The parcel arrived about 2:30 ish. Not until after the TNT driver went round the block three times, then went to one of the business unit down the road, then was about to drive off. I flagged him down, he was about to try to deliver it to another house.
The one problem is that we have 3 number 9s in the street. All with slightly different addresses and postcodes. There’s one directly opposite and another down the road. Confusing for everyone.
Built the bike up this afternoon, quite a few little problems so waiting to see what the seller has to say.
Had the injections on Saturday morning. Never felt pain like it when the Doc was trying to find the right point on the nerve. It’s starting to have an effect, but I’m still a bit tender around the injection points. I’ve had sciatica for nearly 8 years, so it’s quite an odd feeling not being in pain. 🙂