just taken ownership of one of those bad boys PSA'd on here the other day, and would just like a bit of an overview on using it please.
my wife uses an older one and thought she was looking at its content through the 'manage your kindle' on amazon website, but i disagree with her. to me it looks like the site just shows the amazon 'library', so books bought through amazon. the fact that theyre the same as whats on her kindle is just a result of the fact that she bought them all from there. am i right?
ive now downloaded a load of george orwell books from other sources than amazon, and cut and pasted to my kindle touch. all looks ok. i assume that they will never show in the kindle library? and that i cant connect to my amazon account and look at the content on first my kindle, and separately, my wifes?
yes i can see every book in the library, and i can send to whichever device i select, but i cant actually see each devices content? i can only look at whats on my kindle by looking at my kindle. that sound right?
ive also read scare stories of amazon suspending accounts for mispractice, therefore losing all material 'bought', as theyre not really bought at all, just 'loaned' for the term of your account. if this is right, whats malpractice? what are you not sposed to do?
thanks a lot. i want to get some books loaded ready for me holibobs at end of the month 🙂