Home Forums Chat Forum Nothing says Christmas quite like an automatic weapon…

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  • Nothing says Christmas quite like an automatic weapon…
  • jimjam
    Free Member


    Oh like this?

    That looks fairly auto to me, but like I say I have no idea.

    No like this.


    No it’s not, it’s a fully automatic assault rifle.

    machine gun

    an automatic gun that fires bullets in rapid succession for as long as the trigger is pressed.

    Most are available in various designs, semi and full auto.

    Banned in most states and in states where you can buy them you have undergo background checks and register t with the ATF I believe.

    Full Member

    so odds are it’s semi.

    Funnily enough I woke up with one of those this morning.

    GrahamS, you’ll note that he has to pull the trigger once for each shot fired. If he went on a killing spree with, that he’d probably only be able to murder 50 or so people before his finger got really, really tired.

    Unless he was also a musician.

    Full Member

    Anyway it’s an Extar 556 which is semi auto.

    Oh like this?very unflattering for your bingo wings.

    Free Member

    machine gun

    an automatic gun that fires bullets in rapid succession for as long as the trigger is pressed.

    Pedantic gun definition time.

    assault rifle
    a lightweight rifle developed from the sub-machine gun, which may be set to fire automatically or semi-automatically.

    Full Member

    No like this.

    helpfully also pointing out that 100 JHPs will only set you back $24.99 🙄

    Free Member

    Guns are fun! And **** terrifying!

    Free Member

    SO you can tell by that picture that one of them has a semi?

    Free Member

    Guns don’t kill people do … 😛

    Full Member

    If he went on a killing spree with, that he’d probably only be able to murder 50 or so people before his finger got really, really tired.

    And even if he was devious enough to switch fingers, he’d have to change magazines after 100 rounds anyway.

    Full Member

    Guns don’t kill people do …

    I thought it was rappers?

    I seen it in a documentary on BBC2.

    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member

    Guns don’t kill people do …

    I thought it was rappers?
    I seen it in a documentary on BBC2. [/quote]

    I think some of them do coz they want to act cool …

    They do produce shite music though …

    Free Member

    machine guns and destructive devices are effectively banned for sale to the public

    semi-automatic rifles or non-automatic rifles and pistols aren’t destructive devices?

    Full Member

    Free Member

    I’m not aware of any State restricting the number of guns or number of rounds of ammo you can own?

    I’m sure that’s true.

    Free Member

    The chances of effective gun control laws being passed in the US are almost zero.

    They are absolutely obsessed with the “right to bear arms”.

    I worked with a very smart US engineer, who built his own semi automatic rifle while at Uni. He used the schools CNC machines to do it. He had to buy the main mechanism as it was illegal to build one and I think he bought the barrel. He uses it for coyote hunting.

    He’s not an in-bred red neck but a very smart, well educated, middle class Californian.

    When I asked him where he keeps it, his answer was “in the closet”. What about the ammunition, “err in the closet”! He seemed surprised that I expected him to have a gun cabinet.

    You can buy guns and ammunition in Walmart.

    Free Member

    gobuchul – Member

    The chances of effective gun control laws being passed in the US are almost zero.


    They can cull each other as much as they like.

    Earth is rather over populated at the moment …

    Free Member

    Cripes you lot talking about Automatics and Semi Automatics.. You know quite a lot more than I do about Gunz.. 😯

    I’m more disturbed by the colour coordination (or lack of)
    I mean, turgid red t-shirts and jeans?
    And the T-shirts aren’t all the same colour.. 🙄 You’da thunk they’d buy a job lot of the same colour, perhaps they did and ditched the ones with “I’m with Stupid” on in favour of these horrible things.
    And the jeans are all different colours too..

    My eyes hurt. 😛

    Full Member

    bikebouy – Member

    I’m more disturbed by the colour coordination (or lack of)
    I mean, turgid red t-shirts and jeans?
    And the T-shirts aren’t all the same colour.

    I have to say, I also found that quite offensive… 🙂

    Free Member

    The family that slays together:-
    “I’m about to fly to Paris and shoot ‘em in the head myself. I am not OK with Syrian refugees. I’m not OK with terrorists.”

    Her rant went on: “I’m OK with putting them down, blacking them out, just put a piece of brass in their ocular cavity and end their miserable life. I’m good with that.” lovely rational woman.

    Free Member

    footflaps – Member

    They look like a bunch of redneck hillbilly inbreds.

    That’s probably because they are.

    Truly terrifying that anyone can buy and own as many guns and ammo as they like in the US….

    It fascinates me when information is gleaned from Google and purveyed as knowledge.
    The level of ignorance exhibited here regarding firearms and Americans is mind boggling.
    The desire to belittle American culture is still alive and well on ST and being peddled with ever increasing fervour.
    I don’t understand the English desire to condemn what they don’t fully understand. And the feeling that anyone who doesn’t live like they do is somehow not living right.
    The hypocrisy of condemning someone for their culture.
    That after all is what’s happening here.
    Admittedly the family photo is pretty ridiculous, but they are hardly a reflection of the majority of American families.
    Most people would never know if someone they were visiting had a weapon or not. It’s not mainstream to put your firearms on display in this bizarre manner and to use this families example to make encompassing critical and insulting remarks shows pretty high levels of ignorance.
    A lot of what’s being said is in humour. I get that but, come on

    Full Member

    gobuchul – Member

    The chances of effective gun control laws being passed in the US are almost zero.

