Scaring Deer? Which...

[Closed] Scaring Deer? Which are worse, bikes or dogs?

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Offline  julianwilson
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Honestly curious question here:

What's more scary to a deer: people on mountain bikes or dog walker with dogs all off leads? One was some enormo-husky type breed too.

I ask as this was the rationale for fc 'ranger' (unpaid volonteer for FC) being rather cross (and that is a rather english understatement of how she described him) with mrs julian for moving the rather dangerous logs he had placed over one of the rather less official trails in our local woods. He said he had been burying/blocking the trails over concerns for the deer being frightened off.

fwiw the trail in question is 300 yards away from the 'proper' designated mountain bike area. I'm not sure anyone has told the deer this. Are bikes really scarier than dogs to them?

Posted : 17/06/2009 2:57 pm