Racial Profiling of...

[Closed] Racial Profiling of Illegal Immigrants

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[url] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/10217808/Home-Office-immigration-crackdown-likened-to-Hunger-Games.html [/url]

I'll play devils advocate here, surely for the short term gains, you would racially profile your targets, wouldn't you?

My reasoning:

The majority of white Europeans descent in the UK will have a right to be under the EU freedom of movement rules.

Whilst there are a large number of British people of Asians and African descent, you will find that the majority of illegal immigrants will be of Asian or African descent.

Your thoughts?

P.S. How long till I get banned by the lefties?

Posted : 02/08/2013 1:14 pm

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