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  • Photos you have taken in the last month of which you are proud?
  • judetheobscure
    Free Member

    From the ongoing project with my friend (which I’ve been working on now since the week lock down started!)

    The Boxxer

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    Nothing fancy, but we have a year old Collie. She is lovely but for some reason whenever I try to take a picture of her she ends up looking evil. But I was out on the hills with her yesterday and was playing with an old manual 50mm chinon lens and managed to grab this which I quite like. Straight out of camera (Fuji XT10) with no edits but I thought it got the mood.

    Free Member

    Ivan – The Divided Self: The view From Within

    At night, sometimes I can smell sweet blossom in my room even though there are no trees near by

    Full Member

    2022 03 19 Bridge 02

    2022 03 13 Ride 016 02

    2022 03 13 Rust 03

    Free Member

    Looking over the Clyde from up behind my house, over to Rothesay.

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    Went to the beach today.

    2022 04 08 Wells 12

    2022 04 08 Wells 20

    2022 04 08 Wells 22

    2022 04 08 Wells 13

    Full Member

    The colours in that last photo are amazing

    How do you achieve that?

    Full Member

    How do you achieve that?

    By cheating!

    If you’ve seen any of my other photography you’ll know I do a fair bit of post processing for various reasons. That one’s pretty subdued by my standards.

    Started with a decent ‘raw’ image – the North Norfolk light was awesome yesterday so that helped. The processing wasn’t complex – I’m not into exposure or focus stacking so no layers or anything. Basically pushed the saturation a bit and overused the dehaze tool to get everything popping a bit. Then a case of highlight/shadow/exposure tinkering until it looks ‘right’. Finally, I played with the saturation on individual colours (my processing app has a cool HSL per channel tool for this) to accentuate the clichéd cyan/orange thing while suppressing most other colour.

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    Been playing with a cheapo macro lens for one of my old phones (have modded the case a bit to avoid using the clip on mount these things have, and in the process seem to have unwittingly created a swappable lens camera phone).

    2022 04 10 Ride 025 06 macro

    2022 04 10 Ride 025 04 macro

    2022 04 09 Ride 024 04 macro

    2022 04 03 Leaves 08

    2022 03 13 Rust 02

    Free Member

    A few kingfisher shots from Friday:

    IMGL9386 by Tim Russon[/url], on Flickr

    5D3_0626 by Tim Russon[/url], on Flickr

    IMGL9516 by Tim Russon[/url], on Flickr

    IMGL9518 by Tim Russon[/url], on Flickr


    *throws camera in the bin/

    Full Member

    Those Kingfisher pictures are amazing! 👌👏

    (Taken on my Phone)

    Full Member

    Channeling my inner Magritte, I took this last night out with the dog on the Long Walk. Might print it out. Aside from setting the exposure level, it is a completely unmolested image from an iPhone 11.

    And for those interested, here is the inspiration

    Full Member

    @tlr – It is one of my ambitions to photograph a Kingfisher. There are a couple that must nest close to me on one of my regular kayak haunts but they are so bloody quick!! Your pics must have taken some patience and are incredible.

    Free Member

    @eskay – thanks, they are quick buggers for sure. These were taken at 4000th of a second, I was very lucky with the light. And some decent equipment too, always makes me smile when people ask if I took it on my iPhone.

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    – thanks, they are quick buggers for sure. These were taken at 4000th of a second, I was very lucky with the light. And some decent equipment too

    And a tank full of minnows in the river too??? 😉😉

    Full Member

    Excellent kingfisher photos, we’re lucky in that near us is probably the tamest kingfisher in the Uk, will happily perch and fish about 10’ away, sometimes there are 20 people watching it!

    Only got good perching shots, it’s hard work getting the fishing shots!

    Free Member

    A few from the Bristol harbourside.

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    @vmgscot – I love the photo above with the old fenceposts across the dry grass, I like taking similar simple photos using a diminishing perspective.
    The kingfisher photos are stunning!

    Here’s a couple I took while out for a walk around Biddestone last week, when I took some bluebells I’ve just posted on the bluebell thread, but I also spotted this little fella, and I was able to get close enough to get a couple of photos, before it flew off – it’s tricky using a mobile phone, but I put it onto 2x zoom, which helped; the phone was still less than seven or eight inches away, though!

