cheapest really.

Posted : 02/03/2022 9:27 am
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ah the topeak one has no way of sliding it, so is just fixed - meaning i cant fine tune to just not hit the underside of the TT and tbh if its fixed it might actually put it too far forward, i only need it clear a 1-2 cm max

Posted : 02/03/2022 10:08 am
Free Member

But I prefer the Wolftooth ones. They're really nicely made.

Alternatively you could pop the magnets out and swap them over, which then allows you to mount the mount so that the 'up' end is pointing down which moves the whole system up a bit.

This will mean that if you have multiple mounts then they will all need to be mounted this way and that all bottles will need their magnets swapped so that they can all work on each mount.

Posted : 02/03/2022 12:28 pm
Full Member

I use a granite one for the same reason, it's called a portaledge and comes with the ability to tie down a spare tube as well, if you need it.

Posted : 02/03/2022 12:49 pm
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thats interesting on the magnets, id not thought of that, ive ordered a 76 projects one now as its the cheapest, and should be just the ticket

Posted : 02/03/2022 12:50 pm
Full Member

I've got a wolftooth setup - got a pack down low with tube/tools in it, and bottle up as high as it will go.

Pricey, but well made.

Posted : 02/03/2022 1:11 pm
Full Member

You can flip the fidlock mount on the frame then do the same with the mount on the bottle.
A friend did this and gave him that bit more space to clear the shock. Not much I don't think bit it worked for him

Posted : 02/03/2022 2:17 pm
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ah right i might just give this a shot to test - there cant be much difference though, but it might just be enough to clear the reservoir perhaps - same as raggatip states but good to know it helped your friend out, i might just get lucky, im assuming it will make no difference to release procedure? why does it need a specific way up in the first place?

Posted : 02/03/2022 2:54 pm
Full Member


Alternatively you could pop the magnets out and swap them over,

Just inverting the base on the bottle will allow this, no need to pop magnets

Although If you share bottles across bikes, be prepared for confusion unless you swap all of them


im assuming it will make no difference to release procedure? why does it need a specific way up in the first place?

May mean twist left instead of twist right, if you invert the base on the bottle.

Posted : 02/03/2022 2:56 pm
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im left handed so that would actually be handy - ill try it

i cant really understand why they couldnt have given more wiggle room in the base mount, just made the sliders longer (not by much but a cm or so just people can slide forward/back)

looking at the base mounts, im sure mines only has one bit that has slide capabilities and the other is just big enough for the bolt

like this :

yet theres some other pictures of the bases out there, with equal slidy bits

like this :

any thoughts? mines defo only has one longer slidey mount

Posted : 02/03/2022 3:07 pm
Full Member

I know they slightly changed the design of the locking mechanism not that long ago.
Maybe they also made a change to the way it mounts?

Posted : 02/03/2022 3:17 pm
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yeh maybe so - if i had a bit more play in the mounts length ways it would fit - never mind though will try this 76 project thing least it will give ample clearance then and be a bit higher up for getting the bottle out also

if anyone gets chance to check theres let me know

Posted : 02/03/2022 3:52 pm
Free Member

I've used the Topeak one too. Comes with longer bolts and since they come in pairs, you could use 2 together.

Posted : 02/03/2022 4:41 pm
Free Member

Just inverting the base on the bottle will allow this, no need to pop magnets

Popping the magnets can be useful if you have something like the universal mount and you want to retain the BOA dial on the same side of the mount (whilst it's loaded) as originally designed.

Although If you share bottles across bikes, be prepared for confusion unless you swap all of them

This would be an issue

May mean twist left instead of twist right, if you invert the base on the bottle.

You can only twist one way whatever the configuration. The lower and the upper openings would need to be facing the opposite direction. The manufacturers won't release a mount that twists in the opposite direction, although I wish they least for the universal mount anyway.

There are cheaper bottles on Aliexpress under different brands with exactly the same system if anyone's interested. Not the range of items Fidlock has though.

Posted : 02/03/2022 9:14 pm
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well i tried flipping the base mount upside down so the arrow is facing the wrong way, result was it was even closer to the shock haha, couldnt even get the bottle to connect, so didnt work for me! that was swapping the mount on the bottle too

gonna be relying on the 76 projects mount now instead - should do the trick though im sure!

Posted : 03/03/2022 9:56 am

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