I suspect this is far more about getting the images into the mainstream media to get the advertizers logos visible to people who aren't watching the sport already.
There's probably some truth in this. How do you get your brand in the papers? Get the paparazzi to take photos of it. How do you get them to take photos? Hire some photogenic ladies.
[quote=hels ]Boardinbob - there is no need for the personal attack and name calling. I have no idea who you are - should I ??
So just to clarify, it's ok for you to criticise the podium girls for what they (don't) eat and laugh at them when they're doing their job?
In fairness, F1 got rid of it years ago
Maybe, but they still spray a lot of champagne around, promoting alcoholism. It would be better if they used a vegetable-based health drink.
I personally think podium girls are the least of cycling problems when it comes to the fairer sex, the fact that most of the mens teams don't have a ladies team as well
Agreed, but the thread's about PGs.
i do think the practise is a bit antiquated yes, but listening to the ladies themselves, it is somethine they clearly enjoy doing.
Again, I've a friend who jumped at the chance to do it and be part of a big local event, and fair enough. Still naff though
Maybe, but they still spray a lot of champagne around, promoting alcoholism. It would be better if they used a vegetable-based health drink.
If it concerns you, feel free to start a thread about it.
It makes the sport seem stuck in the past. It sends out the message that in cycling a woman's place is on the podium lookin purdy not on the bike kicking ass. It also sends out the message that male cyclists are girlfriendless losers who only get to be around women if those women are paid. It's insulting to everyone, it's seedy and dated, and it doesn't do the sport any favours.
The brunette on the right of Sagan a few days ago was very nice.
Maybe, but they still spray a lot of champagne around, promoting alcoholism.
???? How does [u]spraying [/u]champagne about promote alcoholism?
Surely alcoholics would drink the stuff...
They might as well be called Imodium Girls , cause i'm guessing they'd struggle to give a shit what we all think about it.
Oooooo and he missed.
I know Imodium rhymes with podium but I'm afraid loperamide reduces bowel motility.
So what you really want is Picolax girls but that could turn out messy.
Oooooo and he missed.I know Imodium rhymes with podium but I'm afraid loperamide reduces bowel motility.
So what you really want is Picolax girls but that could turn out messy.
I think you'll find they are correct.
Page 1, D_S? do catch up!
It also sends out the message that male cyclists are girlfriendless losers who only get to be around women if those women are paid.
To be fair, based on many I know, that's probably not a million miles off the mark....... 😆 😆 😆
Yup.Although, the organizers know the punters are gonna watch the racing anyway and they know punters aren't watching for the prize giving. So I suspect this is far more about getting the images into the mainstream media to get the advertizers logos visible to people who aren't watching the sport already.
And the advertizers just want what the media want.
So probably the media have the real power here.
[b]Except the media just show the news that 'the general public' want to buy.[/b]
So it's *all* our fault. We need to take a long hard look at ourselves.
The brunette on the right of Sagan a few days ago was very nice.
She tells me that you're a munter.
I'm afraid loperamide reduces bowel motility.
I'm struggling to give a shit about this.
On account of my reduced bowel motility.
Because of all the Imodium.
She's right ransos.
I think we've had the EWS girlie's podium before. Someone managed to take umbrage at that too... 😐
What we must do is legislate against Podium Girls and increase the state budget accordingly. Or just ignore the professionally offended.
What we must do is legislate against Podium Girls and increase the state budget accordingly. Or just ignore the professionally offended
Or just get everyone to realise it is 2017
2017, the Year of the Professionally Offended.
Should be added to the Chinese Calendar, maybe as a fat thong-wearing sweaty hippo eating a kebab.
2017, the Year of the Professionally Offended.
Yeah, of course it is.
[quote=enfht ]What we must do is legislate against Podium Girls and increase the state budget accordingly. Or just ignore the professionally offended.
You are indeed an example to us all on how to do this 🙄
TBH anyone who is not a knuckle dragger seems to annoy you.
What era do you wish you were born in 18 Th century or was that a bit liberal and multicultural for your tastes ?
Oh don't be so pathetic, your ilk attack anyone who doesn't share your narrow world view and you should be treated with the ridicule you deserve. Whether you like it or not, the FREEDOM to work as, or employ podium models is more important than you getting offended.
2017, the Year of the Professionally Offended.
Is your problem with the 'Professionally Offended' is that they get paid to get upset about stuff when you have to get upset about stuff for free?
