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  • Scrap metal
  • Drac
    Full Member

    Currently £200/tonne including a skip and collection.

    Seems to have gone up considerably from the link I posted, still 2 radiators isn’t going to make you reach.

    That -plus fuel…… I think I’d have let them come get them for free and not cut them up and transported them for free for 65 quid that isn’t really 65 quid when you factor in all what your outlay was in time and tooling

    Cutting it, transporting, fuel and van hire I’d be at around £100 out of pocket.

    Free Member

    So your point is to do with the amount of concrete wash8ng machine weights littering rural Britain.

    Oh wait, there’s not.

    (FWIW the value is in the drum, they’re a high grade of stainless and worth £8-£10).

    No, if you look somewhere overhead you’ll perhaps spot it. 😉

    (my point was that they will still take stuff that doesn’t have a high metal content)

    Free Member

    It’s ok to be ignorant. But if it’s explained to you and you continue to use racist language then you are a bigot.


    One troll is someone else’s balrog …

    you’ve been told it doesn’t mean what you want it to mean, you continue to try and argue about it. Troll was me being polite, what I would actually call you would have me kicked off if the swear filter didn’t save me.

    Don’t be an argumentative dickhead, you’re wrong, its irrelevant if you don’t have a word you don’t think fits* you can’t use a different one taht causes offence.

    *despite the fact on both occassions in asking the question you’ve own goaled your answers.

    Free Member

    Ive got around 150 ton of steel to dispose of from next week. Been offered £180 a ton for it. That includes flatbed trailers to take it away.
    Happy with that. As said up above, you couldnt give the stuff away this time last year.

    I’ll make sure i dont “leave it out the front” mind you

    Free Member


    That -plus fuel…… I think I’d have let them come get them for free and not cut them up and transported them for free for 65 quid that isn’t really 65 quid when you factor in all what your outlay was in time and tooling


    Cutting it, transporting, fuel and van hire I’d be at around £100 out of pocket.

    That’s up to you.
    What your opinion doesn’t do is entitle you to trivialise the crime just because its not worth it for you.

    what your outlay was in time and tooling

    Barely got through a single cutting disk and not much wear on the saw blade… and a couple of quids worth of electric perhaps and 3-4 miles out of my way on the way to ride.

    What £60 means to me ….I already worked out it was closer to £60 nett.

    From What’s App (the other day)

    OK. I can’t afford both days one is enough. Let me know ASAP and I’ll book 4 slots to ensure we got it together

    Yeah know what you mean but I’ll have to pay fuel anyway so better for us to do 2 days

    This is (most of) the difference between making a weekend of riding uplift and kipping in the van or just doing one day and the highlight of the year for me and the kid.

    or the difference between fixing a broken bike and not…

    Free Member

    What a waste of a thread. Man puts scrap in the street – scrap gets taken away – man is outraged at someone getting something for nothing.

    Is that about right?

    Full Member

    You forgot; different man uses racially offensive slur, tries to justify it, fails.

    Free Member

    It doesn’t seem that long since people on this forum were making ‘Y’ stickers in the correct font to stick on the end of the model name of their Rockshox forks.

    Glad to see folks have caught up a bit in terms of what’s acceptable.

    Free Member

    Quite a while due to weather and the big saw and angle grinder not liking getting wet.

    It’s a major operation getting the big saw out and back…. and not remotely possible for me to drag 350kg inside but £65 is £65….

    So, a lot of work for just £65. £65 may be a lot to you, and worth the effort. Whatever. But having cut up various materials with an angle grinder etc, I know that it makes a stupid amount of noise. So unless you live alone in the middle of nowhere, I’d hazard a guess your neighbours might not have been best pleased. We’ll overlook the various using a domestic property for ‘business’ purposes, and the no doubt myriad health and safety concerns. So you basically acted in your own interests, without consideration for others. Ok.

    My understanding

    In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary; come again?

    Full Member

    What your opinion doesn’t do is entitle you to trivialise the crime just because its not worth it for you.

    Errrrr! I didn’t.

    It’s also not an opinion, I would be out of pocket for that effort. I’ve got a load of scrap to get shot of, I’ve a contact number for a guy to take it away. It’s not worth me hiring a van to lose out on some cash when I let someone else take it away. It might be pay for his uplift or some dampers for his `Judys. Of course it might also allow him to feed his kids.

    Free Member

    i left a broken dishwasher out this morning, a nice european knocked on the door and i said off course you can take it away, thank you very much

    i messaged a mate after and asked what values metals are at the minute,
    he said a dishwasher 20KG

    6.5 a kg, i replied pence and he replied yeah £1.30

    Free Member

    It doesn’t matter what a group of middle class cyclists think is acceptable or not, the term is still going to get used whether you like it or not. Maybe just not on a posh Internet forum.
    If the people we are talking about weren’t so nasty, completely uncaring about anyone else, strut around the place like they are above the law and, let’s be honest, a proven group of scumbag criminals they might have gained a nicer group name for themselves.

