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  • One for the parents – hiking with babies
  • MadBillMcMad
    Full Member

    memory fades for me when they move from Baby Bjorn to a back pack but I think the rule is that they have to be able to support their head.

    if the Baby Bjorn is OK then tucked in a coat is great.

    We then moved on to a Bush Baby back pack but definitely get a wind cover that wraps all about them otherwise their little ditty sticky out bits get very very cold. Oh and lots of fleecy stuff – all dead cute as well but I expect you know that. The Calange stuff used to be dead good. We used to buy loads from some discount Calange warehouse in Manchester/Stockport way.

    Free Member

    We used to do lots of it when our girl was little. They are very portable at that age so no problem. She just slept much of the time on front pack. Mrs Mc even mastered breast feeding whilst walking!

    Very strong November winds may not be so nice, but wrap a big cag/windproof and it goes round the lot. Toasty.

    Free Member

    I just don’t think babies can generate the heat that adults can. My bro in law has a 2 year old and a newborn and lives in Sweden – they don’t take them out far when it’s really cold.

    We live in Sweden and like others have said, it’s just about the right layering etc, we tend to draw the line at -10 and below mind. 😮

    Free Member

    Haven’t read all of the thread, so don’t know if anyone else has said this.
    Remember…babies are not particularly good at generating their own heat as they do not move about. They need lots of layers. If you’re wearing 2 layers they need more.
    Not something that a lot of parents of young ones seem to think about judging by the amount of babies who are carried/pushed about with insufficient clothing.
    Think about their tiny feet and hands!!

    Full Member

    We did walks from that age, of upto 3 hours regularly. BUT it was very weather dependant and required lots of fleecey all in ones / carriers of all kids, wind and waterproofs, meals (breast) on the go etc etc. Most walks were shorter, but I wouldn’t be shy of such a walk, especially if you are kitted and a reasonable (sheltered and with escape options) route.

    Free Member

    Don’t think these “carriers”are much good, the force the little uns legs and hips appart too much your better off with a proper sling made of one piece of long fabric that you can wrap jnr up correctly for there age/development. They will also get far more body heat from you so they will not need wrapping up as snugly 😀

    Full Member

    You need one of these – expensive for what it is but comfortable and easy to use

    Full Member

    Sounds like a crap idea because assuming 4 or more couples at least one of the kids will be having a shit fit at any time.

    For info you can get a normal pushchair right around Dovestones res in the Northern Peak (bigger wheels are better but not necessary) which is an hour to hour and half and great for a mob of parents who want some of the outdoors without much hassle.

    I’d save the bigger adventures (i.e. anything over 1.5 hours) for when you’ve tested the limits, got better weather etc. A baby/toddler with cold feet / an hour from home can be pretty stressful.

    Free Member

    I’d actually be more reluctant to go out with a pushchair then a front carrier for 3 hours.

    No problems with getting cold, bad backs etc for that sort of length of time using an Ergo

    Free Member

    congrats a_a, what flavour?

    Sorry about the manual we’re definitely still looking for ours – can’t find where to re-set the feed/sleep button to make him go for more than 2 hours at night without feeding!

    Free Member

    3 months is way too young for a back pack, wait until they can sit unsupported before using one of these. 6 months approx though this varies.

    However baby would be fine in a baby bjorn carrier, probably facing out as long as babe is holding head up by self. You can get a cosy toes attachment for these and they can be worn under waterproofs etc.
    After 6 months We had a little life carrier and it was great. did up to 10 mile walks with our 6-18 month daughter with that and when she was toddling she could get out and walk or have a nap in it also

    I can vouch for this from both medical knowledge and from personal experience.

    However 3 hours seems a long time in a carrier. babies need changing, feeding regularlyetc and they quickly get cold. I’d try a baby bjorn on a shorter walk 1st maybe an hour or so and leave the NCT mentallists to freeze their babies by themselves!

    Full Member

    For those who haven’t read the whole thing, the “carrier” is a BabyBjorn Active. Just for the avoidance of doubt and all that.


    Free Member

    can’t find where to re-set the feed/sleep button to make him go for more than 2 hours at night without feeding!

    It will come – focus on the evening cluster feeding but realistically until they are on solids it will be difficult in most cases to get them to sleep for extended periods (although 2 hours does seem short).

    But then teething comes along (had 5 days of it now….) 🙁

    Free Member

    oh dear m_f, hope they come through quickly! one of our nct group babies has her first tooth through at 16 weeks!

    Teddyflash doesn’t do much of an evening cluster feed, he seems to prefer a morning cluster feed for some reason.

    Free Member

    3hrs is around 90 minutes too long for my money. Not just for the baby, but for the poor bugger who is carrying the thing. If it’s the wife, her ligaments will all still be loose after the pregnancy, so she would be running the risk of damaging her spine. I’m currently having to work my arse off to try and rehab my wife’s back for this very reason – and she is the model patient. So basically dont do the 3 hr thing – it’s bad for you.

    Free Member

    Not read the thread. You could, but babies (or anyone) will get really really really freezing cold in a backpack, since they are not moving and you won’t notice the cold cos you’ll be walking.

    I wouldn’t personally, for that long at that age.

    Free Member

    The issue we had (being very active walkers) was with the stops for whatever reason. We have a bothy bag. This is essentially a tent with no poles. Thet idea is you sit in it using your body as side support. They are incredibly warm very quickly.

    Id echo the comments regarding body harness. As my daughter got bigger we used a macpac harness which was awesome. It has a great back support much better for kids as they get bigger.

    We successfully did 5 hour walks upto. 6 months including full winter walks (one up to the hut on Ben Nevis in Feb). I have to say we worked upto it and didnt dive and planned early routes carefully and knew what to expect. after this we used a macpac rucksac carrier but it is much harder to keep them warm in this so walks have been shorter or on warmer days until she can generate enough heat to keep herself warm.

    We have the same issue on the bile. Quite hard to maintain her warmth during longer rides. Been using down to maintain heat successfully.

    Thats my bit

    Free Member

    we’ve just bought a 2nd hand macpack back carrier, can’t wait till he’s big enough for it! And bought a running buggy too, again, can’t wait! only 4 months to go…. 😉

    Full Member

    congrats a_a, what flavour?

    baby Frank arrived tuesday 7 am after mum having contractions from 8am sunday morning, with quite a dramatic final flourish, both mum and baby fine though.

    Sorry about the manual we’re definitely still looking for ours – can’t find where to re-set the feed/sleep button to make him go for more than 2 hours at night without feeding!

    let me know when you find it

    Free Member

    Congrats 🙂 Best wishes to you all.

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