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  • Nukeproof Mega ā€“ 10 year review šŸ˜
  • BlobOnAStick
    Full Member

    I donā€™t get to go mountain biking much these days but I took my best bike out to the Wyre forest today.

    Heading down one of the highlight trails of the area I was reflecting that my 10-year-old bike still brings out the 10-year-old in me. Fab fun.

    But thenā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. Bzzzzz bzzzz ā€“ rear tyre is rubbing on the frame. Eh?

    Well, it took 10 years, but itā€™s finally succumbed to the poorly-welded chain stays that the first batch were cursed with. Oh well, glad I kept the free-issue replacement parts that have dwelt in my garage for all those years.

    Itā€™s definitely worth repairing, even if itā€™s considered ā€œvintageā€ these days.

    Free Member

    But, butā€¦ where are the photos?
    Love those original Megaā€™s.

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