Need a new bike, as...

[Closed] Need a new bike, asap!

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Been lurking for a while on the old forum, good to see everyone pull together over the last few days, what a fab community 🙂

Anyway, this year has been rubbish, got my bike nicked early on basically made me feel crap for a long time, so I'm hoping next year will be better.

I want to spend about 1,400 on a new steel hardtail, XC style really, and I'll be taking it to GT and Afan etc when I can.

I toyed with the idea of building one up, but I did that before and it took me about a month. Really I just want to buy one all built up so I can get ride asap 🙂

Thinking about an Orange P7, maybe the Pro one. Anyone got one? They seem to get good reviews, although not too sure if I should be worried about the sliding dropouts that some people complain about.

The other one that's caught my eye is the Genesis Altitude.

Anyway, if you have any suggestions, please let me know 🙂

Posted : 24/12/2008 9:53 pm