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  • One of those rides that makes you smile….
  • Wasn’t an epic ride by any means, but the bike felt right, the techy climbs that sometimes have you cursing seemed easy, the rocky descents disappeared under the wheels, everything flowed, nothing seemed a struggle.

    A couple of old dears spoiled one run by generally being in the way, yet I set a PB. Their, at one point, slightly disparaging looks at the ‘loutish biker’, turned to warm chat when I saw them later and asked them if they’d lost a video camera I’d spotted on the moor.

    Even the roadie that I caught (he obviously wasn’t trying hard) on a tarmac descent, exchanged pleasantries and we chatted as we coasted for the rest of the hill behind a car. He left me to finish his 100 miler, whilst I went for a pint (which he politely told me not to choke on 😉 )

    Not much point to this post, but yes(terday) was a good day 🙂

    I even found some dry trails!

    Full Member

    I concur, it was lovely out yesterday 😀

    Dry(ish) trails, the wind at my back, and blues skies.

    Free Member

    Golspie the other day with a mate who hadn’t ridden it before. Chucked it down for most of the day, but we had a great laff. Big sticky rubber meant the old girl never got out of hand, and I nearly cleaned lactic ladder (one dab). Got some air, watched my mate do the funky chicken off the second to last tabletop – knew it was going to happen before he did. In fact I thought if I shouted he was going in too fast he will eat dirt, so left it to him and the recovery was very stylish.
    Great wee coffee shop at the bottom too – £4.95 for an all day breakfast, whats not to like.

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