It was a genuine question, are the majority of Americans for or against gun control? IME the majority I have met are against gun control.
Well, its a difficult question that one, as like everything, certain drum bangers try and oversimplify things to the point of reductio ad absurdum – my experience of Americans is that nobody at all supports a complete absence of gun control – because they clearly think that criminals and people with mental health problems shouldn’t be allowed guns – but of course this is already the law and nobody at all is arguing for that to change (yet this is, of course, used to say that the majority of the public support gun control by the anti gun lobby) in the same way, most people seem perfectly happy with the concept of federal checks before purchase to support the above.
The relevant question is more ‘should firearm laws be made stricter than they are at the moment’ – by which of course you could mean ‘ban people on terrorist watch lists from owning guns’ to which there would of course be broad support, right through to ‘ban handguns’ or ‘ban large capacity magazines’ which there might be a greater level of support, through again to UK like certification, to which there would be widespread opposition.
I think its pretty clear that the consensus in the states is that law abiding citizens should be allowed an absolute right to own guns, the question of what guns and to what degree that applies is more difficult. ‘Gun control’ isn’t a simple or binary issue, so its impossible to answer the question easily.