Just back from my weekly supermarket shop and saw this, why hasn't marshall law been declared? Should the Royal navy be allowed to engage in high seas piracy to secure supplies?
I think I may need a bit of a lie downm
Yeah, this was forewarned in Feb due to the Red Sea trade route.
Best have a brew and a sit down.
Buy some green tea and leave it in a dark place for it to ripen into black tea...or just.leave the bag in for longer so it steeps and turns into black tea!
Burn down the disco!
looks like you’ll be tea-total for a bit
I can live without most things but tea is not one of them.
Bought 1040 bags of Yorkshire tea for £19.99 last year off the big river, now it’s £35.
I had high hopes for for puns in this thread, but with not long to go until nine in the afternoon it's sadly lacking in pop punk references. Much as I enjoy a cuppa though, lying is the best fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off, but it's better if you do. Best put the kettle on before I write sins not tragedies.
Bought 1040 bags of Yorkshire tea for £19.99 last year off the big river, now it’s £35.
Had they no Barry’s? Desperate.
Don't Panic
Simply grab your towel and have a drink that tastes almost but not quite exactly unlike tea instead.
I've never understood the popularity of tea.
Whenever I've tried it the flavour remains me of what I imagine the run-off from a compost heap would taste like.
(True panic would ensue if supplies of Arabica coffee beans were threatened...)
@thisisnotaspoon Good, good. Now we're making some progress. But I fear that this is just a prologue.
Thank goodness I got a job lot of Twinings Assam a week back in Sainsbury's on offer.
Just ask them not to add milk.
I think Liz Truss identify the problem a little while back - we are selling our tea to China.
looks like you’ll be tea-total for a bit
Tea no-tal more like.
I'm (s)mug, I drink tea grown domestically.