Interesting video. Enforcement notice from planning department forced him to remove the jumps from his garden. He claims it was the operator of a local bike business who complained to the council.
Un ****ing believable.
You can’t ride a push bike in your back garden.
You can’t
ride a push bikerun a business in your back garden without planning .
The main business of Sam Pilgrim limited is riding bikes so hard to argue other wise.....
Obviously upset someone local.
From what I gather. Dickhead no.1 rides his pit bike and electric motorbikes in Dickhead no.2’s bike park. Dickhead No.2 retaliates to Dickhead No1’s behaviour with more Dickhead like behaviour.
Anyone know what grounds there would be under planning permission to take the jumps down and / or stop him riding push bikes there?
I can understand him being told to take the scaff tower down (which was massive and looked bloody awful!) And also to stop riding pit bikes etc.
But from what he says in the video neighbors were all ok.
I presume it us down to riding bikes being his job so he has created a workplace. Possibly change of use too if it is agricultural land.
Obviously rubbish for him,
However a bit uneasy about publicly calling someone out on such a massive platform. Can only end badly
However a bit uneasy about publicly calling someone out on such a massive platform. Can only end badly
Very much this. Just gave out the guys name and email to 1.5 Million People.
I presume it us down to riding bikes being his job so he has created a workplace. Possibly change of use too if it is agricultural land.
This must form part of it, otherwise retrospective planning would be a possibility?
As someone above mentioned, if this bloke gets doxxed then this could get uglier...
A 12 year old boy in a mans body?
@scotroutes, which one? The mouthbreather who wrote that websters letter/email, or the gap-toothed belter?
If it's true then it does seem to be a bit OTT, i know he's a proper marmite character, but he does play the character a bit more for youtube and everything else, from what i've seen and heard he's a decent enough guy who loves biking, any type of biking and always has time to chat and so on when he's out and about at the usual places.
It would be good to read more about what the actual reasoning was behind the enforcement notice and how the appeal failed though, seems a bit quick and painless for this type of thing to go from initial assessment to end of the enforcement period?
Anyone know what grounds there would be under planning permission to take the jumps down and / or stop him riding push bikes there?
Interested in this too. Couldn't riding bikes be equally for his leisure as his profession? How can they say he can't ride bikes there? Or is it just not ride bikes in a professional capacity? If the latter could he still keep those skinnies - for trials practice - he's not a professional trials rider?
It would be good to read more about what the actual reasoning was behind the enforcement notice and how the appeal failed though,
This kind of permanent structure above a certain height requires planning permission, which presumably he didn't apply for, and has been retrospectively refused it as well after it was drawn to the attention of the local planners. I'm sure there will be some paperwork out there on the internet - planning documents are publically available.
Setting his youtube followers on whoever he's blaming for it is a colossal dick move.
As you lot so often say with headcam/traffic/ ranty cyclist videos....
Nobody comes out of this looking anything other than a complete bell end
Interested in this too. Couldn’t riding bikes be equally for his leisure as his profession? How can they say he can’t ride bikes there? Or is it just not ride bikes in a professional capacity? If the latter could he still keep those skinnies – for trials practice – he’s not a professional trials rider?
I doubt we have heard the full story...
Next door to me wanted to build a tree house , which was in reality a shed on stilts.
It was going to be tall enough to easily see into our garden. A check with planning said it could only be a certain height if it had an external ladder . If the ladder went up the middle there was no restriction on how tall it could be.
Monty Don is a professional gardener and he built a big mound in his garden a few years back.
Does it also mean he can't Zwift
for planning to insist its removed means there is a lot more going on than we have been told
So how does Matt Jones get away with it at his place ?
Just lucky he doesn’t have neighbours?
When Sam first bought that place I thought it would pee the neighbours off but in the vid he reckons the neighbours are ok with what he does
That place must have cost him a bob or two and probably wouldn’t have bought it if it wasn’t for all the land to build jumps. Still maybe should have done his research?
Oh and looked after the swimming pool.
It’s not just him there too. Tom Cardy lives there as well
So how does Matt Jones get away with it at his place ?
