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  • One for the mummies on here
  • juan
    Free Member

    It’s mother’s day sunday and I have no idea about what to get.
    What was the most unexpected pleasant gift your offspring got you?

    Full Member

    “What was the most unexpected pleasant gift your offspring got you?”

    my mum says ‘a grandchild’.


    Full Member

    Mine says the same :-)

    Get busy!

    EDIT – isn’t Mother’s Day on the 31st May this year in France?

    Free Member

    Crap there is no freaking chances of that happening all the blind ladies are taken :(
    Still no help for the gift??

    Free Member

    Is it a French thing Mother’s day in June?

    In the UK, Mother’s day is 9 months after Father’s day [which is in June]

    Free Member

    Uplink dunno, maybe it’s a brit thing to have mother’s day in march ;)

    Free Member

    Thank **** for that. I started cra**ing myself that it was mothers day this sunday and i had forgotten :? .

    Juan don’t you ever do that again 8O

    Free Member

    Thank **** for that. I started cra**ing myself that it was mothers day this sunday and i had forgotten

    Me too!

    Free Member

    My mum saw these and said they’d be a nice surprise…

    I tend to write a thank you type letter on mothersday, a bit different, but if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t be here.

    Full Member

    I got my mum a flowercard on mothers day – she did like that.

    they thoughtfully sent her another one the followign week for some reason as well…

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