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  • PSA -Dualit 4 slice toaster £135
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    Free Member

    Following on from the other toaster thread, if you’re in the market for a fancy one for much less than MRP Costco have a short-term deal ATM if you are someone you know has membership.

    £135 – free delivery

    Free Member

    I’m not sure in what world a £135 toaster is a deal

    Full Member

    I’m not sure in what world a £135 toaster is a deal

    I’d love to think that the toast is 350% better than my current toast

    Full Member

    Does it talk to you?

    Free Member

    I’m not sure in what world a £135 toaster is a deal

    This world. It will last 20 years, made in the UK. Fantastic even toast compared to the vast majority of toasters.

    Imagine a world where people pay £1,000 for a push bike!!

    Full Member

    I would definitely buy – if I didn’t already have one.

    Free Member

    Thats a good deal, i bought it at 169, which including cage was already a good deal. Coctco must sell loads at that price, expect to replace elements after 20 years

    Full Member

    Imagine a world where people pay £1,000 for a push bike!!

    Imagine a world where people compare toasters to push bikes!!

    Free Member

    It will last 20 years

    At the very least.

    Full Member

    I’m not sure in what world a £135 toaster is a deal

    …some people spend £500 + just to chop-up coffee beans! Fools! :-)

    Full Member

    the-muffin-man Full Member

    I’m not sure your opinion is unbiased…

    Free Member

    hes shilling for Big-Dough, wake up sheeple!

    Full Member

    I shouldn’t rise to this but it’s worth the dough.

    Ours is 15 years old and still works perfectly. They can be repaired too if there is a problem. Over a 20+yr lifespan you’ll probably buy 5 or 6 cheap toasters so it’s not that crazy.

    Free Member

    “Imagine a world where people compare toasters to push bikes!!”

    Fortunately no one has done that here.

    What’s relevant is that £135 might be an obscene amount of money for a toaster for someone who doesn’t think £1,000 is obscene for a push bike. Or vice versa.

    The Dualit at £135 is probably cheaper than a £30 toaster which will need replacing enough time to make it poor value.

    Full Member

    Over a 20+yr lifespan you’ll probably buy 5 or 6 cheap toasters so it’s not that crazy.

    Interesting research you’ve done there. 😂

    Full Member

    Whilst I own one, and really value the way it’s made and the fact it is basically a ‘toaster for life’ and think more stuff should be manufactured to be repairable AND I think it makes great toast….I still chuckle at us for this PSA being a peak STW!

    Full Member

    We’re in the market for a new toaster as the one we have is failing. £135 you say?

    Think I’ll check the other thread.

    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure I’ve never spent more than £10 on a toaster
    And I also don’t remember ever having to replace one apart from when it didn’t fit the decor
    I have also never complained about the quality of the toast coming out of the toaster

    Don’t get me wrong, i’m a fan of toast…..

    Full Member

    Mines 30 yrs old and a design classic.

    Full Member

    Over a 20+yr lifespan you’ll probably buy 5 or 6 cheap toasters so it’s not that crazy.

    We’re on our third toaster in 30yrs… the first one died, the second got passed on… third and current one was £2.70 second hand about ten years ago (bought it because it’s predecessor didn’t have a lifter for getting crumpets and small bits of bread out… which turns out to be essential… and the Dualit also has).

    Buy a Dualit if money no object… they look ace and work well… I’d gladly have one… there’s no maths that makes them anything other than very expensive though. But don’t let that stop you!

    Full Member

    It’s an old model on PSA though. The newer ones have the enormously important bagel setting so I’d splash out for a full price direct from Dualit if I were you.

    Free Member

    now if someone had mentioned Bagels…….
    I’m assuming if the new model can do bagels it can do hot cross buns without involving the smoke alarm?

    Full Member

    The newer ones have the enormously important bagel setting

    Our £2.70 toaster has that as well… and it’s really useful… unless you like your bagels either over toasted on the outside, or under toasted on the inside.

    Full Member

    Some of you want naan of this poshery, what a pitta the thread took such a turn.

    Full Member

    Well done sir, peak STW ;->

    The newer ones have the enormously important bagel setting so I’d splash out for a full price direct from Dualit if I were you.