Woah there Einstein * last post you said to ignore them now they deserve it
When you have made your mind up about which view you support perhaps we can discuss it?
You really a reactionary wee fella who is supremely upset that the world has moved on as your views remain routed in bygone times ...you lost so much you cannot even express your personal views openly on here, unlike me.
You also might want to read my first post on the subject before delivering me your OTT knee jerk reaction - though of course you reserve the right to admonish others for doing this
PS I assume you are now overwhelmingly in support of the right to wear the Burka then as you now you have principle and consistency 😉
* he is Jewish AND foreign
I wish podium girls weren't involved in cycling but it will need younger men running the sport. I used to hire girle for event publicity (working at the Boat Show or wandering round Villages giving out free fags ion the build up the British Grand Prix.). But then I stopped being in that line of work and thought it had pretty much started fading. A few months back we had a new product to launch and the commercial director decided what wee needed was "totty" in tight t-shirts handing out product. He looked quite surprised when I laughed assuming it was a joke. He also made several comments about how it must be nice for us working with a colleague as she was 'fit'. It was nice working with her as she was a talented hard working woman who was good at sport and also happened to be physically attractive. I don't think anyone of us when first think of her thought of her body, she was a person we liked and a member of our team.
For the commercial director that would have been an impossible state of mind to acheive.
People like him are still at the top in cycling and many other long running sports, when they go things may change.
If you want to feel slightly better about podium girls on the TDF look at what girls have to do at motoX events.
I'm looking at YOU Maxxis. 👿
But in Portugal the Feminino class winners get boys, yes I know, but at least their tryinng
[url= http://www.facebook.com/BTTALTE/photos/a.1425704407451038.1073741832.220910064597151/1425745157446963/?type=3&theater ]Linky[/url]
But in Portugal the Feminino class winners get boys
"boys"? Thats so demeaning. They're [u]men[/u]. Men is weird tiny boys trousers admittedly, but men non the less.
Oh don't be so pathetic, your ilk attack anyone who doesn't share your narrow world view and you should be treated with the ridicule you deserve. Whether you like it or not, the FREEDOM to work as, or employ podium models is more important than you getting offended.
The Jim Davidson appreciation thread is ----------------------------->
Boring mode again, but I've not spotted a single comment from an affected woman here.
Lots of bickering, shouty and occasionally well-meaning men, but not one woman with 'podium girl'as a potential employment avenue, making a contribution.
Let women make their own choice regarding what they want to do; after years of men deciding what's best for them, the best course of action is to keep our traps shut, and listen.
it really depends though - just because woman would choose to do it does not mean men are not allowed opinions
A woman cannot fight on the front line in the UK are women therefore not allowed opinion on war or fighting?Does my penis give me a special right to comment?
As I said at the start its a tough one as it is freedom of choice but it is also pandering to outdated , outmoded and unnecessary sexism where women are there to be "decorative".
I notice few of those who re arguing about freedom of choice do this when a muslim woman wears a burka - there that is ll the fault of men but here it all the womans choice and about empowerment
Its pretty disingenuous IMHO
Does my penis give me a special right to comment?
Is that why you keep posting those pics to the mods?
Does my penis give me a special right to comment?
Dunno - have you got a picture?
EDIT - darn, too slow 🙁
I notice few of those who re arguing about freedom of choice do this when a muslim woman wears a burka
If podium girls were obliged to wear a sexy uniform and makeup at all times, their whole life, you might have a point. But they don't, any more than Christopher Reeve had to wear a cape at all times. It's a role. If you can't separate reality from fantasy, then please don't go near the edge of tall buildings.
after years of men deciding what's best for them, the best course of action is to keep our traps shut, and listen.
Listen to all of them, but yes.
As I said at the start its a tough one as it is freedom of choice but it is also pandering to outdated , outmoded and unnecessary sexism where women are there to be "decorative".
Indeed. I have the same quandary.
Are we most effective in supporting the empowerment of women by not opposing their choice to become podium ladies, or are we better supporting them by questioning the notion that podium ladies should exist at all?
I'm not sure as I have the answer to that. In fact, I'm not convinced that it's a binary answer.
I'm not convinced that it's a binary answer.
To expand on that,
I think where I'm at is, I disagree with the idea that we have to deny that humans are sexual creatures - we're repressed enough to start with. Rather, what we perhaps should be rallying against is the idea that that's [i]all [/i]some of us are. Attractiveness and sexuality is a small part of a greater human whole, striving to make that either 100% or 0% of our make-up is equally flawed.