One assumes he has done it within the law unlike pilgrim
enforcement at that level is very rare - there must be more to the tale
Whatever you think about the situation, the email the guy sent to council is very funny.
deleted for wibbling..
enforcement at that level is very rare – there must be more to the tale
You can find the appeal decision notice on the planning inspectorate website. It seems to come down to the size and scale of the work that'd been done that means that riding a bike isn't 'incidental to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse'. That doesn't explain the motivation for the original complaint though.
So how does Matt Jones get away with it at his place ?
Its pretty well hidden at matt's compound - you can't see it on three sides and the farmer / landowner he rents from is the only person who can see it. Either he's got planning, pretty easy to find out in the relevant council web site, or he hasn't and it's under the radar.
Having been involved in planning in the past my first thoughts when seeing Pilgrims plans for his back garden were, I hope he's checked with planning. What he had built, clearly was against planning laws - and was in good view of a number of residential properties. Only takes one person to contact planning etc etc etc. There's a reason most pro's have hidden compounds or secret spots.
Appeal probably would be rejected as it's in a residential property and would give president for others to build structures over 2m. If it were a bit of brownfield site, hidden from view, not in a residential setting (like Matt Jones) I'd have thought he'd have been ok.
As for the guy that actually dished the dirt - what a ****er. Wouldn't have shocked me if it were a neighbor, but some one actively involved in the sport is propper shocking.
If he flogged the land for 20 boxy houses to be thrown up on it I bet the he'd get it through planning in less than six months.
Fun is not allowed in the UK any more unless it can be neatly packaged and monetised.
If he flogged the land for 20 boxy houses to be thrown up on it I bet the he’d get it through planning in less than six months.
Yep - something we need at the moment, and def a better use of the land from a planning point of view.
Yeah, right-o.
I'm just going to play amateur sleuth for a second and posite that your employment is connected to the building/property sector in some way.
Quite apart from whatever is going on between him and the other guy that he’s doing his best to make worse, I’m really not sure what you expect when you build an eyesore of a structure about 3 stories high in your back garden without planning, and then effectively use it to help earn your living. Only one ending to that.
Whatever you think about the situation, the email the guy sent to council is very funny.
I would have returned it to him with feedback along the lines of "can you please find an adult to help you write your letter sonny".
I too am not comfortable with him calling someone out. The comments section below video is worrying with many threats being made. Not good.
I too also wonder what the reason for enforcement it - and much as he is a nice enough chap, he has videos which show a somewhat uncaring or unawareness of environmental and social issues that riding bikes can cause. Enforcement is surely quite a big step after much communication and opportunity to react / adjust / move house...
from the comments
You can find the appeal online but the council felt that the riding in the garden went beyond incedental use and constituted a change of use to mixed use. The appeal upheld that view but some of the required remedies were scrubbed as unnecessary.
Irrespective of the infants school politics between pilgrim and 'Mark the illiterate' I'd say the council judged it right tbh.
There's clearly more to this than the way its been portrayed.
That YT clip is clearly intended to wound the other party. Pilgrim, never high in my estimations as a human being, (other than his uh, 'mad skillz') has just shown some genuine nastiness.
employment is connected to the building/property sector in some way.
Nope - own/run a village shop. Use to work in retail/shop design though. Just aware of planning process and also the need for housing at the moment.
To be fair to Pilgrim, although I don't agree with calling out the guy, it's all within the public domain it'll only take one (of the millions) subscriber to look it up and work out the in and outs themselves.
it’ll only take one (of the millions) subscriber to look it up and work out the in and outs themselves.
Except it won't. The online witch hunt has started, and vast majority won't return to check facts. The injury is done, and will fester under ill-informed and prejudiced fans who think he can do no wrong. See his trail building in SSSI, carving up public parks, rudeness to other land users that's only 'banter'.
Isn't doxxing like this now illegal?
It is - which is why pilgrim didn't use surnames etc - however the email of the mark guy will be on the letter within the public domain of the planning appeal process. Like I said above, it'll only take one to Google search, find the email, stick it in the comments or on another forum etc. Exactly how Pilgrim found the email address.
