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  • Sharki is down !
  • knottie8
    Free Member

    not agood day for Qs local Sharki ! One snapped collar bone ths morning. He’s ok but sat in A&E waiting to be fixed.

    Free Member

    Bad news – get well soon chap.
    As with the famous Bionic man ‘They can rebuild him’

    Free Member

    Poor Sharki

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Get well soon. Must be the weekend for doing yourself damage

    Free Member

    it’s just a bone, i’ll be back on asap. It could be worse i could be without a job and home….errr bugger. I’m still in a&e that’s 2hrs now…waiting room is packed, not much eye candy either…knottie wouldn’t take pics of it either, hopefully i can post a copy of the xray.

    Free Member

    Knottie didnt like the look of it ! But todays pics came out nice .

    Full Member

    crapola, sorry to hear that chap, still at least the lung is intact this time
    get well soon

    Free Member

    Thank god you were wearing your helmet sharki.

    Healing text sent :love:

    Free Member

    lunch at Bicknoller today ! He was ok at that point.

    Free Member

    *healing vibes* Take it easy dude and get better quick.

    Full Member

    Oof, ouch. All the best fella

    Free Member

    ouch, heal quick!

    Free Member

    Get well soon!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    shit luck dude, that sucks

    try to keep a check that it heals with the bone aligned as a couple of friends have healed with a horrendous step to it requiring surgery and pins/plates later on, speak to the consultant about a figure of eight traction strap to pull you into correct posture to aid healing – i know jack shit – just useful tips from others

    get riding soon

    Full Member

    Unlucky mate. Heal quick.

    Full Member

    Get & tidy that garden up,you can still do it with one arm :wink:
    ****sends healing vibes too****

    Free Member

    thats my garden but he’s welcome to do a bit of tidying…lol .We were having such a lovely ride aswell !

    Full Member

    Can we have the full details ?

    Full Member


    Free Member

    Doh get well soon m8

    Full Member

    Best wishes buddy .Good job it was a relaxed ride or else you might have proper hurt yourself!Can we go for a ride while you have the sling i might keep up with you . :wink:

    Full Member

    Get well soon Sharki.

    Full Member

    What happened ?

    Free Member

    Ouch! Heal real soon!

    Free Member

    well just after the rock garden at slaughterhouse combe there is a flat bit. Shane went off first and I followed. I came over the brow to find him on his knees. I thought he was going to take a photo until I got closer ! After removing his camelbak it was clear his collar bone was bust, poking up under his skin. A few miles from the car too ! Looks like his rear wheel hit a rock and threw him over the bars. I made him a sling out of my jacket and we walked back then drove on to A&E. Bummer.

    Free Member

    get well soon mate. hope you’ll be ready for the summer……….

    Free Member

    Bad luck mate! Particularly after your heroic SS riding on Saturday!

    Here’s hoping you heal quickly, and are back on the trails soon 8)

    Free Member

    I can’t remember if sharki is left or right handed….

    Free Member

    get sorted soon you old turnip

    Full Member

    healing vibes!!

    Free Member


    Healing vibes.
    I did mine last march and was back by the summer.

    Remember to make sure everybody knows how rad and on the edge you were being when you did it.

    Full Member

    Unlucky mate, all the best..

    Full Member


    Get well soon mate!

    Free Member

    Obviously missing my steadying influence, get well soon mate.

    Full Member

    ohflippin’eck Sharki, bad luck. ask for a mid-term physio appointment if it’s not offered, on the basis of your occupation, and because you ride. female physios are frequently quite tidy IME…

    Free Member

    thanks all, i’ve got the fracture clinic on friday, hopefully they’ll plate it as at the mo it’s not inline and there’s quite a step there….
    Just as i was starting to feel my fitness was getting there too…
    Chunky, i’m right handed!
    Expect to see me out on the trails walking and taking pics alot over the next month or so..
    How did it happen?
    Not giving 100% concentration on a fast bit of single track, out of the saddle on the flat didn’t spot a large rock in the ground, forks eat it up, rear suss didn’t, with, slight weight forward position the rear kicked up fast, i had no time to react, landed on shoulder, smashing down on the side of my head, slight crunching noise on moving said enough, and on touching my collarbone the break was prominent…then knottie caught up;-)

    Free Member

    oops :?

    Full Member

    Jeez Sharki – sorry to hear – thats unlucky after such a great day yesterday. The highs and the lows eh! Will lean a bike on a post to conjure healing vibes Quantocks stylee – apparantly the solution to anything – get well soon chap.

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