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  • Photos you have taken in the last month of which you are proud?
  • CountZero
    Full Member

    Bee Orchid, growing on a grass divider, opposite where I work on an industrial estate.

    Not ideal surroundings, but I could only get a shot from my front garden. Fabulous colours, though.

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    Posted this on the buttercup thread, but I’ll post it again here, there’s something about it I find oddly pleasing:

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    Rusting iron, Brean Down Fort.

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    Some I took yesterday:
    Lesser Butterfly Orchid

    Fragrant Orchid

    Common Spotted Orchid

    And several of the lovely Alison Goldfrapp, at their intimate gig at The Trinity, in Bristol:

    Free Member

    iLife.[/url] by polarisandy[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    iLife.[/url] by polarisandy[/url], on Flickr

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    Blencathra[/url] by polarisandy[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    Nice photos, Andy, the two of your little lass are terrific! (I guess she’s yours, anyway). The Evacuee one is very atmospheric, and a bit haunting. A B&W version would be good. Like the tree, too.

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    Any idea why the hurri has different roundels?

    I know I’m a bit late to the party, but as stated this Hurri was in South East Asia and the concern was that in the heat of battle certain of our allies might mistake the red in the centre of the standard British roundel for Japanese markings.

    Full Member

    in the heat of battle certain of our allies might mistake the red in the centre of the standard British roundel for Japanese markings.

    Americans? :wink:

    Free Member


    Having spent nearly three years of my time in the army working with American forces personnel I think it best if I keep my views of them to myself!

    Free Member


    Having spent nearly three years of my time in the army working with American forces personnel I think it best if I keep my views of them to myself!

    I don’t work in the army with yanks, so I’ll answer on kja78’s behalf:


    Free Member

    Cheers Count. Yes my daughter, and muse.
    A b+w might be in order, i usually do convert even the colour shots to b+w.
    I liked the muted colours that Kodak Ektar gave so left it as is.

    Graveyard[/url] by polarisandy[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Tayport beacon[/url] by 10000 rivets[/url], on Flickr

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    DSC02942[/url] by seanoevil[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    CountZero’s second pic up there…^^^
    Just brilliant. Now THAT is summer to me.

    Free Member

    Shackleton – v nice :-)

    Free Member

    Cheers dashed! It’s not the photo I had pictured taking in my head before I went there but I’m pleased with the result.

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    Free Member

    Cheers Count and Kja – thanks for the info and comments

    @ Polarisandy

    Here’s mine taken a couple of years ago on an old Oly compact

    Full Member

    Fuji GSW690iii on Fuji Pro 400.

    Full Member

    I like the soft colours of the Evacuee photo, probably what gives it it’s atmosphere. The graveyard photo is lovely, too, just the right sort of subject for mono.

    Thanks for the comment Taka! :oops: (blushes).
    Took this one yesterday evening while out on the bike. Phone photo, so no chance of getting a slow shutter speed in order to blur the barley blowing in the wind, but I like the overall effect, and I think the composition works, more-or-less.

    Wun ‘undred!

    Free Member

    Nice start to the one hundrdth page! Great shapes going on.

    Full Member

    Thank you, I took seven or eight, portrait and landscape, and mono as well, but that one just seemed to work.
    Lots of criss-cross contrails to play with. I forgot to take my camera out, good thing I had the phone.

    Free Member

    like the baby and bike, well spotted.
    Interesting composition.
    Beacon is also good

    Artist formally know as.. coincidence, the spot does scream take a photo of me doesn’t it?
    Compact did especially well if it was film.
    I’ve got oly mju 35mm f2 but i tend to put pound land, ISO 200, agfa film through it.
    Quite a bit more grainy than your shot.

    The one i posted was done with a Hasselblad 500c/m and expired Ektachrome then converted to B&W in SilverEfex.

    Below was the Hasselblad again with Ilford Delta 400 and Ilford DD-x developer.
    The camera doesn’t have a light meter so it was done with an incident reading using a handheld pointing back from the boy’s face.

    Untitled[/url] by polarisandy[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Artist formally know as.. coincidence, the spot does scream take a photo of me doesn’t it?
    Compact did especially well if it was film.
    I’ve got oly mju 35mm f2 but i tend to put pound land, ISO 200, agfa film through it.
    Quite a bit more grainy than your shot.

    But you certainly have more detail in the hill – not a film camera, an old Oly mju 5mp I think. I did mess about with it a bit in Picasa – and not sure what the res of that uploaded pic is on Imageshack without going back in. Had some lower res conversions kicking about. Yeah, the location does call for a pic though – that is the one pic that made me buy a decent camera. Spotted the tree when coming in and out of the caravan site up the lane opposite, decided I wanted a pic, but had very little idea about composition etc.

    Full Member

    @polarisandy, like the light in the museum, lots of lovely smooth marble to reflect it into the shadows.
    Love the sparrows! Great shot, that. :D

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    A quick question if I may to the knowledgable folk on this thread.

    I’ve recently inherited my late father’s Nikon collection and am thinking of disposing of it. It has been suggested to me that I contact Grays of Westminster, which i shall be doing shortly. However, I’d gratefully welcome any comments that some of you may have on the various items as it is very important to me that I honour my father’s wishes for the equipment.

    All items are pretty much as they were when they came of our their boxes for the first time.However, I do not have any of the original packaging!

    Nikon FS2 body, no. 7382560
    24mm F2.8 auto Nikkor lens no. 407630
    55mm F3.5 micro auto Nikkor lens no. 776596
    105mm F2.5 auto Nikkor lens no.549606
    200mm F4 auto Nikkor lens no. 608300
    300mm F4.5 auto Nikkor lens no. 313447
    Nikon FB5 gadget bag

    Nikon F4 (AAx4) body – quite literally unused!!
    28-85mm F3.5-4.5AF lens – unused!

    All lenses are as original – none have had their mounts altered from new.

    This isn’t a sneaky post to try to sell, but I really would welcome any advice.


    Free Member

    With the anniversary next year I was thinking about my grandfather’s diary

    1918[/url] by jake474[/url], on Flickr

    Wounded (2013 WK27)[/url] by jake474[/url], on Flickr

    More of the diary here[/url]

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    alcolepone, great sky! Nice pic, too. :D

    Free Member

    iPhone 4S and Snapseed:

    Full Member

    Taken from a moving train on an iPad…
    I pass this pithy notice every day on my way to work. It always manages to raise a smile.
    Funny things that you see on the way to work… 2[/url] by eddkh[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    July 5th – Before Astin Martin came the BD tractors[/url] by Johnclimber[/url], on Flickr

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    [/url] Being watched.[/url] by Kriegaffe 9[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    [/url] Up the wooden hills[/url] by Kriegaffe 9[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    [/url] Baluster[/url] by Kriegaffe 9[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    [/url] Wired (EXPLORE)[/url] by Kriegaffe 9[/url], on Flickr[/img]

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