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  • PSA – £200 Domestic Alternative Fuel Payment deadline is looming
  • creakingdoor
    Free Member

    A quick search suggests that this hasn’t been done yet, apologies if it has.
    The deadline for applications for the £200 payment for those not on the gas network is 31st May.
    A quick chat with my electricity supplier revealed that I haven’t received the payment as they have no records of me being eligible, how they would have that info is beyond me as I’ve never been asked.
    Anyhoo, the link is
    Takes about 5 minutes, but you’ll need a recent invoice from an energy supplier (oil in most cases).
    If you haven’t had it yet either, crack on. Time is of the vanilla…

    Free Member

    I’ve done this and not received it. Contacted them and they said it’s in the hands of my council who have done nothing!

    Free Member

    On a similar note, if you don’t have your own electric account (eg pay a flat rate with rent payments for it etc) you may be eligible for the government £400.

    I can dig out the link tomorrow if this affects you.

    I have been told it may close 31 May

    Free Member

    I’ve done this and not received it. Contacted them and they said it’s in the hands of my council who have done nothing!

    Just had an email after just 5 days stating that my application has been accepted and I’ll be getting the money from my local council within 5 days. The deadline is today!

    Free Member

    I got mine out of the blue from the council a few weeks ago. No comms or anything, took me a while to work out what it was!

    Full Member

    Thanks for posting this, I thought I’d received it but couldn’t find any record. Put in a claim after reading this and it’s appeared in my account today 👍

    Full Member

    Seems to be a hit and miss. I got paid by Ovo back in February without applying. I was never quite sure how they were going to identify people who are eligible!

    Full Member

    Got mine automatically a while back – probably because I get RHI rebates on my ASHP

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