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  • People buying off the classified then selling on for a profit
  • Nick
    Full Member

    Checking his feedback shows two other sets of wheels sold in the last few weeks.

    oh and another thing, isn’t it all a bit weird, this hounding of the wrongdoer shit that is so popular on this forum?

    Free Member

    you can get em new from merlin for £23 now!!

    Free Member

    well buy from them instead then!

    Free Member

    From looking at the standards that Daffy has for his bikes you can see he was never going to put pro2s on WTB rims on any of his multitude of bikes so he bought those wheels purely to sell on and hence has not only broken the rules but also has deprived somebody from STW who would have actually fitted them and used them of a good set of wheels.

    But has he broken any rules he didn’t buy on ebay and sell on STW he bought on here for asking price and sold on for profit on fleabay, personally if daffy wants to buy off me and I felt he would make a £50 profit I would prefer to sell to someone who I felt would use them.

    Free Member

    Once that person has bought them then they can do what they like with them.

    its not as simple as that. How many times have you had a scan on the ads looking for something, only to see the same names getting their ‘dibbs’ in, and buying stuff fast?
    Its great if you are a seller as you will get a quick sale.
    Bad for buyers as you have to watch the ads like a hawk to beat the Traders to the sales.

    btw, I got a CS200CAD for sale, and a 34 tooth surly chainring up this evening :D

    Free Member

    Well I must be doing something wrong, I’ve gone through a fair few frames and bits from here trying different setups and occasionally break even, but usually get less than I paid. The loss is nowhere near what buying new and selling on would be so it usually seems OK.

    The ebay stuff does seem a bit odd at times like early Inbred track end version frame that I thought would make a nice SS hack went for £162.

    I guess for me it depends on what I’m selling, for stuff I just want to sell, if it sells I don’t really care what buyer does with it. Now and again there’s stuff I have more attachment too and, irrationally I suppose, I’d like it to go to a good home where it will be enjoyed.

    Free Member

    oh and another thing, isn’t it all a bit weird, this hounding of the wrongdoer shit that is so popular on this forum?

    One set of wheels – I’d give him the benefit of the doubt, but three sets in three weeks?

    Full Member

    Nick – Member

    oh and another thing, isn’t it all a bit weird, this hounding of the wrongdoer shit that is so popular on this forum?

    No, that about being a community and watching out for one another, instead of being allowed to be bullied/or taken for a ride by some muppet.

    I agree with the sentiments of this thread, going by the posting above, it seems Daffy is abusing the classifieds.
    I believe this should be pointed out to the Admins and them allowed to make the decision – though considering what WOF did for months/years on the old forum classifieds (as in using it as a business) i doubt anything will happen..

    Full Member

    From the Classifieds Rules section:

    Lets try and define what we mean by ‘private’.
    The ’spirit’ of our forum is one where users can turn their old, surplus or unwanted kit into extra cash to enable them to buy new bits to help them get out and continue riding. The Classified Forum is not a place where users can trade parts bought elsewhere and then sold at a profit. If we suspect that a user is exploiting our forum to earn additional income or solely for the purposes of making a profit then we are very likely to consider that as ‘Trade’ activity and we’ll ask you to stop. We will look at each instance reported to us or spotted by us on a case by case basis and then we will act at our discretion.

    From reading that it sounds very much like he’s not playing by the ‘rules’ (or spirit) of the forum. Easy answer is not to sell anything to him or report him to the mods.

    Free Member

    Woah…personally my posts were against the practise that the OP described and not Daffy; think Daffy should be given the benefit of doubt.

    Free Member

    I don’t think the ebayer in question liked my offer of £110 posted :|

    Free Member

    Id agre that daffy’s actions are certainly not in the spirit of the classifieds. Ive always maintained that the classifieds is a buyers market and eBay is a seller’s market. Linking them together is invariably trying to turn a profit. I dont agree with the view that it’s not our “business” as I certainly price something I sell in the classifieds at a kind of karma/community discount price and Im sure others do the same and it is an abuse of their generosity to turn something round unless they specifically are putting a low price on something in order for a quick sale to avoid the hassle of an eBay auction.

    Free Member

    He’s listed as a business on ebay. I wouldn’t be happy if a bike shop was leeching things from the classifieds to sell on. As ST themselves have said, it’s intended for private use not for people looking to turn a profit.

    However, what proof is there that they are actually the same wheels? They are standard issue on a lot of Orange bikes. Could be a different seller?

    Free Member

    …it’s his balcony in the photo.

