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  • obama or romney, who is going to win
  • kimbers
    Full Member

    very good Andrew Marr doc about Obamas first term now on BBC2

    quite good and balanced too

    Free Member

    Romney is an impossible dumbass as far as I can tell. It’s not about the fact he’s a right wing freak. It’s the fact he’s so stupid, and it baffles me how he has even got into this position where he could be President of The United States. How does it even happen?

    Full Member

    Kevevs : Because very clever Republicans with far too much money, power and influence (the real political powerhouse of the USA) play on the fears of dumb people (50% of the USA if polls are to be believed) and offer them a dumbass meatpuppet who has similar reactionary knee-jerk beliefs to themselves that God gave America the right to do to what ever the **** it wants, when it wants, to whom it wants and you only have to listen to the republicans (party individuals and voters alike) in the countless interviews over the past few weeks to realise that they’re **** crazy dangerous **** of the highest order, Romney cosying up to Netanyahu…feckless idiot that Romney is along with Netanyahu, **** zionist war criminal – both should be strung up by the nutsack.

    get it up yeh’ ya feckless nutjobs

    Free Member

    lol say what you think Somafunk! aye- it’s all about money and influence, but it is up to ordinary people to have a little think and vote at the end of the day. it’s crazy to me that this guy could be representing the western world. He gives me the creeps.

    Free Member

    You needn’t worry. it will be Obama. How do I know? I don’t, but I’m sensitive to the way that public opinion is manipulated and I feel that the ‘slight edge’ that Obama is said to have in the swing states is the preperation for the announcement of the result that has been predecided by those really in control. The voters get their “is it him or will it be him?” entertainment, a self-congratulatory glow about how wonderful US democracy is, then it’s back to screwing the poor, the working classes, and the rest of the world as usual.

    Though it would’ve been fun having a president with a dog’s name…

    Cynical? Me? No, just experienced.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Obama will, I think and hope, beat Romney. This will be a relatively good thing even though Obama is no great friend of Britain and not a great President.

    President Romney doesn’t bear thinking about.

    Free Member

    Romney is an impossible dumbass as far as I can tell. It’s not about the fact he’s a right wing freak. It’s the fact he’s so stupid, and it baffles me how he has even got into this position where he could be President of The United States. How does it even happen?

    I dont understand how anyone could consider voting for him tbh

    What he thinks of ordinary folk is shocking and yet they will still support them.
    A milionairre paying less tax thana cleaner proposing tax cuts for the rich and they may just vote for this as he remo0ves the health care reforms. It defied beleief

    Re americans I heard one on Radio 4 iirc saying that he wanted mit to win so the american dream could be re borne as the whole world needed this

    They really do think that everyone thinks they are as fab as they think they are when in most of the civilised world[ Ok Europe] the Republican party could not even exist as a political force never mind the tea party.
    I just dont get why anyone would vote for him unless you were a member of the elite

    Free Member

    President Romney doesn’t bear thinking about.

    In a nation where The Terminator can become the Governer of one of the biggest states, anything is possible.

    Free Member

    Cynical? Me? No, just experienced.

    In what, exactly? Mind control? Election fraud? 😯

    In a nation where The Terminator can become the Governer of one of the biggest states, anything is possible.

    So – you are saying if you were once an actor you are stupid and on that basis should not be allowed to run for office? A bit harsh, no?

    Free Member

    In a nation where The Terminator can become the Governer of one of the biggest states, anything is possible


    Free Member

    I hadn’t realised how the US voting system worked until today, but that’s why I fear Romney might get in, as most of those with votes that count are likely to want the tax cuts Romney is offering.

    It’s a bit of a failing of TV news around US elections. They point out that the electoral college CAN go against the wishes of the electorate but have almost never done so and never in enough volume in a given college that it impacted the results of the election.

    Full Member

    They really do think that everyone thinks they are as fab as they think they are when in most of the civilised world[ Ok Europe] the Republican party could not even exist as a political force never mind the tea party.

    Free Member

    it does not need the collegiate system as Bush beat Gore with fewer votes from the people.

    I dont understand why it is not just the person with the most votes who wins rather than all collegiate

    It seems daft to have a system – in a two horse race- where the one with the most votes does not win

    Free Member

    The cleverest thing the republicans did in America was convince poor white voters that they had their best interests at heart. In a generation that demographic went from primarily democrat to republican. Quite amazing and for those who think they’d never be a power outside the US (if such things could be transplanted), I’m sure they’d find a niche here too.

    Full Member

    Turkeys voting for Christmas doesn’t even begin to describe it. I think its best summed up by the idiot, shortly after Obama was elected, who was hit by a car while protesting against ‘socialist’ universal healthcare.

    The crowd of his fellow utter morons protestors had to have a whip round to try and pay to get him treated in hospital.

    You really couldn’t make it up. I’m afraid that words like ‘stupid’ and ‘dumb’ don’t even begin to scratch the surface of the almost plant-like ‘intelligence’ and gullibility of these people

    Free Member

    Paddy Power are already paying out on an Obama win apparently.

    Why do they do this? It happened after Wiggo won the TDF, one of the betting chains was paying out on him winning SPOTY. After the Olympics it was far from a dead cert.

    What is the advantage in paying out before you know the result?

    Free Member

    PR as we are talking about them

    Free Member

    fingers and toes crossed for Obama

    Free Member

    All very well mocking the Yanks but look at what we elected.

    Free Member

    look at what we elected

    Did we?

    Free Member

    All very well mocking the Yanks but look at what we elected.

