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  • Prometheus, what a film!!!!!!!!
  • bigphilblackpool
    Free Member

    Dont know why so many people slated this film, its fantastic!!! And the engineer at the end!!!!! Wtf

    Free Member

    The opening scene was simply stunning. The music, landscapes, the intrigue of the engineers self sacrifice. I was thinking this is going to be something else.

    Then it all slowly turned to sh*t. It was so obvious where Ridley was arguing with the studio and they got their way. Shame as the potential was massive.

    Free Member

    hopefully we will get a meaty directors cut, that being said I still enjoyed it a lot

    Free Member

    I did enjoy it but there was some element of it feeling rushed in places. But the whole it wasn’t an Alien prequel, pffft.

    Free Member

    The opening scene was simply stunning. The music, landscapes, the intrigue of the engineers self sacrifice. I was thinking this is going to be something else.
    Then it all slowly turned to sh*t. It was so obvious where Ridley was arguing with the studio and they got their way. Shame as the potential was massive.


    Free Member

    Absolutely shite movie, which I should have known would be shit after one of the writers of ‘I woke up and it was all heaven lol’ Lost was involved.

    So many plot holes, mistakes, stupid/unexplained actions from the crew. Makes me angry now just thinking about it. Such a wasted chance. I mean if you put any thought into it whatsoever it falls apart.

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    deserter – Member
    hopefully we will get a meaty directors cut, that being said I still enjoyed it a lot

    The blu ray/ DVD has some cut scenes on the extras disc apparently

    There will be no directors cut – Ridley has already said that the cinema cut is the directors cut

    We just have to face up to the fact that the film is a load of old pony

    Free Member

    Watched this for the first time t’other day

    Yes, it was pants. Even after I’d lowered my expectations after reading it was pants. Lots of potential squandered.

    Free Member

    Excellent movie, well entertaining I thought 🙂

    Free Member

    I watched this last night. Meh! it was ok, nothing special.

    Full Member

    I was disappointed, although if anyone puts the Benny Hill soundtrack to the bit where she’s ‘trying’ to avoid the falling bits of ship I’d watch it…

    Free Member

    First half was really enjoyable, very tense but from the whole bit where Noomi Rapace’s character got “pregnant” it all went a bit stupid. The whole bit with the baby alien right at the end felt like it was very much shoe horned in there to create a link to the later films.

    Free Member

    Dont know why so many people slated this film

    Probably because different people have different opinions on what makes a good film

    I’ve not seen the film, although I have been put off watching it by all the hype.

    I don’t know if it’s just me being difficult, but the more hype something gets the less interested I am in it.

    Full Member

    i thought the film was pants apart from the bit where she uses the surgery machine for the cesarean/abortion

    Free Member

    +1 with JCL

    still ok though.

    Full Member

    It was so obvious where Ridley was arguing with the studio and they got their way. Shame as the potential was massive.

    I thought Ridley got his way, and released the movie he wanted. The studio wanted a ‘directors cut’ with deleted scenes re-inserted, but Scott was against this. Course, he may change his mind, and story, in light of the reception it received…

    Free Member

    JCL hit the nail on the head

    Full Member

    ‘I woke up and it was all heaven lol’

    That’s not what happened in Lost.

    Free Member

    AlexSimon – Member

    That’s not what happened in Lost.

    It basically was but let me rephrase anyhow: ‘I flashed sideways after messing about pressing a button every 108 minutes in a basically irrelevant hatch, dodging polar bears from a basically irrelevant experiment, found an irrelevant three-toed statue, found some weird shit stones in a cave, did some basically irrelevant time travel using some weird underground wheel thing then I splashed about in some weird glowing water never before mentioned and now I’m in multi-religion heaven created especially for us ’cause we spent such a magical time together on purgatory island that according to the authors is definitely not purgatory lol’.

    They should have shown this at the start of the first episode, then we could have known the ending would be pseudo-religious bilge.

    Full Member

    Agree wholeheartedly with the ‘irrelevant’ bits. One of the most disappointing shows ever. Basically got you thinking there was something linking everything together, when in fact they were just leading us along. Basically the island was ‘special’ and we should just take that as a good enough explanation. I mean – the smoke monster – wth?

    Free Member

    retro83 – Member
    Absolutely shite movie, which I should have known would be shit after one of the writers of ‘I woke up and it was all heaven lol’ Lost was involved.

