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  • Northwave Celsius v Shimano MW80
  • swoosh
    Free Member

    Which of these two do you think i should put my money towards?

    i realise the waterproofing is only worth it so long as the water doesnt go in over the top thru the hole you put your foot in but how good are they at waterproofing around the foot and how about warmth? or should i look elsewhere and if so, where?


    Free Member

    MW80, nuff said. Seriously, any shoe will leak if it goes over the cuff. MW’s have kept my feet warm though and only heavy rain has caused them to leak. They also look not too bad, so money well spent

    Full Member


    Personnnaly I never found the NV warm, waterproof yes, but not warm (using MT90’s now – lots warmer).
    Isn’t there a new Shimano winter boot on it’s way? (or that just a re-designed MW80?)

    Free Member

    Bought a pair of Northwave Celcius and don’t think much to them. The top of the boot round the ankle is very stiff & hard so I can’t get it done up tight enough without it rubbing and being uncomfortable. And of course if it’s not tight then loads of water/pebbles get inside. I might try softening them up but IMO they’re not up to much. The Shimano design looks much better from a comfort point of view but then the neoprene might not last as long. But in the end wish I’d gone for Shimano.

    Free Member

    ok, then, how do the MW80s come up size wise? i have some other shimano shoes (cant remember what model) in 45 but couldnt get winter socks in them so are the MW80s similar in size? also, anyone know where they might be in stock in my required size before march?

    Full Member

    I started a thread on exactly the same topic. Consensus seems that MW80’s are the tops but good luck in finding a pair. I’m normally a 45 but couldn’t get a foot into the 45’s my wife bought me for Xmas. Consensus on that talking to LBS is that you need to go up two sizes, one because theyre small anyway and another to allow decent socks inside.

    Full Member

    Stif are doing shimano MW02s for £67 at the moment

    Free Member

    not able to find that price on stif now. shame.

    so if i’m a 45 in ‘normal’ shimano shoes i might need a 46 or 47 for the winter boots then. at least i know that much.

    might contact Madison and find out when they are getting more in…

    Full Member

    I had the original Shimano winter boots MW001 I think but even 2 sizes bigger than usual they were too narrow so I sold them to a mate who has narrow feet.

    I then bought some MT90 boots that are great unless you get a real drenching as they don’t have a proper ankle cuff.

    No I also have the new MW80 boots and they are much wider + the neoprene cuff is coated with some rubbery stuff so it wont soak up water, I have done some proper “I really don’t think this was a good idea” rides and they have been “Toasty”

    Free Member

    cant seem to find the MW80s in stock in anything like a 46/47 so does anyone know how good the Lake MXZ302s are? i think they are a new version of the MXZ301s if antyone has tried those?

    Free Member

    so i’m guessing that no one has tried the Lake shoes then?

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