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  • Málaga mtbing
  • myti
    Free Member

    I’m in Málaga for a few days and hoping to ride some trails. I see there is a large concentration of trails in one area on Trail forks. If anyone can give some insight on the trails here, a good loop or a particular climb that is good to get to the trail heads it would be really welcome. Ebike if it makes any difference. Many thanks. It’s been rainy for the last week but 23 and sunny all week so should be premium conditions!

    Free Member

    Not exactly Malaga, but I’ve done some great riding around El Chorro, and you can get a train there directly from Malaga. Passing by Restaurant El Mirador Ardales is essential.

    Full Member

    I did a week with Switchbacks last month but I was being ferried around in the van so had no idea where I was. All the trails near the hotel in Mijas were accessed by road so you could just pedal up and do laps all day. Loads of riders around so plenty of people to ask for directions.

    We did days in El Chorro and La Zubia which were both class days out. There’s an area called Málaga Bike Park which is absolutely not a bikepark but has some amazingly steep, loose, treacherous trails and some wide open fast stuff. Lots of people pedalling around on e-bikes.

    You could try calling Mike at Switchbacks and seeing if there’s space in a van for a day out somewhere.

    Free Member

    If you mean you’re actually in Malaga itself, then the trials to the North are the Montes De Malaga (the post above calls it Malaga Bike Park), its like a large, wooded area, fire roads up and then loads of trails down.  Its not especially rocky, more dry and dusty soil with some roots and rocks.  Worth checking out, and depending on where you are in Malaga, you can likely ride there from your door.

    The larger collection of trails to the Southwest, near to Torremolinos are also good, but its a lot of climbing if you don’t have an uplift.  It’s also not ridable from Malaga unless you’re on a very XC type bike.  The trails are great, rocky and loose.  Best way to access is probably via the cable car in Benalmadena.

    Free Member

    Thanks we’re right in Málaga on a campsite. Think it’s the bike park collection of trails we’re looking at. Hopefully we’ll also drive out to El chorro after Málaga. Rode some of those a long time ago with Roost DH.

    Free Member

    El Chorro is worth staying at, lots of vans up there due to the climbing.  Trails are pretty good too.  La Zubia near Granada is also worth a drive if youre going up that way.

    Roost DH is a blast from the past.

    Full Member

    I’ve not ridden there, but spotted a few great trails when running in the hills near Mijas. Definitely worth a visit.

    Half an hour or so drive from Malaga.

    Free Member

    I’d be interested to hear how you get on myti
    I’m flying out on the 22nd and staying in central Malaga, intending on riding to the Almendrales area marked on Trailforks which sounds like it must be the montes de malaga/malaga bike park trails
    Looks like should be rideable from the city


    Free Member

    @jpacey had a great time on the trails today. Lovely fun and flow. A bit Surrey hills but with more rocks, there are some small features, gaps and drops with chicken lines. 13 miles and 3100ft and finished up at a locals bar for a beer. Oh and like most trails in Spain red =black, blue =red and green equals blue.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    This was a red (yeah right) that is above the other trails and takes a different road climb to get to and a ridge line decent then goes really steep and loose into the trees. Beyond me on a new bike to me and after not really riding much tech for the last couple of years.


    Free Member

    looks familiar!  Montes De Malaga is one of the more mellow bits around that area, El Chorro is mellower still.

    Free Member

    Awesome thanks for the update

    Free Member

    If you get the chance, El Chorro is really fun, Malaga can generally be pretty intense.  El Chorro is more flowy and not as techy.  The main trials are the ones on Trialforks.

    Free Member

    Yeah not going to make it to El Chorro this time but I remember it being great from my trip with Roost DH. One more go on the Málaga trails today then heading East to make our way back to UK over the next two weeks. Think Sot de Chera will be next stop for some riding and probably some round Girona way.

    Free Member

    Any stand out tracks to look out for on Trailforks myti?


    Full Member

    Variante into Karokorum is ace. Probably my favourite.

    Skidder is great and gets more flowy as you head down.

    If you feel brave pedal round the road to Enlace Almendrales into Poniente. Steep & techy.

    There are 2 fire road climbs. We found that the one on the west side was most useful.

    On all the trails don’t go further than the little bridge over the fire road with the 2 concrete storm drains/culverts.

    The trails further north east are meant to be great too.


    Free Member

    Cheers Pauly

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