    Full Member

    I’m a big fan of the classic toaster but can’t get my head around Dualit as a company. The USP for the toaster is that it’s basically a simple design that can do the job and can be repaired easily when it eventually breaks. It’s basically just a durable shiny box (that you can scrub up clean if you want to), a simple clockwork timer, a simple lever to raise/lower the toast/bagel whenever you want to check how its doing and some heater elements that are easy to replace when they eventually burn out. They seem to sell pretty much any part as a spare.

    All great stuff and I’m a big fan of our classic toaster. Big enough that I bought their kettle and hand mixer. The kettle does boil quickly and the web page says that the element is both replaceable and repairable. Only they don’t actually list it as a spare part so I’m not sure how you are supposed to do this. It does match the toaster nicely though :) The mixer is just a plastic hand held mixer like any other really though and again there aren’t any parts listed. They could develop a good USP by making everything repairable and supplying all the parts, but other than the toaster they don’t.

    Full Member

    a simple lever to raise/lower the toast/bagel whenever you want to check how its doing

    My cheap old toaster has that as well. I should have paid more.

    The thing with the Dualit range is… lots of the newer stuff is unrepairable… only a few long standing models really are still fully strippable with replacement parts available… they’re going backwards on reuse and repair, sadly. Pick carefully…

    Full Member

    If you buy XTR, buy a Dualit
    If you’re a Deore kind of person, don’t

    We got a six slot (wife’s choice, because of all the kids apparently) and I’m not sure it makes toast better than a cheap one but certainly looks nicer. Only annoying thing is that if it isn’t plugged in / switched on at plug then you can go through the motions of making toast and find you still only have bread.

    Free Member

    When it comes to how *other* people spend their money, STW always deliver on the chip on shoulder / reverse snobbery front.

    Full Member

    I’m a 2011 SLX and 2022 GRX600 kind of guy but I’ve got a Dualit toaster

    My life is suddenly meaningless

    Full Member

    When we tried to get our dualit kettle repaired it was cheaper to buy a new one (in a sale) than the repair service fee plus postage.

    Toaster, (well 2 slot), the mrs (*who marketing people the world over will love) thinks it looks great, I think that it toasts unevenly, you have to flatten/crush our rather delicious local bakery teacakes (and other thick things), cut down oversized ‘boutique’, loaves, wasteful (doesn’t stop when you pop), if you forget the grandchildren have been it often just acts as a cold whirring timer.

    Full Member

    Our Dualit toaster that we got as a wedding present 14 years back is on it’s 2nd set of heating elements but still works perfectly so we don’t need a toaster. T

    However they also have the Dualit Classic kettle for £75 (They’re £145 on John Lewis) so I’ve snapped one of them up as our current kettle is slowly dying.

    Don’t mind spending money on stuff that’s made to last and which I use everyday.

    Free Member

    I feel as if I should’ve been already aware of Dualit toaster’s before this thread?
    is it like those fancy vacuum cleaners with the headlight that the sales people would actually come into your house to demo?
    an urban folklore thing?

    Free Member

    You’re probably reading just a little bit too much into it Alan.

    Full Member

    just don’t say Dualit three times whilst looking in the mirror (or the lovely polished surface of the Dualit toaster)

    Full Member

    Toaster? How vulgar. Surely you use the hot plate on the Aga? Peasants.

    Full Member

    However they also have the Dualit Classic kettle for £75 (They’re £145 on John Lewis) so I’ve snapped one of them up as our current kettle is slowly dying.

    Don’t mind spending money on stuff that’s made to last and which I use everyday.

    That’s the one I was moaning about earlier in the thread :) It’s a lovely kettle in many ways. Looks good (especially sat next to the Dualit Toaster), boils quickly and even sounds good. But it’s nothing like the Toaster really. Despite claiming that it is repairable they don’t seem to supply any spare parts for it, so (unlike the toaster) you can’t actually repair it  yourself.

    Ours has developed an annoying fault with the persistence switch not connecting so the button just pops back up when you push it down unless you jiggle it just right. No spare parts available so I’ll have to try to bodge a repair.

    In truth it’s just an expensive kettle. Nice, but no better than any other expensive kettle really.

    Full Member

    That kettle looks like it’s a bad pourer.

    Why do people design tea pots and kettles that don’t pour very well. It’s a tea pot’s one job to do. A kettle has two jobs but it’s still crap design.

    Full Member

    Put me in the “for a **** toaster?” pigeonhole. Our Tefal Toast N Egg cost £35.61 in 2016, and I thought that was expensive.

    Full Member

    Does it boil eggs as well?

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