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  • My daughter sees ghosts
  • chewkw
    Free Member

    silverneedle – Member
    anyone ever heard of / done smudging?

    If I understand the term correctly, i.e. smudging, then yes, a very common practice in the far east. 😛

    The method might be different in different parts of the world but essentially I think the purpose is the same.

    silverneedle – Member
    anyone ever heard of / done smudging?
    If it was me i smudge the **** out of that place, Just sayin

    Depending on “who” you have really, sometimes the effect of the smudging is only temporary coz “they” will return … 😛

    ctk – Member

    In a previous house:

    Next door neighbours teenage daughter killed herself in her bedroom, shortly after this family moved out and new family with 2 young kids moved in. These kids would not go into the bedroom where she killed herself because of a ghost. (new family had zero knowledge of suicide) SPOOKY!

    D’oh! You have moved house otherwise this is an opportunity you should never miss to find out for yourself if there is such thing …

    Full Member

    Time travel is clearly the answer here or she has found your stash of mummy&daddys cookies, the funky ones :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    kids have imaginations… who woulda thunk it

    **** batshit mental adults attribute it to a non existent fairytale phenomenon… give me strength

    Full Member

    Op have you recently met any caretakers or museum curators who seemed innocuous at the time of meeting? Would you describe your daughter as pesky or meddling?

    Full Member

    Why are there no ant ghosts?
    Or frog ghosts?
    If ghosts can walk through walls, why don’t they fall through floors?

    I need the rule book on ghosts, i suspect…


    Free Member

    It’s been suggested that under certain circumstances, especially when there’s violence, or a person in a heightened emotional state, the event can ‘imprint’ or ‘record’ itself on the fabric of the building or locality.

    I saw a film many years ago based around this premise but in the end the “recording” became a malevolent ghost and forced the researcher to walk up a set of stone steps and fall off to his death. Tried Googling with no joy; anyone remember something like this?

    Full Member

    **** batshit mental adults attribute it to a non existent fairytale phenomenon… give me strength

    I’m not attributing it to anything. I can’t see them.

    Free Member

    Ooh, its time for my oft-repeated ‘ghost’ (?) story again:

    “I may have told this one before.

    20 years ago. December, cold and dark outside. At mum and dads. Fell asleep in my old room in the attic, woke up about half 5 with my mum calling me down for dinner.

    Went down the stairs, was about to turn left into the kitchen, glanced left, there’s my dad standing in the living room doorway,facing away from me, staring into the room. Something odd about the way he was standing made me pause for a minute and stare. Couldn’t place it somehow, like he was looking at something terrible on the TV.

    Turned and went into the kitchen, there’s dad eating his dinner- turned around- no figure in the living room doorway any more.
    A little shocked, I mention it to mum and dad- dad looks surprised- mum doesn’t. Claims she’s been seeing a male figure around the house for years (not my dad).

    18 months later and we’re waiting for the undertakers to set up my brother’s coffin in the living room after his death 2 days before in a motorbike accident. They leave, closing the living room door discreetly and leaving us to it.

    We’re all in the kitchen, and dad takes the first step. He walks to the living room door, opens it, but stands there, unable to continue. I’m a few steps behind, and walk past him. As I do so, crapping my pants, I think- where and when did I seen him standing like that before?”


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    JonW – The Stone Tape: Link[/url]

    It’s a Nigel Kneale one – brilliant prescient TV writer (see also The Year of the Sex Olympics).

    Free Member

    “Where are all the cavrmen ghosts?”

    I once slept on a robbed out Neolithic burial mound.

    I was a bit spooked at pissing off the original occupant.

    During the night my phone lost signal once or twice. On my way home I fell off my bike…

    Makes you think.

    I once, err, ‘did the deed’ with my now wife in a burial mound…

    On the walk back to the car (a mile or so, not a long walk) the day turned from a lovely summers day to a huge thunderstorm and we got utterly and completely soaked to the pants…

    Free Member

    Mine says Grandad Noel doesnt visit anymore She is 5 and was born a good 15 years after grandad Noel passed, shes also pretty good on the details of him.

    Full Member

    I once had a wee up the side of Hardknott Roman Fort… then slipped and fell in it.

    Angry Roman ghosts.

    Makes you think eh?

    Free Member

    Clover – that’s the one, thanks. Remember thinking it was real creepy at the time. Nearly 45 years ago; how time flies!

