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  • Robbed?
  • Sworking
    Free Member

    I bought a frame off STW classifieds and month or so ago. Before buying I asked the seller if there were any dents or cracks (they are often hard to spot) to which he responded rather curtly that he wouldn’t sell an item with a crack.

    Anyways, the frame turns up at mine with a crack. The seller agrees to refund me once I’ve sent some pictures confirming it’s unusable. However, he refused to cover my return postage suggesting that we have ‘both been inconvenienced’. This was not my error.


    Free Member

    I’d probably not worry too much about that postage and just be relieved that I wasn’t shafted in the end with a dodgy frame…

    Full Member


    Free Member

    Wasnt really his error if it was reasonably wrapped up either so i think its fair. £20 or so?

    Free Member

    he sent a cracked frame

    he wants it he collects it …

    Full Member

    If the implication is that the crack was already there and the seller should have known about it, rather than it happening in transit (very unlikely IMHO) then the seller should refund return postage costs.

    However, in the real world, it might be better to put it down to experience and not worry about losing a tenner or so on postage.

    Oh and perhaps name and shame.

    Free Member

    Sorry but thats selling sth that its not, ie he said it aint cracked. Therefore he pays, you shouldnt be ‘punished’ for at the end having nothing.

    Free Member

    TBH – he should pick up all your costs

    You’ve both been inconvenienced, that’s true but you shouldn’t be out of pocket because he didn’t properly inspect the frame

    Full Member

    Yeah while you should get your money back I’d be thankful you got a refund and next time avoid an Ellsworth if you don’t want cracks.

    Free Member

    Accept the refund, youve done well to do that IMO.

    Free Member

    Drac, he would have doen well to avoid a visit if i hadn’t got a refund. I object to paying for nothing.

    Full Member

    True but he was honourable and refunded without to much fuss it seems.

    Free Member

    If your have to send a frame to a bike shop for warranty replacement a lot of them dont refund your postage. I know windwave didn’t when i warranted my Forks.

    I’d say if it seems like a honest mistake i.e. a hard to spot crack then be happy with the refund and be done with it. Just send the frame in the cheapest manner possible with no insurance etc.

    If on the other hand you think he’s deliberately tried to sell you a cracked frame in the hope you wouldn’t notice then i’d be after the postage back.

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