Lots of bickering, shouty and occasionally well-meaning men, but not one woman with 'podium girl'as a potential employment avenue, making a contribution.Let women make their own choice regarding what they want to do; after years of men deciding what's best for them, the best course of action is to keep our traps shut, and listen.
Hence my "80s man" post a few months back. It was what? Yesterday? Blimey.
who is denying this ? we reproduce so we all know this is a fact the problem is do we need to "celebrate" it at the end of bike stagethe idea that we have to deny that humans are sexual creatures
Do we? If so what does it add exactly?
Someone said earlier something like "yay, let's all be asexual."
I think what I mean is, I believe that everyone should be free and comfortable in using and enjoying their bodies, looks and sexuality in any way they see fit, and society need to learn to be comfortable with that. Some celebrity gets a nipple out one day and the handbrake gets pulled on the Earth's rotation; that's just crazy, we've (almost) all got nipples and they're fairly similar.
But I also think that it's archaic to view other people solely as sex objects there for our enjoyment, or to judge people based purely on their looks. I don't think it's good for people or for society to be encouraging that sort behaviour or normalising it. I abhor "lad" culture, the "tits out for the lads" brigade, it makes me ashamed to be male.
The dichotomy I have is that I'm not convinced that discouraging the former is the most effective way of discouraging the latter. Perhaps if we could all just grow the **** up a bit it'd be a lot better for all concerned.
I just dont think it adds anything to the event personally.
There will always be roles for beautiful people as there will for brainy people but we no more need stephen Hawking at this event than we do an attractive human form.
Its adds nothing and they are almost exclusively one gender.
well podium girls are certainly chosen for the later and arguably the former so blame those who enjoy/endorse/approve of it.I also think that it's archaic to view other people solely as sex objects there for our enjoyment, or to judge people based purely on their looks
I just dont think it adds anything to the event personally.
Which may well be the point.
I don't think there's anything wrong in admiring the female - or male - form. We're hard-wired to do so (otherwise we'd be extinct). But whether it's necessary or indeed appropriate to 'sex up' an awards ceremony however, probably not.
Are they sex objects? Or just a bit of feminisation and eye-candy in an otherwise male-dominated sport? Is there a difference? I think there is, but not everyone treats it as such.
I agree, it is outdated, and should probably be done away with. However, taking things to an extreme: I'm not sure if asexualisation of the whole of society is particularly good for it, or us, as a species.
It a false dichotomy[ and ludicrous] to suggest the options are
1. NO podiums girls and we are all asexual
2. Podium girls and we will continue to reproduce
TBH we are hard wired [ though not all of us] to reproduce so I think we can leave that one largely to nature. All species are sexual[ reproductive] or they are extinct.
What i find odd/OTT is the need to "sexualise" things that are just not sexual in nature like riding bikes or cars or food or diet coke or well the list is endless.
BIllhicks perfect advert
NSFW not even close hence not embedded
It a false dichotomy[ and ludicrous] to suggest the options are
1. NO podiums girls and we are all asexual
2. Podium girls and we will continue to reproduce
1. I didn't say that.
2. I didn't say that, either.
Always see the same posters all over sexism threads!!! Personally I see some sects of society trying to blur the line between women and men. And it's not a good thing.
JunkyardWhat i find odd/OTT is the need to "sexualise" things that are just not sexual in nature like riding bikes or cars or food or diet coke or well the list is endless.
[devilsadvocate] We play sports to compete. We compete to improve. We improve so we can display our dominance. We display our dominance so we can impress a mate and pass on our genes [/devilsadvocate]
[b]glasgowdan[/b]. Really?!
It is possible to love the differences between men and women, and see that having podium girls is lame, lazy, and very last century. Of course if you find the idea that women might be different but equal, slightly threatening, you might well think podium girls [i]are[/i] a good thing...
Of course if you find the idea that women might be different but equal, slightly threatening, you might well think podium girls are a good thing...
[b]jamie[/b] he's setting up a strawman equating dislike of the casual sexism of having podium girls with a perceived blurring of the line between men and women. Which isn't happening, but he thinks is, and it is a bad thing. What actually is happening is a slow move towards equality, and perhaps that is what he doesn't like?
But if I have to explain that, I've failed.