    Not meaning to grass him in or owt!

    Full Member

    I have to say, the original seller went v low – £110 with tyres and a hub conversion ?

    Free Member

    Definitely not in the spirit of the classifieds, as the majority mention. I bought some items a few months ago which it turned out I didn’t need in the end. As a result I contacted the sellers and advised them that I intended to resell them on as I didn’t want it to look like I was deliberately seeking to make a profit. One guy (can’t remember who) responded by telling me to get as much as I could!

    Free Member

    I can see what he has done it, certainly some of the stuff i have sold on here i could have got a lot more for on ebay, having said that, i have bought some right bargains off here, so am happy to pass on the good will.

    Ebay does seem to get some silly high prices for bike stuff, a pair of 2006 Reba Races went for £122 + postage the other day…Sold mine for £80 posted.

    End of the day, up to him, might be really short of cash at the moment…

    Free Member

    OK, just lighting my brand now…


    Full Member

    HEY! Now lets get a few things clear!

    1. The wheels are for sale at that price “OR BEST OFFER”!!! I agreed to buy the wheels etc for a new SS project that I was starting, but i’m really **** short of cash right now and so decided to sell them. Also bear in mind that I’ll loose between 11 and 15% in Fees. Ever heard of “door in the face” technique? So imagine they sell for the max figure (unlikely but hey) I’d loose about £25 in fees so I’d make £32….fooking WOOP! now imagine they sell for £140, I’d loose £21 in fees, thats £9 profit…splendid!

    I’d agreed a price with the seller so I couldn’t back out of it without letting them down. I also bought a Hope red BB on EBay for £51 recently and then sold it on the classifieds for the proud total of £48 posted – fooking good profiteering there!

    The other wheelsets, well lets see

    Hope XC3, bought for £550 off here including brakes, didn’t really like them tried to sell on here for £500, eventually sold on the bay for £535 (I lost a nice healthy 13% in fees there £70) yet another astonishing profit of -£35 for one rides use!

    Shimano XTR wheelset, bought from Merlin for £380, sold on ebay for £234, (-£146) I’m doing well so fair aint I?

    The Crossmaxs were the best though, CK Singlespeed wheels, Bought brand new from Stif for just shy of £600, traded on the classifieds for those crossmaxs + £100. (The rear bearing in the crossmaxs was cream crackered and I lost yet another £47 in fees) An astonishing profit oooooof…..wait for it……-£210!!

    I’m good at this business lark aint I.


    Free Member

    Jeez – I’ve given stuff away on the classifieds rather than bin it. I think this is definitely abusing their purpose, and I agree with Steve about repeatedly seeing the same names come up whenever I’m looking to buy something.

    Full Member

    If it bothers you and the person has made a profit then report it to the Inland Revenue as that person will need to pay tax on the profit. You’ve got their real name and address after all.
    Obvioulsy this is going on all over ebay with no repercussion for the vast majority I guess.

    Free Member

    might be really short of cash at the moment…

    Have you seen his bikes?

    I agree that it is an abuse of both the spirit and the rules of the classifieds – not on imo. If those rules weren’t in place then maybe it would be different.

    Free Member

    Daffy – Member

    HEY! Now lets get a few things clear!

    I’m good at this business lark aint I.


    Ever thought of starting a bank?

    Free Member

    I have to say that similar things have happened to me. Both selling stuff and buying stuff. Its the way of the world I think. Things do go for different prices. I would like to say that for me it was never intentional to buy low and sell high, but thats how it panned out.

    As an example, 4 or 5 years ago before Ti was this almighty metal dominating everything from bolts to disc rotors I bought a Ti stem and flat bars combo, both cost me around £20 posted from here. If I sold it on now, I might get closer to £40 for the pair. Unintentional, Ive used them, but demand has gone up.

    As people have said, are they the same wheels? Also, he might have put time and effort into A) cleaning the wheels up, maybe truing, etc. B) making an ebay auction and getting a decent photo. Im not saying Im justifying it, but if hes willing to put in the effort to maybe improve or clean up the item, fair be it. Also, everyone charges what they like for their items judging on other peoples items. If they sell them for less, why moan if they maybe didnt put the effort on Ebay, or with better photos, or even just putting them up for a more expensive price and then haggling with interested buyers? Haggling works both ways, and yes in the spirit of a community such as this its fair to think we should stick together but when people desperately need the money, they will sell for less. The time factor has always been aparent in classifieds, and has just become worse with the economies downturn.