People who contact planning often sent aware it's a public process and that works both ways. It's quite interesting to see who spends their time disputing planning applications - many of my local disputes have nothing to do with planning law, rather personal grievances, which also seems to be the case for pilgrim.
There’s clearly more to this than the way its been portrayed
I thought that too, council wouldn't go to the trouble of enforcement if it was 1 complaint from a local business owner.
Lets be honest, even as mountain bikers, how many of us would want somebody buying a place next door, building a scaffold tower and jumps and then ragging a pitbike around the garden?
which is why pilgrim didn’t use surnames etc
I mean..he used a very thin strikethrough!!!!
Lets be honest, even as mountain bikers, how many of us would want somebody buying a place next door, building a scaffold tower and jumps and then ragging a pitbike around the garden?
I'd love it as long as I was invited. Do they also have a van so I can tag along on trips? I can't afford to do any of this stuff so I'd love to have mates who could.
I was a little confused by him saying he doesn’t make any noise, then proceeding to razz around on a motorbike.
Always comes across as a total plonker, maybe this will be a wake up call for him to be a little less selfish.
And, as some say, he’s nicer in real life, why? Why portray an absolute donger online? Yeah I know - “views = money” - but I wouldn’t want to associate with him as a sponsor.
I thought that too, council wouldn’t go to the trouble of enforcement if it was 1 complaint from a local business owner
I don't know - my experience of enforcement officers in the past is that they go out of their way to justify their jobs when there is a potential case.
I was a little confused by him saying he doesn’t make any noise, then proceeding to razz around on a motorbike.
Demonstrating a spectacular lack of awareness.
Based purely on his email, that Mark guy doesn't seem like the sharpest spoon in the drawer. I wonder if his thinking was along the lines of "I'm not allowed to extend my bike park - how come Sam Pilgrim can build all that stuff in his? I know, I'll write to the council." Who knows, but it does seem unnecessarily mean to report it.
Why portray an absolute donger online? Yeah I know – “views = money” – but I wouldn’t want to associate with him as a sponsor.
He's sort of edgy though, isn't he? Has strong opinions, behaves in an extreme way. Good for attention/views/sponsors etc. It's always been the way. Sure, he might put off some of the more straight-laced companies, but they probably weren't sponsoring him in the first place.
This guy Mark of Colchester bike park, appears to always write like that see:
Calling him "illiterate" is a bit harsh. My mum ran a learning difficulties services for many years in the 90s, teaching 15 year olds how to read and write because the system had so far let them down.
If this man is 40-50 as Sam says, its not a big stretch to see how he was failed by the school system. He obviously really struggles to communicate in writing, taking the piss is not constructive.
From the thread above it seems Mark has done a lot to secure public land with permissions to build a little bike park, and probably struggled with planning and neighbours and insurance.
Then Sam Pilgrim takes his pit bike there and gets a million youtube hits, encouraging others to do the same and trash the hard work.
Of course he is gonna be pissed off.
Not a big stretch to imagine him drop Sam in it for flouting legitimate planning laws in a bit of tit for tat.
Anyway I'm glad our planning laws are enforced. If you don't like the law then lobby / vote for a change. I'd wager Sam and his dad knew exactly what they were risking when he started building that lot and making vids for his channel.
If he flogged the land for 20 boxy houses to be thrown up on it I bet the he’d get it through planning in less than six months.
And when they do they generally build the homes backwards in Colchester
To be fair to Mark he has done an awful lot of work building the trails and dealing with the council etc
I don't know the whole back story between him and Sam but what Sam did in the video by outing him was a pretty sh*tty thing to do.
I thought that too, council wouldn’t go to the trouble of enforcement if it was 1 complaint from a local business owner
I don’t know – my experience of enforcement officers in the past is that they go out of their way to justify their jobs when there is a potential case.
In my experience Planning Enforcement Officers go out of their way to avoid to get to that stage; a retrospective planning application is usually what happens unless there is a good reason why PP couldn't be given rather than removing the development.
There’s some sort of irony in saying “He’s not illiterate, he just can’t read and write.” But yeah, we shouldn’t use that to demean him.