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  • Paging Postierich – considering moving back to Royal Mail
  • orena45
    Full Member

    Pretty bored with my current local authority job having been doing it for 5 1/2 years. Previously I worked in the local sorting office for RM sorting mail and doing collection routes which I actually really enjoyed.

    Anyway, in my search for a new job I've noticed the same office is currently advertising for a Postman with mail sorting and van driving duties and I'm quite interested.

    As mentioned, it's been 5 1/2 years since I last worked for RM so I was wondering if you (or any other RM folks) could tell me if much has changed (I doubt it) and what the status (from the inside as it where) currently is with the business – I know there where strikes before Xmas but to be honest, I didn't take much notice of why).

    Thanks in advance for any opinions! 🙂

    [Edit – PS I remember someone else asked a similar question on STW a few month back but can't find it in the search 😕

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