Home Forums Chat Forum Rant… SILLY BINT!

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  • Rant… SILLY BINT!
  • Shibboleth
    Free Member

    So I’m driving along at about 25mph, and this SILLY BINT decides to overtake 2 parked cars. I hit the curb trying to get out of her way but she smashed my wing mirror.

    She stopped, so I reversed back to her where she accused me of going TOO FAST! Told me that she wasn’t “accepting responsibility”, and that you can EASILY get 2 cars through the gap!!! NOT WHEN YOU LEAVE A 4ft GAP YOU STUPID BINT!!!

    So we exchange insurance details, and I spend HOURS on the phone to the insurance company because she repeatedly REFUSES to accept responsibility! I have to give a full statement, send off all the photos and my insurers then spend weeks arguing the toss with SILLY BINT’S insurers!!

    THEN! Yesterday, I get a phonecall off HER DAD!!! Saying her insurance is going to go up to 800 quid and she’ll lose all of her 500 quid excess, so can I take it to a dealership and get it fixed for £150!!

    No courtesy car or anything, he even suggested I could WAIT while they fixed it, only a COUPLE OF F*****G HOURS!!!!!!! Cheeky f*****r

    I told him to sling his hook, she should learn to accept responsibility for her actions, and she should at least HAVE THE BALLS to ring me herself!!!!!

    Am I being unreasonable??? This silly cow has tried EVERYTHING to blame me, shirk responsibility, and now it’s obvious she’s gonna get stung, she’s GETTING HER DAD TO TRY AND BAIL HER OUT!!!!!!!!

    (soz, just needed to get that off my chest…. grrrrrrrrrrr)

    Free Member

    Good one. Best rant for a while.
    Even in the wrong forum for extra points.

    Free Member

    You are being perfectly reasonable. She may think twice about driving like a dick again!

    Full Member

    as above, wrong forum gives it that extra impact.

    Free Member

    ‘Bint’ is a sexist derogatory term used to demean wimmin.

    Free Member

    I think you lose a couple of points for including a photo in a rant

    Free Member

    its two fold but still her fault imo

    she was leaving room incase a car door swung open BUT

    she was encroching onto the other side of the carridgeway into the path of an oncoming car

    thus guilty m’lord ….

    and your being reasonable.

    Full Member

    “lose all of her £500 excess”

    I don’t get it.

    Free Member

    Do “Bints” have balls, usually?

    Full Member

    So I’m driving along at about 25mph

    maybe if you had been watching the road instead of looking at your speedo the “accident” could have been avoided.

    Free Member

    Good going; capitals, swear filter avoidance, derogatory sexist language, but impact lessened by the apology at the end.

    FWIW, blokes do this too – coming out of a narrow culdesac with Mrs Removed driving last week, a guy coming the other way tried to squeeze through a non-existent gap where a van was parked with two wheels on the pavement (his side of the road).

    Mrs Removed managed to get two wheels onto the kerb and he just missed us. He screeched to a halt and began waving his arms around but he must have seen the colour of my face (a fetching balckish / red my wife tells me) as he roared off quick-smart…

    I do wonder where we’d be if she’d borked the suspension going up on the kerb though – £££s worth off I imagine.

    Full Member

    Nice rant, but you loose points for being far to concise and taking the time to show us the photo but do get an extra point from me for the wrong forum…


    TBH I surprised you managed to get your insurers to agree it wasn’t your fault, normally they just seem to capitulate cause they simply can’t be bothered to spend money fighting, good man!

    Free Member

    I guess the key question is

    Did she have any tattoos?


    Free Member

    My opinion would be divided on this.

    On the one hand, the human/compassionate part of me would be saying “fair enough if he’s willing to cover the cost to get it fixed privately, no need to involve the insurers, bit of a wait, but what the heck” etc etc

    On the other hand … “it’s her own fault, let her suffer the consequences and maybe she’ll become a better/safer driver” etc etc

    What to do ? …

    Free Member

    She is reaping her own karma.

    Now it’s been progressed with the insurers she will have to record the accident on future insurance quotes which will increase her premium anyway.

    If she’s keen to keep her premium lower and avoid paying the excess get a quote for the work but with an extra £150 for the inconvenience and cash up front. Win win that way. She learns an expensive lesson but slightly less expensive and you make some cash.

    Free Member

    No tattoos, no balls, and no no claims bonus… Bonus! Sorry for the wrong forum faux pas, I’m obviously still seething…

    Free Member

    I think you lose a couple of points for including a photo in a rant

    Hmmm, points lost for a relevant photo. A well placed photo of a dead kitten could have strengthened the rant further.

    Full Member

    Just get the £150 in cash, then get mirror from Wingmirrorman {don’t know the web address, just Google it} pay loads less for mirror, fit yourself and keep the balance!

