So how does Matt Jones get away with it at his place ?
Its pretty well hidden at matt’s compound – you can’t see it on three sides and the farmer / landowner he rents from is the only person who can see it. Either he’s got planning, pretty easy to find out in the relevant council web site, or he hasn’t and it’s under the radar.
Having been involved in planning in the past my first thoughts when seeing Pilgrims plans for his back garden were, I hope he’s checked with planning. What he had built, clearly was against planning laws – and was in good view of a number of residential properties. Only takes one person to contact planning etc etc etc. There’s a reason most pro’s have hidden compounds or secret spots.
Appeal probably would be rejected as it’s in a residential property and would give president for others to build structures over 2m. If it were a bit of brownfield site, hidden from view, not in a residential setting (like Matt Jones) I’d have thought he’d have been ok.
As for the guy that actually dished the dirt – what a ****er. Wouldn’t have shocked me if it were a neighbor, but some one actively involved in the sport is propper shocking.