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  • Periformis syndrome
  • neil853
    Free Member

    Does anyone know a solution too it? or a good/cheap physio to help solve it

    Free Member

    There seems to be plenty of useful info on line clicky

    Full Member

    Stretching at least twice a day is the only way I found that helped.

    Full Member

    Deep deep tissue massage is required!
    It is in an inaccessible place to stretch unless the stretch is assisted, which is not really recommended.
    MrCM is a remedial masseur and has had some very good results through very deep, and therefore not very pleasant, massage on his clients.
    Go to a remedial masseur rather than a physio in the first instance, and persevere :-D

    Full Member

    Lying on my back, putting the ankle of one leg across the knee of the other and pulling that leg back hurt like hell, assumed that’s the piriformis (or possibly glut, or hamstring, but I digress).

    Gym has a special stretch machine where you just use your body weight.

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