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  • Science vs Religion..
  • cloudnine
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    This is the meme that always sticks in my mind when this subject comes up:

    It was particularly poignant when i saw it at the time. (the version i saw didn’t have the ‘massive balls’ comment, which somewhat undermines this one)

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    Free Member

    It was particularly poignant when i saw it at the time.

    It’s a bit unfair really. The Nazis did a lot of experimentation on humans during the war in the name of science, but that shouldn’t be how you define science.

    I’m not a religious person by the way.

    Full Member

    Exactly religion didn’t shoot anyone and without science the gun wouldn’t exist. An arse shot a schoolgirl.

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    Nice Simpsons quote

    I find the defendant not guilty. As for Science versus Religion, I’m issuing a restraining order. Religion must stay 500 yards from Science at all times.

    Free Member

    Nothing expresses a lack of intelligent opinion more clearly than copy and pasting someone elses “meme”……

    …….and what about religious scientists, where do they fit into this scheme of self-congratulatory mocking?

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    More importantly what is the correct plural for tyrannosaurus Rex? Tyrannosauri Rex?

    Full Member

    Nothing expresses a lack of intelligent opinion more clearly than copy and pasting someone elses “meme”……

    …….and what about religious scientists, where do they fit into this scheme of self-congratulatory mocking?

    Not sure if they’re higher or lower on the list that those who copy memes for a bit of fun.

    Full Member

    …….and what about religious scientists, where do they fit into this scheme of self-congratulatory mocking?

    How is a picture of something which could be interpreted one of two ways in an optical illusion stylee “self-congratulatory mocking”?

    Free Member

    I think the poster is trying to suggest that reality is completely a matter of individual interpretation.

    … and there was me telling myself I wouldn’t get involved in this one…

    Free Member

    Religion shot a 9 year old girl

    Oh don’t talk crap. I didn’t see the Pope issuing that particular command, did you?

    Some nutter shot a 9 year old girl, that’s what happened.

    PS I like the OP, very funny :)

    Free Member

    An arse shot a schoolgirl for religious reasons

    Science clearly trumps religion as one is factual and one is not.
    Neither has all the answers and both contain plenty of unknowns but only one has a method* for answering them.

    * I guess you could argue faith is a method but really this means ignore the doubts/errors/inconsistencies and just believe.

    Free Member

    Religion has a great answer for feeling better about your ultimate death.

    I could use one of those, tbh,

    Free Member

    Oh don’t talk crap. I didn’t see the Pope issuing that particular command, did you?

    I did, however, hear the last-but-one Pope claim that an invisible fairy woman had bent the path of an assassins bullet enough so that he survived it.

    Apart from omitting to give any credit to the team of medics who battled for 11 hours to save him, he didn’t say that he’d asked his protector why she didn’t prevent the bullet hitting him at all…


    I didn’t see the Pope issuing that particular command

    Apparently it was some bloke called Alfred Lah. Whoever HE is…

    Full Member

    Religion has a great answer for feeling better about your ultimate death.

    That’ll burn in hell?

    I prefer that I’ll be remembered by my family.

    Free Member

    Ah it’s Friday!!

    Some will be eating fish, others will be bashing on STW – “religious” regularity :wink:

    Really must be time for a sticky…..

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    The OP was fun, the follow up was just stupid. Do stupid things like that just please those already in agreement, mean nothing to those who oppose, and push the undecided further away.

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    Cougar – Moderator

    How is a picture of something which could be interpreted one of two ways in an optical illusion stylee “self-congratulatory mocking”?

    I’m just predicting the wave of semi-abusive self-congratulatory posts (of which you Cougar have been a prime example of in the past) referring to God-botheres, sky-pixies, child-abusers etc by the “oh I’m so rational I’m a scientist” types.

    Well I am a scientist, a “real working one”, not a “keyboard warrior ex-science grad who couldn’t cut it so went into IT/media/management one” and I find the anti-religion bias here strange & unpleasant when the mere whiff of any other cultural/racial/gender bashing brings out the pitchforks and banhammers.

    Guess every “culture” has it’s bogey group eh, seems that STW’s is people of religious faith.

    Happy Dawkinsmas to you all

    Free Member

    Neither has all the answers and both contain plenty of unknowns

    The difference being that science knows it doesn’t know, and will change it’s views based purely on what’s ovserved.