    Full Member

    Good one. Best rant for a while.


    Free Member

    I think the swear filter avoidance indicates an amount of pre-meditation and awareness so points lost for that. Let the hate flow man.
    She absolutely deserves all she gets, you’re being entirely reasonable. Is it too late to put in a whiplash claim?

    Free Member

    Good rant – random capitalisation, overuse of exclamation marks, innapropriate derogartory terms. 8/10

    (yes, she is learning a hard lesson in life about accepting responsibility and sorting things out. Reasonable that it is sorted properly, and she as old enough to drive should also be old enough to take the responsibility to sort it – I wonder what she would have said if it was an injury, a cyclist or major damage to car? We had an issue many years back with an accident on a narrow lane – similar in that mrs_oab stopped, had damage from wall on nearside she was so close, the other car managed to skid full length of our car damaging every panel and only stopped 10′ beyond – and over the halfway of the road. But is was ‘our fault’ according to her and father when we went to insurers. We lived 500m away and had popped back to take pictures of skid marks, glass etc and had exact layout of road…)

    Free Member

    She had a … What’s the current PC term for a mentally deficient individual??… who was having some sort of panic attack in the car. AND she was smoking… Both situations were obviously distracting her.

    If she’d held he hands up there and then, I’d have helped her fix it, but she’s just tried to avoid responsibility. Now she’s got nowhere to run, she wants to minimise the cost to her. Shes just a ****.

    Unfortunately, no kittens, window lickers or bints were hurt in this incident.

    Free Member

    of course folks assume wing mirrors to be cheap

    mind my mate reversed his near new merc c220 coupe and cliped a fence post which tore it off ….

    heated mirror , indicator and puddle light + colour coded … nearly 1k to replace the thing

    Full Member

    well you are 100% in the right, and itw as a good rant
    although bint is indeed a bit of an unecessary term imo

    i quite like the idea that hes willing to get it fixed privately

    if only more people did this then life would be a lot simpler, as long as the works done properly i cant see that id have a problem with it
    infact if it was me id get him to by the wing mirror fit it myself and charge hm for labour

    after all wont your premiums be affected too?

    as for the courtesy car thing im sure that your time isnt that precious that you could survive without a car for a few hours if your really desperate to get somewhere you could always cycle 😉

    Free Member

    as for the courtesy car thing im sure that your time isnt that precious that you could survive without a car for a few hours if your really desperate to get somewhere you could always cycle

    Do you have any idea how important I am????

    Full Member

    If the insurance companies are involved then leave it with them. Other than her loss of excess I can;t see there’s much to gain by settling it privately.

    And you potentially have a lot to lose if they start playing up again after you agree a private deal.

    Free Member

    10/10 from me just for using the word bint.

    Free Member

    looks like your poor road reading ability has left you falling back on sexist bullying to avoid admitting that you messed up..

    well done

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    If it was me I’d offer to sort it myself for 350 if it was 200 worth of repair. That covers your hassle, you get something out of it and don’t lose out.

    Full Member

    ****ing Outstanding! If I did have an issue – and I’m nit-picking here – you’re grammar is too good. Is it too late to edit out half the full stops? For me, then its a 10. Gold Star anyway though 😀

    Full Member

    you’re grammar is too good


    Full Member

    Why hasn’t whiplash been brought into this?

    Bint is good tho 😀

    Free Member

    Docked a few points as your rant is reasonably justified and you are not in the wrong.

    Free Member

    I think you captured the mood beautifully.
    Well done!

    Don’t forget to report it to the police, as her insurers will really start being twunts if they realise you haven’t.

    Full Member

    I hit the curb trying to get out of her way but she smashed my wing mirror.

    You’ll want to allow fro the cost of checking and maybe re doing your tracking.

    Full Member

    Good rant 😀 Personally I let him do it privately.

    I had this about a month ago but it all turned out rather amicably…a white van man did exactly the same to me and took off my part of my wing mirror. He didn’t stop so I turned the car around and followed him. 3 miles up the road I caught up with him and got him to stop. Initally he gave the excuse that Shib got about wide enough gap but I pointed out it was my right of way and I’d call the police for him not stopping at scene of accident and he fortunately changed his tune. Turned out he owned a gargae 🙄 and he had a brand new wing mirror colour matched up and fitted for me in less than a week.

    Free Member

    If its any consolation, I had a similar incident and ended up with 5 points and £185 in fines, plus a visit to the magistrates court. So dont moan to me that you’re being inconvenienced etc!

    *note to self always report to police and give insurance details, even if its clearly not your fault*

    Free Member

    You hit the curb? When you have right of way – drive straight at the bastards (or indeed bints) make them do the bloody avoiding. Bastards.

    Free Member

    That’s a point, my tyre is starting to scrub on the outside edge from where I hit the curb and I’ve had a slow puncture ever since…

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