    Full Member

    6.5 a kg, i replied pence and he replied yeah £1.30

    so what’s he doing with it, and what will happen to the bits he doesn’t want?

    Full Member

    It doesn’t matter what a group of middle class cyclists think is acceptable or not, the term is still going to get used whether you like it or not. Maybe just not on a posh Internet forum.

    The forum has rules. You don’t like them then go elsewhere.

    Free Member

    The forum has rules. You don’t like them then go elsewhere.

    I am abiding by the rules. What’s your problem??

    Free Member

    (FWIW the value is in the drum, they’re a high grade of stainless and worth £8-£10).

    There’s probably more money in the motor because of the copper content. That’s why you’ve got “potentially interesting metal recycling chaps” at the entrances of back street scrappys ripping them apart to get the motor and drum out separately as they’ll get more money for them than mixed metal which is what the machine on its own will classify as.

    Scrap steel prices are still pretty low compared to a few years ago. Still worth weighing it in if you have some but it doesn’t easily sustain a jobbing scrapper driving round in his transit. I couldnt understand , when I worked in that arena, how they make their money to be honest. Its the metal recyclers who make the most money, especially the well run ones.

    Free Member

    let’s be honest, a proven group of scumbag criminals they might have gained a nicer group name for themselves.

    EDIT: Reported. No need to engage any further.

    Free Member

    @zilog6128, we have a couple of recognisable scrap metal men around the town, i stripped all the seals and plastic draws bits off the inside, and binned them. sure he’ll trade them as is,

    Full Member

    Used to work next to a quite reputable scrap yard, no shortage of unlicensed scrap men used to use it. Was quite common to find them on the pavement cutting motors out of white goods, including fridges, using a Stihlsaw wearing safety flip flops. Debris left all over the street. Never had so many punctures on the car as when I worked there.

    Full Member

    I am abiding by the rules. What’s your problem??

    Sigh! I was explaining what happens if people who use the term everyday then come on here and use it. It has nothing to do with people’s class it’s against the rules.

    Full Member

    I am abiding by the rules. What’s your problem??

    Sigh! I was explaining what happens if people who use the term everyday then come on here and use it. It has nothing to do with people’s class it’s against the rules.

    Free Member

    If anyone is interested in if there is money in scrap metal google European Metal Recycling and seeing where the owning family sit in the Sunday Times rich list 😆

    Free Member

    Round here they don’t take the parts they don’t want. Leave a white good out with stainless or copper that is hard to strip then they probably take the lot, but I’ve seen loads of dysons etc stripped of the motor, loads of fridges and freezers stripped of the compressor, dishwashers and microwaves etc get the copper power cable cut off but the rest is left.

    Full Member

    I think the correct term for the people who cruise the streets picking up scrap is probably rag and bone man (or person if you want to be PC). There about 4 teams come down our road, at least 2 or 3 a day, one complete with loudhailer shouting ‘rag and bone’.
    They will all claim to be honest but some ‘look’ so closely for scrap that they emptied the trailer of a guy on the next road of his collection he had ready for weighing in and get very shirty with anyone who has a camera.
    May be a useful service is some ways but there are too many (probably not all) who are too ready to take without asking or indeed steal stuff.

    Edit: PS scrap steel is worth very little at present. Copper and stainless considerably more.

    Free Member

    scrap steel is worth very little at present

    Nonsense, its as high as i’ve ever known it

    Free Member


    So, a lot of work for just £65. £65 may be a lot to you, and worth the effort. Whatever. But having cut up various materials with an angle grinder etc, I know that it makes a stupid amount of noise. So unless you live alone in the middle of nowhere, I’d hazard a guess your neighbours might not have been best pleased. We’ll overlook the various using a domestic property for ‘business’ purposes, and the no doubt myriad health and safety concerns. So you basically acted in your own interests, without consideration for others. Ok.

    Why are you are clutching at straws making up assumed things?

    I know that it makes a stupid amount of noise. So unless you live alone in the middle of nowhere, I’d hazard a guess your neighbours might not have been best pleased.

    your assumption is wrong but I don’t need to justify it to you… you aren’t my neighbours

    We’ll overlook the various using a domestic property for ‘business’ purposes, and the no doubt myriad health and safety concerns. So you basically acted in your own interests, without consideration for others. Ok.

    You really are being pathetic .. it’s not a business and H&S concerns are non of your business either.

    Do you trawl eBay looking for people selling their old bikes and then tell them they are acting as a business and should be leaving them out to get stolen?

    I didn’t claim VAT back on the blades or the grinding wheel, electricity or diesel…

    So you basically acted in your own interests, without consideration for others. Ok.

    How are these concepts so hard to understand?
    1/ I sold some unwanted property for recycling to a company registered to deal with it.
    2/ I object to people stealing my property.
    3/ I object and am offended by people saying £60 nett is a trivial amount of money

    Free Member

    / I object and am offended by people saying £60 nett is a trivial amount of money

    I object to you claiming it cost 5 quid to cut up 350kg into small enough pieces to fit into buckets.