    If tomorrow someone proved the existence of some kind of higher power, then that knowledge would simply be incorporated into science. Would the reverse be true?

    Full Member

    to be fair jivehoneyjive and his ickeisms were mocked as well hilldodger

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    Science and religion aren’t really competing for the same ground.

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    There’s no such thing as “Dawkinsmas”, either…

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    The moment we want to believe something, we suddenly see all the arguments for it, and become blind to the arguments against it. GBS.

    Full Member

    Why does it have to be science & religion….? It is possible to have both.

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    [checks calender/]

    you know, I’m sure this wasn’t due for another couple of days…

    We need to do Helmets, wheel size, death penalty, economics and speeding before another religion thread.

    Full Member

    Why does it have to be science & religion….? It is possible to have both.

    Of course.

    Full Member

    We need to do Helmets, wheel size, death penalty, economics and speeding before another religion thread.

    Nah the “making progress vs child killing maniac” driving thread was yesterday.

    Anyway it was a funny first post.

    Does science or religion have a view on tubeless tyres?

    Full Member

    Being an atheist one always thinks I came to this belief because I am an intelligent human being.
    Then one reads what other atheists write and one realises that I could be one brain cell above a stone and still come to the same conclusion. I think you’ll find that for the vast majority of religious people it’s a matter of faith not fact. That it is a moral guide and source of comfort and community. If that works for them and they don’t try and tell me or anyone else that theirs is the only true way to live then that’s all good.

    Free Member

    Curiously (perhaps?) there are people who became Christians because of science.

    Just found this playlist – might be interesting…

    Ex-Atheists Convert to Christianity

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    hilldodger – Member
    Well I am a scientist, a “real working one”, not a “keyboard warrior ex-science grad who couldn’t cut it so went into IT/media/management one” and I find the anti-religion bias here strange & unpleasant when the mere whiff of any other cultural/racial/gender bashing brings out the pitchforks and banhammers.

    HD, certain things are sacred, just not the ones you might expect!!

    Free Member

    Well they generally don’t like extra layers of rubber so I guess they like tubeless.

    Full Member

    Well they generally don’t like extra layers of rubber so I guess they like tubeless.

    :D :D

    Free Member

    I find the anti-religion bias here strange & unpleasant when the mere whiff of any other cultural/racial/gender bashing brings out the pitchforks and banhammers.

    Can i see your data please? :wink:

    As others noted anything [ conspiracists for example] that is irrational and without evidence gets challenged on here as it is a largely rational place.
    Religion falls into this pool as does racism and the other isms you mention.
    This upsets the faithful but no one made them have faith in something that has no proof and we would, and do, ridicule any other version of this
    Start a thread claiming something you cannot prove that has no evidence to support it [ except faith] and see how you get treated. Its not about religion its about this being an unwise position/strategy for the finding of truth.

    Free Member

    Start a thread claiming something you cannot prove that has no evidence to support it

    Show me one religion thread that was started that way…

    Conspiracy theory conversations are different – they start by someone saying ‘X is responsible for Y?’ That claim can legitimately be challenged. That’s not how the religion threads on here go. They start by someone saying ‘look at all these stupid religious people aren’t they stupid’ and get rather nasty. That’s what I object to.

    Its not about religion its about this being an unwise position/strategy for the finding of truth.

    It never occurs to you though that religion might not be about finding the truth about the physical universe. That’s another thing that annoys me – you slag off something you really do not understand at all.

    Free Member

    Show me one religion thread that was started that way…

    Your right they all start with conclusive proof of the truth of god but we just like to bicker

    It never occurs to you though that religion might not be about finding the truth about the physical universe.

    LOL the physicists now want to discuss the non physical world this should be fun WHAT NON PHYSICAL WORLD IS THIS…how do I study …can you prove it to me AHHH EUREKA that would be the claim they cannot prove then :roll:

    No offence molly but you dont believe what you write and you do not believe in god so I fail ti understand why you bother doign this.
    The fact you bother to express a view you do not support is far more annoying than what you accuse me* of ..though of course I only have faith to prove that point :lol:

    * I have studied theology at Uni if it helps

    Free Member

    It never occurs to you though that religion might not be about finding the truth about the physical universe. That’s another thing that annoys me – you slag off something you really do not understand at all.

    Are you suggesting that religious people understand religion?

    Free Member

    you dont believe what you write

    Yes I do, of course I do.

    You just don’t understand what I write!

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