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  • Online Will service – good? Who would you recommend?
  • hora
    Free Member

    Online as opposed to traditional high st. Any recommendations?

    Free Member

    We had ours done by a solicitor. My wife is a law lecturer, and she thought that the reliable indemnity insurance and the way that they are regulated & trained, unlike will writers, meant that it was worth paying slightly more. It wasn’t super expensive either.

    It possibly depends if you have anything complicated (like you want to specify particular arrangements for kids in the event of both parents dying) or out of the ordinary, but she is the expert and she thought it was worth paying slightly more.

    She’d also seen one written by an online will writer, following the instructions of someone well off who had quite complex intentions about a wide variety of assets, and it was complete unclear gobbledegook, along with including factual innacuracies, all of which would probably lead to years in court if anyone decided to challenge it on their death.

    More on this:

    Free Member

    We went local last time, and will again for an update (many things have changed).

    Best to get it right, not just cheap.

    Free Member

    I know someone who used the co-op and has recomended them. Something i must get round to doing.

    Free Member

    I can recommend someone Mark

    Free Member

    @hora – Will services from solicitors are pretty good value IMO, they can listen to what you need and tailor accordingly.

    I’ve had a bad family experience with a new will appearing and the parties concerned believing they had destroyed the original and thus expecting the new will to be un-contested. Anyway my point is you can lodge the will with probate once it’s done, it doesn’t mean you cannot revise it but it does give a little extra security.

    Free Member

    I’d recommend local too – our will was supposedly straightforwards but the solicitor pointed out a few flaws that we really hadn’t considered, e.g. leave house to partner if you die, not daughter then do another will then if required.

    It was less than £100 iirc.

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