    Free Member

    binners – Member
    I’m afraid that words like ‘stupid’ and ‘dumb’ don’t even begin to scratch the surface of the almost plant-like ‘intelligence’ and gullibility of these people

    So binners, should those with plant-like intelligence and the gullible be allowed to participate in the democratic process? I guess the same question goes to altaz re the poor white? (edit: serious questions BTW!)

    atlaz – Member
    The cleverest thing the republicans did in America was convince poor white voters that they had their best interests at heart.

    But at the end of the day, if the Senate and the House remain divided and political/policy paralysis continues, isn’t this just a most monumental waste of time and money? After all this, they will have a figurehead who is largely impotent with regards domestic policy. And yet again, the BBC sends its “heavyweights” over under the false pretence that having somebody in DC makes the news somehow more real?

    Where is the next drain that we can pour money down?

    Free Member

    teamhurtmore – I’ve got family in the US who fit soundly into that demographic and I’m actually puzzled why they vote for people who will disadvantage them. They’re absolutely entitled to but since the Reagan era there has been a steady shift right from that demographic and that has been a goal of the republican party for some time. If you could be bothered to more research than kaesae rather than just being reactionary, we might have a conversation. 🙄

    Free Member

    should those with plant-like intelligence and the gullible be allowed to participate in the democratic process?

    Can of worms that one but we all know why he objects just like we all know why some should not be allowed to breed – I am thinking aristocracy here for the safety of the gene pool as inbreeding is not good for us 😉

    I guess the same question goes to altaz re the poor white?

    atlaz – Member
    The cleverest thing the republicans did in America was convince poor white voters that they had their best interests at heart.

    Can you think of a reason why a poor white person will be best served by Mit?

    After all this, they will have a figurehead who is largely impotent with regards domestic policy.

    Not if it is mit who wins

    And yet again, the BBC sends its “heavyweights” over under the false pretence that having somebody in DC makes the news somehow more real?

    Yes we do seem to love reporting this stuff over and over again even on Radio 4 – I best the scots devolution vote gets less coverage

    Free Member

    Can you think of a reason why a poor white person will be best served by Mit?

    That’s exactly the point. The republican party has worked hard to target those voters and make them think that the republicans are the right party for them to support and it’s worked. Bush wouldn’t have won two elections without this shift

    Full Member

    thm – I’m not criticising the democratic process. It just amazes me how so many people can be so accepting of information/news that is nothing more than propaganda (Obama is a Muslim etc).

    And display such a ludicrous lack of curiosity that as long as whoever’s on the republican ticket is in agreement with them about abortion an gun-toting, they seem to have little or no interest in anything else. No matter how detrimental the ‘everything else’ is going to be to them personally

    Full Member

    I think the UK should get at least 10 electoral college votes. I mean FFS they give Kentucky 12!

    I must admit I just don’t get why anyone would vote for Romney either.

    But then for many its not about the personality of the Republican party candidate its simply the fact that they aren’t a Democrat

    Free Member

    whatever president they get – the USA will still be full of the kind of people interviewed in that video which is kind of scary

    Free Member

    So – you are saying if you were once an actor you are stupid and on that basis should not be allowed to run for office? A bit harsh, no?

    no. I’m saying Arnie is stupid, but not as stupid as you. 😛

    Free Member

    Ask igrf

    Free Member

    Ask igrf to ask the dolphins.

    Free Member

    i think a lot of the pro mitt supporters agenda is quite sinister and sometimes quite blatant….

    Free Member

    My cousin lives in LA, she left the UK 12 years ago a bright intelligent TV producer for Ch4, now she’s a raving Mitt supporter. We had a 2 hour row when Ipicked her up from the airport in Aug because I happened to mention the NHS!! Cannot believe the transformation.

    Free Member

    I try to avoid politics in the US unless someone raises it and it feels like it will be a reasoned conversation. Slipped up once and was told by someone I respect that she found “Obama really scary and not just a little creepy”. I finished my coffee and made my excuses.

    Full Member

    wasnt there something about romney having a controlling interest in the company that make the voting machines…………

    Free Member

    But then for many its not about the personality of the Republican party candidate its simply the fact that they aren’t a Democrat

    Abraham Lincoln was a republican. How times change…

    Free Member

    Indeed. The GOP ain’t what it was. More’s the pity.

    Free Member

    atlaz – Member
    teamhurtmore – I’ve got family in the US who fit soundly into that demographic and I’m actually puzzled why they vote for people who will disadvantage them. They’re absolutely entitled to but since the Reagan era there has been a steady shift right from that demographic and that has been a goal of the republican party for some time. If you could be bothered to more research than kaesae rather than just being reactionary, we might have a conversation.

    Atlaz, not being reactionary at all. Research clearly indicates how/why low income, white segments of the population vote for RW parties in many countries. So perhaps the extra research need to be asking why not? As you reply above states, the shift has been noticeable.

    Alternatively, perhaps these “poor, gullible” folk are actually far more astute than those of us commentating from this side of the pond. Perhaps they understand the irony that Republic parties can in reality be big spenders – did Reagan cut government spending (did Thatcher?)? Or was the reality the opposite of the rhetoric. Now that really does justify a swivel eyed smiley!!

    Junkyard – Member
    Not if it is mit who wins

    JY – how would Mit get past the split between Senate and the House better than Obama. The checks and balances (polite phrase for paralysis) will effect them both, wont it?

    Plus they are both legally bound to address the fiscal position from Jan 1?

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