stevied – No problems buddy, happy to help.
My thoughts are (because everyone has to give their 2p) that it would be great to photograph them on a still life table. There’s a guide to building one for very cheaply here[/url]
As everyone has already covered, the key is to diffuse the light and make it ‘softer’. The main problems with anything that is shiny or metallic, is that it will give you very harsh areas of contrast, or hotspots, so to try and avoid that you need to spread out the beam of light to a wider pattern, by shining it through a material to diffuse it.
( I hope I’m not teaching you to suck eggs at this point, let me know if I’m being an arse, but I always have to assume that everyone is staring with no knowledge of lighting)
Ideally, you want something kind of like this set up
Instead of using softboxes (which I guess you haven’t got) build two frames on either side with diffuser gels (you could use tracing paper or grease proof paper work well) to soften the light and give a more evenly lit texture for shooting a general cover shot.
You could then experiment with harsher lighting to create a more dramatic effect.