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  • Rant… SILLY BINT!
  • donsimon
    Free Member

    Am I being unreasonable???

    Yes, but only because your reputation precedes you. 🙁

    Full Member

    Shibboleth – Member

    She had a … What’s the current PC term for a mentally deficient individual??… who was having some sort of panic attack in the car.

    That would be ‘…someone having a panic attack’.


    Full Member

    Why are people getting all antsy over the word ‘bint’, saying it’s sexist? Care to explain how the Arabic word for daughter being used to describe a woman is sexist? Anyone?

    Full Member

    I had some drive into the back of our car at some traffic light when the mrs was driving. He got very upset that we had stopped because the lights were orange and that means carry on apparently. Anyway he wanted our insurance details to make a claim. Run forward a few weeks and i have had to get a hire car through insurance so i can get to work. He calls up wanting to settle the claim himself. Bit late now i tell him. He got more upset, i told him if he called again i’d phone the police. Stupidity is expensive I find.

    Free Member

    Care to explain how the Arabic word for daughter being used to describe a woman is sexist? Anyone?

    I have no idea…sonny.

    Free Member

    Why are people getting all antsy over the word ‘bint’, saying it’s sexist? Care to explain how the Arabic word for daughter being used to describe a woman is sexist? Anyone?

    All I can say is that you must be a bit gay for raising that point.

    Free Member

    Rusty Spanner – Member
    That would be ‘…someone having a panic attack’.

    Erm… No, that would, as I said, be a mentally disabled person (like I said) going apeshit in the car. Knobber (adjective, not noun).

    Free Member

    I have no idea how this all started but as my contribution, I’m saying “Knobber” is definitely a noun.

    (noun, not adjective)

    Free Member

    I’m saying “Knobber” is definitely a noun.

    (noun, not adjective)
    Isn’t the test quite simple.
    If “knobber” is an adjective, what is the noun that it is describing?

    Free Member

    I’m surprized this thread is still going, and is allowed to run…

    Its all cobblers.

    The OP had a need.
    A need to rant.
    Rant has been posted.
    End of, surely ?.

    Full Member

    Why are people getting all antsy over the word ‘bint’, saying it’s sexist? Care to explain how the Arabic word for daughter being used to describe a woman is sexist? Anyone?

    AFAIK, it was brought back to the UK after WWII by the desert rats. Everyone young in north Africa is either a cheb (boys) or a bint (girls). It’s more informal than derogatory over in that there Maghreb. Funny how the meanings of words change when other cultures adapt them, innit.

    Free Member

    johnners – Member

    I have no idea how this all started but as my contribution, I’m saying “Knobber” is definitely a noun.

    (noun, not adjective)

    I was pointing out that I was using the word as an adjective, as in “he is knobber than me”. (he called me a knob) 😉

    Free Member

    “he is more knobber than me”

    As “knobber” (invented adjective) has two syllables, the comparative form will use “more”.
    Even I know this… 🙄
    Does this mean that all non-tattoed people are thick as pig shit?

    Free Member

    Knob = noun.
    Knobber (as in “more knobbish”) = adjective.

    It was no more than silly wordplay. Not really worth getting your knickers in a twist Dong. 🙄

    Free Member

    It was no more than silly wordplay. Not really worth getting your knickers in a twist Dong.

    Would this be a form of the Edinburgh defence?
    In a twist are they? Or am I having a laugh?

    Free Member

    don simon – Member
    In a twist are they? Or am I having a laugh?

    … Or just another example of your constant trolling Donger. 🙄

    Free Member

    … Or just another example of your constant trolling Donger. 🙄

    Coolio, that’s like David Beckham articulating that I’m good at football. 😀

    Free Member

    in other news 28 people died in a coach tragedy
    you lost a wing mirror. you are insured


    Free Member

    I had something similar a while ago on a road. I was on my side approaching a line of cars parked on the otherside. I became aware of a bloke suddenly speeding up in an attempt to ‘chicken’ me. My options were the kerb or a head on- it was ridiculous as I was already passed the first parked car but he seemed hellbent on a head on. At no point did I accelerate/get all manly etc- it happened soo bloody quickly. Anyway he ended up mounting the kerb (on myside of the road) and driving down the pavement. From the speed he was doing I imagine he royally **** at least his front suspension/tracking etc etc.