    Free Member

    My son used to see people in our old house when he was a kid – not scary type ghosts, just people. And he always used to see people wandering about in a field that we couldn’t see. Found out only a few weeks ago that there is a burial chamber and signs of ancient habitation there.
    My daughter used to ask ‘who is the lady in the front room’ when she was a nipper too. Of course no one was in there that we could see.
    My theory (completely unverified and un researched, of course) is that all kids can see things like that until we start telling them that they don’t exist, so they stop.

    Free Member

    fatbobb – Member
    …Found out only a few weeks ago that there is a burial chamber and signs of ancient habitation there.

    Show me a place in Britain that doesn’t show signs of ancient habitation.

    we’ve been living and dying all over this island for thousands of years.

    Free Member

    or that kids have massive imaginations that adults over interpret

    Has anyone ever tried to play pretend games with young kids[under 5] they are all over the place with huge leaps of “logic” and things that make no sense
    Trying to interpret their “Play” as real and reality as false is pretty daft. if your theory is true then the force is real, and magic and telekinesis and almost everything else imaginable till we tell them otherwise

    Ghosts dont exist only people who think ghosts exist are real.

    Free Member

    Ghosts dont exist only people who think ghosts exist are real.

    Prove it 🙂

    Free Member

    Good point and understood, but don’t all things exist until discovered otherwise? A kid doesn’t know that ghosts, the force, telekinesis etc. don’t exist, so in their reality they do. Is ‘reality’ an individual state (as in a child’s reality) or a ‘group’ state (i.e. an adult’s)
    What about all the adults posted on this very thread – are we over interpreting their imagination too?
    @ahwile – agree, just an illustration of my experience.

    Free Member

    Which bit?
    The later is considerably easier than the former 😉

    don’t all things exist until discovered otherwise?

    That is very poorly worded. No imagination does not make things “real” it just means you are pretending,

    Full Member

    ghosts do exist, just not necessarily the spirit of great aunt sally come to communicate.

    if you look at the research work done with infra-sound causing oscillation of the eye and the resultant grey ghosting in your vision, then it is easy to extrapolate, that on a stormy night, at the end of long corridor in a an old mansion that wind can cause low frequency reverberation of windows resulting in a “grey lady” being fleetingly seen.

    It is an actual observed Item and as such “exists” its just not Timothy Claypole or the rest of rent-a-ghost 😀

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    ^The burden of proof is on those who assert their existence. I’ve seen/felt a bunch of odd stuff over the years but am almost certainly inclined to believe these shadowy ‘ghosts’ to be hallucinatory, ie the result of my brain/eyes being subjected to incidental infrasound or similar. I can’t prove it, especially after the facts. If on the other hand it turns out there is some quantum woo-woo…I wouldn’t know where to begin with that.

    Free Member

    don’t all things exist until discovered otherwise?

    That is very poorly worded. No imagination does not make things “real” it just means you are pretending,

    Yes, that is poorly worded. Here it is again

    Do all things exist until discovered otherwise? 😀

    Free Member


    Free Member

    A simple test:

    1. Mental health & medical condition
    Do you have mental health problem in your family (genetically). i.e. do you have schizophrenia, severe depression, hallucination etc in your family historicity?

    2. Environment
    Do you live in an area severely polluted by chemicals? i.e. fungus spore, toxic chemical, chemical waste in your location where you live or where built your house on?

    3. Habit
    Are you addicted to drugs? Marijuana, crack, medication etc?

    4. Upbringing
    Do you have proper upbringing? i.e. are telling lies encourage or simply ignore?

    5. Attention seeking
    Are you loved? Do you constantly crave for attention from your family members etc?

    6. Objective
    Do you gain anything by simply saying what you have seen? Do you earn money? Attention? Favour etc?

    If you answer No to all the above then …

    “If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”

    Full Member

    on a stormy night, at the end of long corridor in a an old mansion that wind can cause low frequency reverberation of windows resulting in a “grey lady” being fleetingly seen.

    you mean your eyes see a bunch of stuff moving which your brain interprets as something that isn’t actually there? Yeah I can certainly go along with that, what the brain sees, facial recognition, pareidolia, apophenia, is all interesting stuff.

    Growing up in quite a religious family/setting, the mix of “it’s all a load of nonsense” and “don’t mess with the occult, it’s dangerous” comments could be quite interesting.

    Free Member

    @ chekw…

    quite a coherent post given the poster…. 🙂

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    *edit – my last response/post was in reply rich c’s ‘prove it’.