    So many plot holes, mistakes, stupid/unexplained actions from the crew. Makes me angry now just thinking about it. Such a wasted chance. I mean if you put any thought into it whatsoever it falls apart.


    Wouldn’t go as far as to say it’s totally shite, but like the dude in the video clip I did find it puzzling, even after a 2nd watch in case I missed anything, a very annoying movie with lots of stuff un answered and or totally illogical.

    You probably need to watch it if only to make yourself as irritated as me.

    Free Member

    Worth watching and looked cool but the plot and script are really very poor indeed. Very difficult to care about any of the characters.

    And I blame the lost writer too.

    Free Member

    mostly a re-writing of Alien. The opening scenes were brilliant and hugely visua,
    but like someone said above – descended into franchise material, ticking boxes for the fans. Was quite into it when I saw it, but on reflection a bit dissappointing. But Ridley coming back to big sci-fi is always going to be dissappointing I suppos
    e. It’s very hard to top Bladerunner.

    Free Member

    There you go

    Full Member

    I watched it at the cinema and enjoyed it but felt the story was a bit inconsistent.

    I watched it last night on Bluray on a 40″ TV and was far less impressed – the lack of scale on the smaller screen just left a fragmented mess.

    Free Member

    I liked it. I think some of you see ‘classic’ films through rose-tinted spectacles.
    It was certainly better than Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection which are just bad films.
    Visually it was incredible, just wished I’d seen it on the big screen.

    Free Member

    Prometheus was pretty dire.

    Lost was so bad it was hilarious. I wanted to like that series but they consistently cobbled together the storyline, threw in ridiculous spokes, built stories around complete nonsense and basically built a series that would appeal to critics by keeping it complex.

    Free Member

    I liked the whole film apart from the last scene. The engineer died in the pod but in Alien was dead in the chair! Just doesn’t add up for me.

    I didn’t get the opening scene either.

    Full Member

    @I_Ache the chair thing confused me too but the movies are set on different planets/moons.

    Alien/Aliens – LV426
    Prometheus – LV223

    Opening scene was seeding the Earth with engineer DNA

    Free Member

    I rather watch Alien vs Predator …

    Free Member

    So so about describes it. IMO better than Alien Ressurection, not as good as Alien 3. When the ship was cartwheeling on the planets surface why didn’t they run to the side? There was a segment in the middle when it all kicked off big style. I thought there was far too much going on and it was all disjointed.

    Full Member

    Really wanted to like this, but thought it was pretty awful.
    I’m more than happy to suspend disbelief, but this doesn’t extend to covering up plotholes and storyline silliness.
    Is spreading your dna like that really the best way to create a species in your own image? Presumably not, since we look so different despite having identical dna.

    No scary stuff/shocks/jump out of your seat stuff.
    Built up no empathy with any of the characters, so their deaths were pretty emotionless.
    Awful acting- at first I thought that the self abort scenes were a dream sequence, it was so badly acted, and the characters actions made no sense.

    Fassbender was very good though.

    Free Member

    The opening scene was simply stunning. The music, landscapes, the intrigue of the engineers self sacrifice. I was thinking this is going to be something else.

    Then it all slowly turned to sh*t.

    I’ve seen a few like this 🙁
    2001 is the one that springs instantly to mind.

    Free Member

    he opening scene was simply stunning. The music, landscapes, the intrigue of the engineers self sacrifice. I was thinking this is going to be something else.

    Then it all slowly turned to sh*t. It was so obvious where Ridley was arguing with the studio and they got their way. Shame as the potential was massive.

    Sums it up for me

    Free Member

    If you think Prometheus was not good … try sitting through Men in Black3 or Transformers3.
    I failed to get through the first half hour of Transformers3 … Dire!!

    Full Member

    Very difficult to care about any of the characters.


    30 years on from Aliens I can probably still name most, if not all, of the characters. 30 minutes on from Prometheus, I’d have struggled to name any.

    I enjoyed Prometheus, but as others have said it could’ve been a whole lot better.

    Full Member

    Where does the ‘Ridley arguing with the studio’ come from?

    I thought that all along he’s said he made the film he wanted to and that’s why there would be no director’s cut. I was under the impression that the additional scenes in the blu rays were included at the studios insistence.

    Free Member

    I love how people point out the plot holes in Prometheus, obviously ignoring the fact that Alien and Aliens are riddled with plot holes as well. (not to mention 3 and 4)

    Full Member

    At least in Aliens they’d learned the skill of turning corners when running away from things.

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