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  • Sherwood Pines
  • rolfharris
    Free Member

    I’m planning on taking the GF and a couple of other fairly new riders out here for a few years- I hear the dual descneder is gone and the bombhole moved? Are there new route maps available, or is there a route you can follow like at other forest trail centres?

    If not, are there any maps online that I could print off to avoid getting lost?

    Free Member

    The new Kitchener Trail is about a 10 mile loop starting from out the back of the car-park. Standing in the middle of the car-park looking at the shop, turn through 180′ and head towards the big wooden sign. There are a lot of new trails but it also takes in a lot of the old one’s too.

    You can follow the sign posts with the arrows on but it’s not 100% clear where to go as it’s not completely finished.

    Dual descender has been revamped and the old bomb-hole has been superceeded by a jump park which is at the top of the dual decender area.

    It’s muddy in parts at the moment, but generally it’s quite dry.

    Free Member

    You’re taking them for there for a few years? What have they done to deserve that? Peeled your baby or something?

    Free Member

    ITs commitment to the cause – the mountain biking cause of course

    Free Member

    They stole my grasp of the English language. Barstewards.

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