    They are absolutely obsessed with the “right to bear arms”.

    This from a man with poisonous spit.

    Free Member

    Like how ~30,000 people are killed by firearms in the US every year (from Google)?

    Free Member

    This from a man with poisonous spit.

    Only if I gland it.

    Free Member

    Is access to guns really culture though?

    Culture is art food tradition not the need to have ready access to a means of offing your self or a neighbour should the whim take you.

    America has some great culture some real things of value and that is not belittled by pointing out the right to bare arms which is valued by a certain minority and rich powerful industry is just odd and seems dangerous. Fun internet fact of the day in the last 5 years more Americans have been shot by their own dogs than British policemen by terrorists.

    Free Member

    30,000 people in the UK die each year from being bored to death by talking about the weather. FACT.

    The last time I was in London someone started talking to me about the difference between Mist, drizzle and fine rain. I barely escaped with my life. Others around me were dropping like flies. The boring settings were on fully automatic.

    Free Member

    right to bare arms which is valued by a certain minority

    Are they in a minority?

    The majority of Americans I have worked with seem to own guns and resist gun control.

    It may be the company I keep rather than a reflection on all of the USA…..

    Full Member

    Admittedly the family photo is pretty ridiculous, but they are hardly a reflection of the majority of American families.

    It’s not just some random family of nutters though.

    She is Michele Fiore, a serving Republican (surprise) politician who sponsored a bill to allow concealed carry of weapons at college campuses, schools and day care facilities[/url], saying it would allow “young, hot little girls” to defend themselves from rapists. 😯

    Full Member

    right to bare arms which is valued by a certain minority

    Are they in a minority?

    Good point – you’d expect more support for this kind of thing. The other day my boss told me to roll my sleeves down to cover up my arms – it’s infringing my human rights!

    Free Member

    Good point – you’d expect more support for this kind of thing.

    i am not saying I am for or against gun control in the US. (Apart from the fact it’s not really my business.)

    It was a genuine question, are the majority of Americans for or against gun control? IME the majority I have met are against gun control.

    Free Member

    Keep in mind that America was built on mass genocide,slavery and paranoia. It’s just a way of life.

    Full Member

    LHS – Member
    The boring settings were on fully automatic.

    Are you sure it wasn’t semi-automatic. It’s a common mistake you know…

    Free Member

    Keep in mind that America was built on mass genocide,slavery and paranoia. It’s just a way of life

    Which they took from the British.

    Full Member

    Are they in a minority?

    I’m sure someone will shoot me down if I’m wrong (poor choice of words there) but I think I’m right in saying that about a third of Americans own guns. So yes, it’s a minority. On the other hand there is getting on for 1 gun per capita – which means gun owners have, on average, 3.

    Free Member

    Which they took from the British.

    We’ve never been paranoid.

    Free Member

    It was a genuine question, are the majority of Americans for or against gun control? IME the majority I have met are against gun control.

    Well, its a difficult question that one, as like everything, certain drum bangers try and oversimplify things to the point of reductio ad absurdum – my experience of Americans is that nobody at all supports a complete absence of gun control – because they clearly think that criminals and people with mental health problems shouldn’t be allowed guns – but of course this is already the law and nobody at all is arguing for that to change (yet this is, of course, used to say that the majority of the public support gun control by the anti gun lobby) in the same way, most people seem perfectly happy with the concept of federal checks before purchase to support the above.

    The relevant question is more ‘should firearm laws be made stricter than they are at the moment’ – by which of course you could mean ‘ban people on terrorist watch lists from owning guns’ to which there would of course be broad support, right through to ‘ban handguns’ or ‘ban large capacity magazines’ which there might be a greater level of support, through again to UK like certification, to which there would be widespread opposition.

    I think its pretty clear that the consensus in the states is that law abiding citizens should be allowed an absolute right to own guns, the question of what guns and to what degree that applies is more difficult. ‘Gun control’ isn’t a simple or binary issue, so its impossible to answer the question easily.

    Free Member

    In October 55% were in favour of stricter gun control according to Gallup but most favoured controlled ownership of hand guns so a minority in favour of right to bare arms but it falls short of favouring an absolute ban on private ownership of guns.

    Free Member

    I sometimes hear people defending bull fighting as a cultural part of society. The thing is, cultures can and do change. Cultures are not static. They are always moving and being influenced by other cultures.

    Free Member

    mrsfry – Member

    Keep in mind that America was built on mass genocide,slavery and paranoia. It’s just a way of life.

    And of course we just drank tea and everyone we colonised was happy to invite us in and take on our values with open arms.
    Or are you just trying to garner some support from the rest of the Luddites who pretend America is the only country that’s ever taken something from someone?
    What relevance that idiotic comment has regarding gun ownership has passed me by.

    Free Member

    I would never pretend that England ever had a noble and glorious history.
    English history has a body count greater than WW1 and 2.
    I also don’t like Churchill.

    Free Member

    Thanks for clearing that up. I’ll sleep OK now.

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