Sensitive about your BBC aren’t some of you
Well if that’s how you want to describe it.
The BBC is one of those few remaining institutions which Britain can be, deservedly, very proud of. It’s reputation for excellence in the whole spectrum of broadcasting, is world renowned. Contrast that with Rupert Murdoch’s global media empire.
And another institution which Britain can be immensely proud of is the British police. But go on, tell us how much better the French police are.
“Arab press welcomes Blix report”. Think a little about how that will be received by the reader. the choice of the word “Arab”. They could have used “Middle East” which would have more accurately geographically placed the newspapers or are they talking about the the world over in which case “Muslim” would be more appropriate. How would a report starting “Black press welcomes… .” as a lead to the story about the DSK case be constrewed by the reader? The choice of the word Arab is poor.
What a pathetic attempt to castigate the BBC by darkly suggesting the term “Arab” is somehow racist. You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel mate.
And since you appear to have completely missed this huge story, even though you apparently watch the BBC, have a look at this link :
No ‘truce’ in Iraq dossier row
Quote :
“Downing Street has denied declaring a “truce” in its row with the BBC over the government’s Iraq dossier.”
“The BBC has refused to apologise for its report that a senior intelligence official had said last September’s Iraq dossier was “sexed up” at Downing Street’s request.”
“In response the BBC’s head of news, Richard Sambrook, said: “The real question for the BBC is were we right to report what we actually said, when we said it? We believe the answer is ‘Yes’.”
For a British government “propaganda” tool in the Iraq War, the BBC were clearly left wanting. How did ITN and Sky compare in holding the government to account ?