    I don’t often take mono photos, but I’ve taken quite a few of this part of the lane where I took the butterfly and bluebells photos, and with the clouds it looked like it might be worth a go – I’ve just tweaked it a bit, upped the contrast, brightness and so on a wee bit, but nothing much.

    Full Member

    Evening stroll around Cambridge.
    The Jesmond library sits nice with all the ancient buildings…

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    Untitled by Polarisandy[/url], on Flickr

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    Tree at sunset

    Ski Chairlifts

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    So the project that I’ve posted a few images of on here – Ivan: The Divided Self – has had some recognition via the online magazine Lens Culture. I thoughtl, vainly I suppose, I would share here. Maybe the wider project is of interest to others here.

    The images I submitted into this competition are only a small fraction of the total project, which is likely around 60 images now that I would regard as keepers (probably three times that in images that just won’t ever see the light of day).

    I really need to make a selection from that 60 to curate a finished project set that will go on my website, but I just don’t appear to be finished yet! Perhaps I need to publish this project in volumes!
    Lens Culture Portrait Awards

    Free Member

    My neighbour, Obert, originally a son of Zimbabwe, taken on the anniversary of that country’s independence.

    Obert by Greg Turner[/url], on Flickr

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    Had my first play with a (cheap) ND filter while cycling along the Southern Upland Way – Old Bridge of Minnoch (aka Roman Bridge)

    Free Member

    Not up there with the great and the good of this thread but I was happy with the composition and results from a simple point and click camera phone.

    From atop Farley Mount in Hampshire

    Full Member

    Few from a week’s holiday in Croatia, mostly just phone pics but the best camera is still the one you’ve got with you.

    Free Member

    A day at Bempton Cliffs:

    IMGL0296 by Tim Russon[/url], on Flickr

    IMGL0303 by Tim Russon[/url], on Flickr

    IMGL0358 by Tim Russon[/url], on Flickr

    IMGL0475 by Tim Russon[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    Phone box with a bit of character

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    Dodging the rain this morning I cycled overt to a cemetary I’d ridden past since a child, but never entered. This angel really stood out in an area of overgrown graves.

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    Harris Hawk launch. Taken on my Samsung A50.

    Take Off

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    @hopster – that Angel statue is lovely, the blurring of the foreground grass works really well.

    Here’s a couple I took a couple of weeks or so ago, quite unexpectedly. I was walking back to the workshop at around 7am, and something white blowing around caught my eye, then as I was looking around to see what it was, I felt something on my arm…

    This is what it was, it happily sat there while I fished my phone out of my left pocket, and managed to open the camera one-handed, get it focused and take this photo. Then it flew off, but came back and landed on my arm again; I managed to get another shot, slightly closer, but not quite as crisp.

    It’s a Swallowtail moth, apparently rarely seen, because they’re strictly nocturnal!

    Beautiful creature, lovely subtle colours, and a privilege to share it’s world for a couple of minutes.

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    Not necessarily proud of these as such – nothing special beyond ‘test’ snaps on a dog walk, but having fun playing around with an old Japanese lens I found in the bottom of a box the other day. Was given to me years ago and totally forgotten about. Plugged into a new (to me) Lumix MFT body via an M42 adapter. My eBay purchase history this week already suggests that modern kit plus old lens might be a bit of a new obsession…

    Loving the fact that old lenses won’t speak to the camera body so I’m having to try and remember how to take proper photographs again rather than just pointing and clicking and letting the software do it all.

    2022 07 25 G3 Test M42 Soligor 04

    2022 07 25 G3 Test M42 Soligor 05

    2022 07 25 G3 Test M42 Soligor 06

    2022 07 25 G3 Test M42 Soligor 07

    2022 07 25 G3 Test M42 Soligor 01

    Full Member

    I love watching bumblebees burrowing into thistle flowers, difficult to get a symmetrical photo usually, but this one’s close-ish.

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    Osprey with a catch
    Osprey with a Catch by robb d[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    Turns out I like silly cheap modern Chinese lenses less than old free Japanese ones…

    2022 07 26 G3 Test Newyi 35mm 01

    2022 07 26 G3 Test Newyi 35mm 04

    2022 07 26 G3 Test Newyi 35mm 07

    (waits impatiently for eBay deliveries)

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