No rear towing eye ...

[Closed] No rear towing eye - attach rope to what?

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I pulled a car out of sand yesterday with my D-Max. After nearly getting my own truck stuck, I could only tow with my own car facing forwards.

I put the rope around the leafspring [i]holder[/i] (correct word?) with seemed very strong and obviously can take some force / weight of the truck over bumps. Was this a good idea? Was there a better one? I've been underneath today and am 100% sure that the only towing eye is at the front.

I don't want an expensive tow bar fitted just to save an occasional stranger from sand, mud, flood etc. Are there any other options?

Why would a truck not have an eye at the rear?


pic of similar (but mine's f-in covered in sand and dust!)

[img] [/img]

Posted : 01/02/2014 7:30 am