• This topic has 27 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by Drac.
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  • Police line – do not cross
  • enfht
    Free Member

    So I just shot home for lunch to find my entire road and surrounding area closed off, something to do with a “firearms incident”. Rang the local nick and they won’t tell me whats going on. Aint London life great.

    Free Member

    Just be grateful you’re not an electrician from Brazil.

    Full Member

    Rang the local nick and they won’t tell me whats going on

    Why would they?

    Free Member

    More like why shouldn’t they, I do live there afterall. Anyhow, for all you know I might have had people at home whom I’m worried about. A bit of info would have been reassuring thats all..I wasn’t asking for a full breakdown of events.

    Full Member

    The power of the little man. You see ,they have information, you don’t…Who’s in charge…They are.

    It is toss

    Free Member

    Because he lives there and not unreasonably wants to know what is going on there. Perhaps he’d like to know if the roads will be closed making going home difficult. He rang the police who’s job is to keep us safe, not the secret police who keep us in the dark. Who do you suggest he calls, Rupert Murdoc?

    Free Member

    nickc, earlier today:

    Free Member

    or maybe its cause its a random phoning up trying to get what could be sensitive info. I know you’re a resident of the street, but they’ll also be getting calls from the press pretending to be residents … hence not telling you anything .. standard practice pretty much.

    Full Member

    I don’t smoke…. :-)

    Feeling militant today, who wants an argument…

    Full Member

    They’ve given you all the info they need to: “Do not cross” and “firearms incident”.

    If you have someone in your place, tell them. Don’t exoect them to know automatically who you are and why it’s so utterly important that, in spite of the wider concerns with an incident (ongoing or being investogated) you simply must go home for your beans on toast right now.

    Free Member

    I’m sorry Officer Ournmaninthenorth !!

    Free Member

    Do you live in Haringey?

    Police shoot man in N London

    Free Member

    Curiosity and a desire to understand our environment is what separates us from the police

    Where did that come from, maybe I do Nickc.

    Free Member

    Police shoot man in N London
    I was right – should have called Rupert

    Free Member

    It’s ok they’re 110% they’ve got the right man this time! :wink:

    Free Member

    Nope I’m in Enfield, birthplace of the Bren and Sten machine guns, not to mention the Lee Enfield Rifle

    Full Member

    enfht – now just be careful your ipod wires aren’t haning out of your jacket, or i shall be forced to lie on oath that you were a terrorist jumping barriers in tubestations and seeking to evade capture….

    (Seriously, you have no chance of finding out what the dibble are up to. I suggest you repair to a pub and “chillax” with a pint.)

    Full Member

    Mostlyharmless? what kind of a name is that?

    Did you spill my pint…etc etc etc…

    Free Member

    (removes jacket, hands glasses to wife)

    A damn fine name that’s been in my family for generations and much less stupid than my name on the old forum. Not noble enough for you is it.

    (pushes nickc on shoulder)

    Free Member

    mostlyharmless, I wouldn’t take that

    Full Member

    Is that the best you can do?


    Free Member

    (gropes around to retrieve glasses)

    well yes that’s about the height of my trash talk. harmless by name, harmless by nature, well mostly. :(

    (gets coat)

    Full Member

    Yey me…. :lol:

    That’s the fist fight I’ve won since I caught John Hedges a lucky one to his ear, and he ran off to tell his mum….

    Full Member

    More like why shouldn’t they, I do live there afterall.

    There’s a thing known as confidentiality, just because live there doesn’t mean you have the right to know immediately what is going on. The times I hear this from people “What’s happening?” “I can’t tell you sorry” “I have the right to know I live here!” “Sorry no you don’t”

    Free Member

    enfht – ’twas the one down by the N Circ/Green Lanes area – written up in the local rag as the Enfield/Harringey borders – makes a change for it not to be the greeks/turks and albanians down that way trying to kill each other off (’tis nicer on the ‘posh’ side of enfield!)

    Free Member

    Sorry Drac dont agree mate, they could elaborate on “why” they cant tell me more, which would be fair enough, but when they assume they dont need to explain it makes me think they’re too removed from the very people they’re meant to be serving.

    Free Member

    do you see what I did there :-)

    Full Member

    Sorry Drac dont agree mate, they could elaborate on “why” they cant tell me more,

    They could but they don’t have to until they feel it necessary, safe or have permission to reveal such information.

    ssume they dont need to explain it makes me think they’re too removed from the very people they’re meant to be serving.

    They’re not assuming anything like I said there are times when information won’t be released.

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