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  • Shell to Octopus transfer – odd looking email…
  • the-muffin-man
    Full Member

    Just had an email to say my Shell Energy account has transferred to Octopus – but it’s just a plain text email with no Octopus branding. Just a link to create a new password. And you usually see a load of T&C gubbins at the bottom of this sort of email.

    This is a screenshot of the email – so Octopus customers is this the normal formatting for Octopus emails? (I’ve deleted my info!)…


    Free Member

    see where the link goes?

    Free Member


    What happens when you hover over the links?
    What address is it from?

    Full Member

    I transferred from EON to Octopus recently. Took 2 days. I set up an Octopus account on their website, started the process and it went smoothly. My In Home Display sent me a welcome message from Octopus.

    All the subsequent emails from Octopus are dark blue and splattered with pink Octopi!

    My transfer was different though. I’d give their helpline a ring or email them. I did once and they replied quickly.

    Full Member

    see where the link goes?

    It goes to a legit looking Octopus site to a password reset page. URL does say shell-migration in it though.

    I was just expecting a smily octopus and funky welcome graphics in the email! :-)

    Full Member

    I had that email and it was legit – I can’t guarantee yours is but I suspect your router or email client is stripping out the formatting

    Full Member

    If looks nothing like the migration email I got. What’s the full URL?

    Full Member

    Looks very similar to my migration email from 07 Feb.

    Full Member

    I’ve gone shell to octopus and haven’t had that email 🤔

    Free Member

    You could’ve transferred yourself to Octopus before they moved you over, we did it last month. You’d get a new customer bonus. Not sure if everyone has moved yet but if you are still with Shell then move yourself asap, just get a referral code from a friend or neighbour first (or someone on here)

    Full Member

    I’ve gone from Shell to Octopus – I got the same email. I didn’t click any of the links, but I did download the Octopus Energy app on my phone, logged in (new password setup worked) and sent a couple of meter readings. So it’s fine.

    For the benefit of this thread, I just tried the “To log in to your Octopus account, you’ll need to set a new password — you can do that here with just a few taps” link in the email and it took me to which is their proper website.

    Full Member

    Thanks all – looks like it’s safe enough.👍

    Full Member

    Has anyone else had an email stating what they owe (the expected amount) followed by two more emails with further charges for different (smaller) amounts? I think they’re for short periods for the start of the month. Just a bit confusing due to lack of explanation (I’ve not seen at least) for them.

    Full Member

    Just got the one email stating I’m £25-ish in the red. I presume they’ll put my DD up

    Free Member

    I had the same email with the same lack of formatting/images.

    I’ve got some problems with the transfer though, there is a load of odd amounts added and subtracted on the Bill tab in the app, and the bill pdf covering that period is missing.

    Also the Usage tab just says “your readings are on the way!”

    Full Member

    Not had an email but have had a letter in the post today, saying the same as your email. I’m one of the odd people who still get their bill in the post, although I do send a meter reading every month.

    Full Member

    You should get a fax machine, I hear they’re the future.

    Full Member

    You know Shell bought Octopus?

    Free Member

    You know Shell bought Octopus?

    I think you’ll find it’s the other way round, Octopus have bought Shell’s Domestic Electric, Gas and Broadband business. I think they might be selling on the broadband bit.

    Full Member

    Just as a follow up – I clicked the link and all was fine! :-)

    Full Member

    … or so you think.


    Full Member

    It didn’t go well for a hermit crab I used to know.

    Full Member

    I’ve just been moved from shell to octopus. Not unexpected but didn’t get an email was just redirected when I went onto the Shell Energy App.

    I’ve got an Octopus compatible smart meter so I’m not sure whether I need to submit meter readings or not   I’ll phone them tomorrow as I want to switch to Go anyway

    Looking at my account it may be that the account was transferred on the date of the last Bill which would make sense

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