I look at that picture and just want to dump it in a skip on your behalf.
Has no one got an old valueless 26er HT in the shed they can donate to replace it?
Step Two, based on comments prior, any reason not to buy this?
Perfect for the application, as it's very economical for a similar result to Muc-Off. Just wear disposable gloves - prolonged contact isn't great for your hands.
So how far does the suspension currently move?
I never knew that cutting down cable was a thing.
As above LBS who'll also supply you with the requisite handful of ferrules and endcaps for thruppence ha'penny (or thereabouts).
And get a proper set of cutters instead of mashing the outers with blunt pliers:
Has no one got an old valueless 26er HT in the shed they can donate to replace it?
Why yes, yes I have. It's a noughties Giant of some sort as used by my lad when he was shorter and younger. It will need a girls fit saddle and some TLC (I will apply the elbow grease). Pics tomorrow.
TBH it doesn't look to bad. I've resurrected worse to useable condition.
WD40 and wire wool is all you need. Clarks do a big reel of gear outer for reasonable money. IMO it's plenty good enough to use on your other bikes as well as the soon to be polished turd!
If the BB and wheel bearings are sound and you can get suspension moving (shock mountings might just need a clean up, stanchions clean & polish plus working a bit of oil in) should be doable for relatively little spend.
Sometimes the chainrings on those BSO's are warped just enough that you can't completely dial out front mech rubbing in the extreme gears. Those forks clank on top out, they all do it, it's part of the charm!
I'd absolutely second/third the cable cutters - essential kit. For an extra £6 over the Planet X above, you can have all the cables, outers, ferrules and end caps thrown in. Seems like a bargain for £16.99:
A tip for when using (proper) cable cutters - put a piece of old inner cable through to support the middle and stop it from crushing when you cut.
For a BSO just use supermarket value washing up liquid. Change the cables, index the gears, replace the tubes and grease the headset. Maybe new brake pads.
I’d absolutely second/third the cable cutters – essential kit. For an extra £6 over the Planet X above, you can have all the cables, outers, ferrules and end caps thrown in. Seems like a bargain for £16.99:
Oh, brilliant. Thank you.
For a BSO just use supermarket value washing up liquid. Change the cables, index the gears, replace the tubes and grease the headset. Maybe new brake pads.
For better or worse, I've already ordered the Screwfix degreaser mentioned earlier. I need it myself anyway.