Basically got a slight problem with my motorbike. Hyosung GT250R. I'm pretty much certain it's the side stand switch.
Starts fine on the button. Stand up click into first it dies, back into neutral starts on the button pull clutch in stand up click into first again it dies.
Slam the stand up with aggression it will eventually let you put it in gear and set off.
Now I didn't have time to mess about with it today but I've coated it in lube and cleaned round the stand and it is a little better but still not right.
Now the bike is 4 months old, it had its first (600 mile) service atthe dealers and the second (2500) service at a local mechanic as it was only a oil and filter change.
Now will I be able to just turn up at the dealers and say sort it or will I have voided my warranty by using a local mechanic?
Hoping to get it done as I'm off on holiday on Wednesday.