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  • New bike day
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    Full Member

    TIMG-20240209-WA0023his is my ebike for this year and I’m gagging to wring its neck on the trails. Pivot shuttle lt to complment my firebird .

    Full Member

    This is a forum for local people we’ll have no e-bikes here !!! (Said in the voice of Edward out of League of Gentlemen) ;)

    Full Member

    Ebikes are the nuts

    Full Member

    Anyone else upset by the mis-matched cable conduit on the wall?

    As far as eBikes go, that one’s a reasonable looker. 👌

    Ebikes are the nuts

    Yes, they are.

    Nice bike 👍

    Free Member

    Well someone has got to say it….

    The shock looks like the frame was designed around the motor and the shock fitted in later “oh shit we have got fit it in somewhere” ok ok that will do. Call it linear+ trails come alive or something.

    Well someone has got to say it….

    Tbh, the shock was irking me slightly too 🤣

    Free Member

    Technically speaking a moped. It’s the 1970s all over again

    Free Member

    Yeah, the shock/seat tube/rear triangle intersection is a horror show. The straight line from head tube to rear axle, on the other hand, is very pleasing.

    Full Member

    This is my ebike for this year

    Tell us you’re sponsored, without telling us :)

    The straight line from head tube to rear axle, on the other hand, is very pleasing.

    It might even have been better without this niceness, as the contrast between the two elements of the design draws attention.

    Full Member

    I’d love a Pivot bike – everything I’ve read about them in reviews and interviews makes me think they’re made as well as anyone is making a bike. Super tight QC etc.

    I agree that the shock angle looks a bit weird but it’s just the packaging/kinematics juggle – it’s progressive enough for a coil, loads of anti-squat, good brake-squat.

    Have fun! (Obviously you will, that’s your job!)

    Full Member

    Gunna set it up tomorrow at Herts shore, proper dial it in. Can’t wait

    Free Member

    Lawn needs feeding.

    Full Member

    Pmsl 😆 🤣

    Full Member

    Fazua bruvver 34feaaca-0af1-4632-9c73-f9227685b42e

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