Before the flames, I do not drive an Audi, I am not smurfmat,
I have two children in the car, this is not a troll, just a thought.
I love driving, still even now when I've changed my fun super quick petrol saloon for a diesel estate.
However after spending an hour on the a roads today on the journey home I wish I still had that bit more under the bonnet.
Why don't we teach folk who don't want to overtake the bus doing 40 mph on an nsl road to leave a good size space for others to make progress safely rather than doing a "five car overtake"
At some points on the road I reckon you could see a good 1/4 mile. I can totally understand why the lads on bikes white line it the whole time!
And why when you do overtake smoothly and safely does the bloke behind flash his lights mentally as though you've just clipped his wing whilst pulling back in!