    Free Member

    alpin – Member

    @ chekw…

    quite a coherent post given the poster….

    Interesting innit to see others so quick to dismiss something so quickly.

    Sometimes it really gets me thinking how rational these people are. 😛

    Full Member

    If they exist or otherwise this was done fascinating pre bed reading and I certainly had the spookier dreams last night.

    Free Member

    Who knows but until a sceptic tells me what happens after death well I’ll still be all ears to the idea of spirits etc.

    Free Member

    One of my mates is really interested in ghosts and supernatural stuff. He contacted a local amateur paranormal investigation group a while back to go on some overnight visits with them. He’s of the opinion that ghosts exist. After a few visits with them though he challenged them. He said that after one or two unusual but perfectly explainable incidents they were quite ready to label a place as verified by them as being haunted – they just discounted all reasonable suggestions of alternative possibilities to explain what had happened.

    I think he left them after telling them he thinks they talk out of their…

    Free Member

    Ive always been interested in the subject, despite having had no experiences myself. I can’t believe that with so many stories from serious people, that something paranormal isnt occurring.

    It’s not like anyone can prove it one way or the other, but just seem too many situations and coherent stories to dismiss them all.

    Free Member

    Apparently as a young child I used to talk to ‘the old man’ who lived in the spare room of my grandmothers house – needless to say, there was no actual old man. I have the vaguest of memories of him – he looked a bit like the guy on the front of The Cure’s ‘Staring at the Sea’ album. I never felt scared, he was just . . . there. I remember my mother’s alarm when I told her.

    Now I’m old and cynical, I still can’t explain that. Perhaps, as has already been mentioned, young minds are more receptive and don’t have the filters that we learn / are taught.

    Free Member

    Our brains are great at filtering out what we don’t expect to see.

    That’s one thing whilst scanning a scene looking for something else and where a gorilla is not important, but another entirely w when you are sitting at rest for extended time in your own house not doing much else.

    Free Member

    hammerite – Member
    I think he left them after telling them he thinks they talk out of their…

    Tell your mate to do his own investigation. If he cannot see them directly then use a mirror to see them indirectly. Sometimes it works sometime it doesn’t but just try not to make all sort of silly assumptions unless he is absolutely sure what he sees. Mirror in a dim lighted room can create shadow so try not to freak out. Apply all the scientific rules etc …

    Women are more likely to see them because of their negative energy while men is full of positive energy unless you are dying or in bad health, in that case you will have more negative energy.

    Location wise … hhmmm … plenty in UK due to past conflicts. Go to area where there are less people but many death in the past. Try there. Or go to places of execution or witch burning whatever you lot loved in the past … that should be fun.

    If “they” follow you home don’t blame me coz I will not be responsible for your fun time. 😛

    For the skeptics try this go to places where there are suicide(s) then challenge the entity(s) to follow you home. Take the mickey out off it. Try it. If there is no such thing other than carbon dust then nothing will happen. Again, I ain’t responsible for your fun. (at least give it a try … then report back)

    Free Member

    Women are more likely to see them because of their negative energy

    You’ve met Mrs CB too then?

    Free Member

    codybrennan – Member

    Women are more likely to see them because of their negative energy

    You’ve met Mrs CB too then? [/quote]
    😛 you sure it’s not that time of the month? I meant “chi” … no English term to describe them.

    Free Member

    Is this “ghost” and “imaginary friend” the same?

    Free Member

    wolfenstein – Member
    Is this “ghost” and “imaginary friend” the same?

    Not the same.

    If kids play with toys by themselves they might have “Imaginary friend” … just creative imagination.

    But if they speak to someone while not playing toys then they might be speaking to “someone”, you then go through my checklist.

    Free Member

    until a sceptic tells me what happens after death well I’ll still be all ears to the idea of spirits etc.

    Who are you who is so wise in the ways of science

    I can’t believe that with so many stories from serious people, that something paranormal isnt occurring.

    SO all we need is enough serious people to say it then its true
    The problem her is the serious people – what exactly does this actually mean- are about 1% ghosts 995 not ghosts

    It’s not like anyone can prove it one way or the other,

    We know this but what we do, for if we dont we have to accept anything is true – the only proviso being we have no proof of it!!!-

    but just seem too many situations and coherent stories to dismiss them all.

    Not one of them can be replicated under controlled experimental conditions

    Have you seen magicians – tbh if they did not admit it was all tricks we could all easily fall for their tricks

    There is no proof of ghosts there are only folk who want to believe.

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