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  • Recommend a messenger bag
  • SandyThePig
    Free Member

    My specialized messenger bag has done me well for about 4 years, but its starting to look a bit tatty and I think I might be after something new.

    Generally I use it for commuting, I usually have a change of clothes, lunch, tools etc … sometimes a towel, gym/running stuff on top, so I’m looking at something medium sized.

    The howies chevron bag looks pretty cool, but their site rather unhelpfully doesn’t give any indication of how large it is.

    What do you guys recommend?

    PS: Panniers are a pita so please don’t suggest them. Cheers.

    Free Member

    Timbuk2 ones are nice, and if you go into *cough* Evans *cough* they have some crumpler ones in the sale..

    I have both, and the crumpler one is slighlty nicer IMHO..

    Free Member

    Timbuk 2 worth it every time. They jut remain looking new however much you batter them. I would think the medium would be big enough as well, my bro uses his medium sized bag for a weekend away.

    quite a few UK stockists as well.

    Free Member

    My Timbuk2 bag is coming up on 12 years old and has been a great bag. It’s not really aged but then I went for plain black with reflective tabs.

    My newer bag is from Chrome (imported by MMA Sports) and it’s bloomin’ fantastic. It’s hoooge, it’s waterproof, it’s resisted damage after I slid on my back down the road on it and after 2 years it still looks brand new. More pockets and storage options than you could shake a stick at AND it’s a great conversation piece.

    Both Chrome & Timbuk2 are about the same price – you won’t go far wrong with either.

    Free Member

    I have one of these, has a chest/waist strap which isn’t really visible in the picture. Been using mine for years and is still doing well even after a few falls on ice and one RTA.

    Free Member

    got a 6 year old timbuk2 in rasta colours, only downside, the yellow gets dirty from the road crap during the winter. As a bag still works fine,.

    Free Member

    archies grobag, worth waiting for as they are better than anything else on the market imho. or a bagaboo.

    Free Member

    Knock yourself out looking at


    Free Member

    Freitag bags, design your own, and completely bomb proof made from truck curtain sides and seat belts they’re awesome! Well, mines brilliant


    Full Member

    Patagonia Half Mass

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    Free Member

    TIMBUK2 you can use it as a beer cooler.

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