    In my rear view mirror I also noted his reverse lights coming on as he banged down the set of kerbs breaking up the stretch of pavement- so either he panicked and hit reverse or it was royally shaking everything up!

    Anyway I stopped. Got out to try and get his plate to report but he shot down the road at speed. I swung the car round incase he’d gotten out of sight, pulled over to check his car but nope- not a sign and this was a long straightish road with roads leading off in straight lines further down so he must have realised his driving was very dangerous and legged it?!!!

    Free Member

    don simon – Member
    Coolio, that’s like David Beckham articulating that I’m good at football.

    That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me! 😀

    Mega, shall I start a rant about how disappointed I am that 28 people I’ve never met, from a country I rarely visit, were killed in another country I rarely visit? It’s a terrible tragedy, and I feel incredibly sad for all those affected, but it didn’t make my piss boil in the same way as my wing mirror incident, and it wouldn’t be a very good subject for a tongue-in-cheek rant that’s sole aim was to entertain, amuse and vent a bit of steam.

    Free Member

    in other news 28 people died in a coach tragedy

    Close down the forum yeah?

    Free Member

    in other news 28 people died in a coach tragedy
    you lost a wing mirror. you are insured


    Sorry I don’t know why you’d use such an tragedy to embarrass the OP.

    Free Member

    Why are people getting all antsy over the word ‘bint’, saying it’s sexist? Care to explain how the Arabic word for daughter being used to describe a woman is sexist? Anyone?

    Some people feel the need to appear offended at the slightest things to show how morally superior inferior they are

    Free Member

    Sorry I don’t know why you’d use such an tragedy to embarrass the OP yourself.


    Free Member

    Sorry I don’t know why you’d use such an tragedy to embarrass the OP.


    Other threads / fora are available etc…

    Free Member

    OP- so its it going to be settled in your favour? Rememeber to calculate the rise in your annual premiums for the next few years and pass this onto their insurer as well.

    To do this, use their insurers quote system as a comparison..

    Free Member

    I would have expected my use of the word “rant” in the title, my prolific and comedic use of capitals, and the tone and timbre of my post would make most people realise that it was a letting-off of steam, rather than an accurate expression of my views regarding the female of the species, the mentally disabled, and dead Belgians.

    Having said that, I do enjoy a bit of verbal swordplay with the liberal how-very-dare-he bedwetters, so please, carry on… 😉

    Hora, can you do that?

    Free Member

    Yes- if its found 100% in your favour that it was a no-fault accident.

    Run two identical quotes through their insurers portal. One no accidents- one with. See the difference and times by 3 at least. You can then present this to them saying ‘using your OWN figures’… 😆

    Free Member

    Cheers Hora! I’ll try that… 🙂

    Free Member

    Just ran it through and it didn’t make any difference to the quote. I’ll mention it next time I speak to the claim handler though….

    Free Member

    I had a £1,500 repair bill to my car but I imagine in increase premiums I paid circa £600 extra in insurance thanks to a **** idiot.

    Free Member

    I do enjoy a bit of verbal swordplay

    As opposed to oral swordplay, which is a different hobby entirely.

    Free Member

    I rather enjoy a bit of that also Konabunny… :p

    Free Member

    I’m expecting you to be banned for your rant so good work.

    I was banned for a period for less swear filter avoidance concerning swear words that could be deemed less offensive. Although given that it was my first offence, I’m assuming I had upset the wrong person once or wasn’t part of the cool crowd, so you may get away with it.

    PS. I would do the same thing as you, let her learn from her mistakes.

    PPS. To the post that suggested that bint is offensive, it’s Arabic for girl.

    Free Member

    I dont think there is a single car parked down our street with a mint mirror or some type of dammage to them, done by drivers clipping them as they pass.

    Most have them folded back or the stick on replacment glass mirrors

    Life must be good for you, if all you have to worry about is a busted mirror!

    Full Member

    Hora, having seen the standard of your driving, I’d assume any ‘incident’ on the road involving you was definitely your fault.

    Whether you perceive it as such is neither here nor there, really.

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