    So we will call it quits.

    No one said 60 quid was trivial. I said you didn’t get 60 quid nett after all costs considered.

    Free Member


    I object to you claiming it cost 5 quid to cut up 350kg into small enough pieces to fit into buckets.

    So we will call it quits.

    No one said 60 quid was trivial. I said you didn’t get 60 quid nett after all costs considered.

    Erm no you need to prove my costs exceeded £5 if you are calling me a lair (We’ll forget the pence as it was £65 something but we agreed on the £65)

    Free Member

    Why are you are clutching at straws making up assumed things?

    your assumption is wrong but I don’t need to justify it to you… you aren’t my neighbours

    You really are being pathetic .. it’s not a business and H&S concerns are non of your business either..

    Why are you so defensive?

    Do you trawl eBay looking for people selling their old bikes and then tell them they are acting as a business and should be leaving them out to get stolen?

    Yes. Next question.

    Free Member

    Why are you so defensive?

    Because you seem hell bent on implying I should be happy when people steal my property and it’s not really illegal and shouldn’t be a fuss made whilst making up little stories that I’m doing something illegal by sending my own property for recycling.

    Do you trawl eBay looking for people selling their old bikes and then tell them they are acting as a business and should be leaving them out to get stolen?

    Yes. Next question.

    Then you’re pathetic and lying to them, it seems habitual lying is just how you are though.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Not calling you a liar . Just saying your math doesn’t add up either that or your completely negating the main component of the true cost of your 65quid …. I guess you have been salaried/hourly paid your whole life.

    No one’s thieving your stuff …you phone they come they take (for free). Saves you time and money.

    But if your time is free and plentiful crack on.

    If only someone offered a similar service for making my logs into firewood for free……..

    Free Member

    It doesn’t matter what a group of middle class cyclists think is acceptable or not, the term is still going to get used whether you like it or not. Maybe just not on a posh Internet forum.
    If the people we are talking about weren’t so nasty, completely uncaring about anyone else, strut around the place like they are above the law and, let’s be honest, a proven group of scumbag criminals they might have gained a nicer group name for themselves.

    Thats the problem – which group of people are you talking about? I don’t think anyone has an issue with calling our opportunist thieves nicking metal from doorsteps – but labelling them with a term used for Irish Travellers is probably not just offensive and stupid – but its actually plainly wrong based on what others have posted – these are not travellers they are locally based with fixed addresses! So it hardly helps the travellers get a good name for themselves if they get the blame for shit they didn’t do.

    Free Member

    Not calling you a liar . Just saying your math doesn’t add up either that or your completely negating the main component of the true cost of your 65quid …. I guess you have been salaried/hourly paid your whole life.

    Unless I have a contract my time is worth nothing. I can rebuild a fork that doesn’t need it or cut up metal (or today I’ll be taking down a fence and digging out the foundations for concrete once the neighbours are up)… one of those gets me £60 … the other just costs me some oil and seals that I didn’t need to change. Weather was crap for cycling so one way or another I end up fixing stuff or building/making something that inevitably costs money.

    No one’s thieving your stuff …you phone they come they take (for free). Saves you time and money.

    If I’d phoned or even if they asked and then went away when I’d asked I’d be happy but that’s not what happened.

    They started stealing straight off right under my nose and when I asked to stop and leave they incrementally threatened me. (starting with ignoring then one of them came over and started shouting in my face then telling me I couldn’t stop them) then they came back a 2nd time… once again they just started stealing as they already knew I wanted to keep my property and refused to leave.

    What is shocking is being told “ah just let them take it, its not worth much”.

    If only someone offered a similar service for making my logs into firewood for free……..

    Other side neighbours are getting the fence posts cut for their wood burner … (that I cut the flu for them and help fit the flu for free)

    Free Member

    There’s probably more money in the motor because of the copper content.

    About £3 actually.

    I deal with the WEE at work so have a vague idea what’s scrap to be left out and what’s pulled apart and put into various bins.

    Circuit boards are always the surprising one when you can get a fairly heavy crate of them together.

    Full Member

    If you were to call someone from the travelling community a ‘P’ to their face they would be hugely offended, as it is a derogative racial slur. We don’t use the ‘N’ word anymore and it’s on a par with ‘P’.
    There are various theories as to where the ‘P’ word comes from. One theory is that it comes from ‘Pikeman’. Pikemen were the ‘cannon fodder’ in the army at the time of the English Civil War. They were poorly armed, often the first to be sent into battle and considered ‘worthless and expendable’ by their officers.
    Please have a think about this and don’t use the highly offensive ‘P’ word in future

    Free Member

    When did scrap prices rocket up?

    Went to EMR to today with a bit of data/power cable. Been saving it up for a a few months and was wondering if i could be bothered cutting all the kettle plugs off for a few £. Spent about an hour

    £2124 a ton. Highest I can remember it being.

    And i had 157 kilos 😃

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