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  • NBD: Airdrop Edit MX/27.5, Intense M1, Whyte E-Lyte
  • Ben_Haworth
    Full Member

    Yep, only three bikes in this week’s round-up… but what a trio they are!

    By ben_haworth

    Get the full story here:

    Full Member

    First bit says “Bird Cycles press release”, I think you mean Airdrop bikes press release.

    Full Member

    I think it should be Airdrop Cycles press release……. unless they have been taken over by Bird???

    Full Member

    Pretty sure that Bird Edit MX is actually and Airdrop ;)

    Full Member

    Should be Airdrop for the Edit, I think!

    Free Member

    I think you need to edit the edit….

    pretty sure Bird and Airdrop are two entirely different brands

    Free Member

    Decent seatpost insertion and 200mm post mount on the Airdrop. I like the green!

    Full Member

    Ah gad. I have very little brain power this week. Blame drugs.


    Sorry Airdroppers!

    Full Member

    I’m ready to buy that Airdrop with the Ohlins shock, it looks mint. The only problem is I can’t afford the Ohlins fork. I used to buy cars for the price of that thing, not suspension forks.

    Full Member

    Moving on …

    £10k, I know … but the Whyte E-lyte does seem to be the first Ebike to be in touching distance weight-wise to a normal trail bike! I’m at the age now where a bit of assist is starting to appeal, but don’t want the weight and cumbersomeness of full-fat-E. Hopefully, in 5 years or so time, when I’m likely to seriously be in the market for an ebike, costs will come down and reliability will have improved.

    Free Member

    Is the latest Rise not sub 16kg?

    Full Member

    Is the latest Rise not sub 16kg?

    Quite possibly … I don’t pay very much attention to ebike launches.

    Full Member


Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

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