    If they are the same wheels, at least you know not to buy them now!

    Free Member

    Duffy ,

    If you decide to sell the Magura SL’s I missed out on ,please give me a shout :) ;)

    Full Member

    Will do,but I’ve been asking for some for weeks and i’ve not got much time to ride at the moment.

    Full Member

    Classic thread in the lets jump to conclusions STW tradition, makes me proud to be part of this ‘community’

    Free Member

    considering what WOF did for months/years on the old forum classifieds (as in using it as a business)

    Daffy’s ethics may be debatable, and to be fair on the strength of his numbers he should get a job at Morgan Stanley :)

    But at least he had the decency to register his ebay account as a ‘business’ user

    Unlike the other guy

    Now wheres my matches :)

    Free Member

    I believe this should be pointed out to the Admins and them allowed to make the decision –

    I did that not so long ago. About someone with far more obvoius bargain-hunting and ebay-selling activity than Daffy. The admins responded very politely but didn’t really seem to mind. After a similar (but less name-and-shame-tastic iirc) thread to this one, the classifieds rules changed a bit. Nevertheless the stw-er I pointed out to the admins continues to buy stuff on here and continues to sell stuff on ebay. He did change his ebay name from sounding very similar to his stw one though. *waves*

    Full Member

    seems to me that “one” could avoid hassle, fees and *ahem* misunderstandings like this by just selling on stw – especially shortly after buying something cheap on here

    Full Member

    What a crock. Daffy buys and sells loads of stuff, always has. I’d be pretty happy to buy anything from him, as it’s a name I recognise from the Forum, and I ‘d rather have that than a bunch of chancy 16 year olds flogging their dads kit…If I thought the price was OK, then it wouldn’t bother me at all that he’d just bought it from somewhere else.

    Get over yourselves.

    Free Member

    seems to me that “one” could avoid hassle, fees and *ahem* misunderstandings like this by just selling on stw – especially shortly after buying something cheap on here

    [wooden spoon out]…you’d think so wouldn’t you?

    If i didn’t want to use a bike I bought on here for a song, I suppose i could post it back on here for the same i paid for it plus postage. Or look back at the thread I bought it from and ask the other people that replied to it first. No ebay fees. No paypal fees if you do it ‘gifty’ style. Easier to list. The more i think about it the more i can’t understand why you would bother with ebay.

    [/wooden spoon back drawer]

    Full Member

    Scardypants, The reason that I didn’t put them back on here was because in order to recoup my money I’d have to charge an additional £15-£27 to cover posted and…..Here’s the kicker…

    I knew it would be picked up and I’d be flamed on the forum for “making a profit”

    That’s why I put the damned things on ebay.

    Free Member

    I buy and sell stuff through the classifieds quite a bit. Everything I buy will be used but I like to try stuff out so sometimes it may only be used once or twice. I will then put it back on the classifieds and i will try and get my money back, if I dont fair enough but if I sell it and someone then makes a profit out of it by going onto Ebay then good on them. Personally I cant be bothered with Ebay, far to much hassle and as pointed out earlier the charges are way to much.

    If I agree to sell something at a price then I am happy with what I get, if I dont get what I want i keep it or worst case go onto Ebay. I dont see the problem really as long as people are getting what they want for what they are selling? The only thing I guess is if people who actually want the stuff are beaten to it by people who then sell the stuff on for profit which I guess doesnt seem quite as fair.

    Free Member

    Classic thread in the lets jump to conclusions STW tradition, makes me proud to be part of this ‘community’

    I see all the nay-sayers have gone a bit quiet now Daffy’s responded.
    Some people need to put their brain into gear before opening their mouth.

    Personally, I can’t afford to ‘give’ expensive stuff away, but smaller items sell well on here and there’s no fees to pay which means I can sell stuff cheaper.
    Best thing was my Stumpy FSR frame. I only wanted £200+post, advertised it on here at £225 IIRC, got one offer of £150 which I turned down. Stuck it on Ebay, got £352…..

    Free Member

    We’ve all been at the burning. Where were you?

    Full Member

    martin, i hope you did not sell the stem i sold you at a profit….. :cry:

    Free Member

    My business plan is now in tatters, thanks you lot! :cry:

    Free Member

    oh and another thing, isn’t it all a bit weird, this hounding of the wrongdoer shit that is so popular on this forum?

    it certainly is. But it’s just what you expect from some of the Daily Mail-esque numpties on here. Probably if someone said they were a paediatrician, they’d find their house petrol-bombed.

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