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  • Mmmmm, frozen trails . . .
  • mamadirt
    Free Member

    Lovely :>) . . .

    Nice to ride in Wentwood forest without having to trawl through the mud. Anyone else out today?

    Free Member

    You orange Tart! 😀

    Free Member

    Wanna buy some orange zipties? 😉

    Free Member

    I was at Balblair, which is mostly on exposed rock and ‘shore. The rock and woodwork was very heavily frosted, but most of the time a bit of momentum got you through off-cambers and drops safely. Landed on me hip/arse once on sheet ice and had a spectacular endo when my front wheel wiped, but otherwise it was incident-free. First ride on a new build and loved it. Never got out of the mist and the temperature was never above zero.

    Free Member

    What’s the new build Swayndo?

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