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  • Low impact house – and it's so cool
  • epicyclo
    Full Member

    If houses only cost £5,000 to build it wouldn't matter if they didn't last 1,000 years or even 10

    Free Member

    Energy cant be destroyed we will always have the same amount.

    you're right. however, for energy to be in a form that we can use with current technology, it's got to be in fossil fuels.

    Here's a fact:

    The fossil fuels we use each year took the earth 3 million years to make. it doesnt take a rocket scientist to work out that if we use a resource 3 million times quick than it can be produced, we're in trouble.

    While the guys who built this house are an extreme, it does show a number of things everyone can adopt which might help slow our march towards an energy crisis, and may buy us some time while we figure out some alternative energy sources.

    Free Member

    Besides ignoring the obvious fact that we would need to chop down every tree in the country to do what the selfish person did by building a house without planning permission.
    and ignoring the man hours put into it
    and having the climate and land to grow all our own food
    How are we to achieve this utopia which is using a housing system from when the UK had a population of less than 1 million, and its now 61 million.

    Free Member

    Lovely day outside.
    Proper first day of spring!

    Free Member


    and how do we house, feed and employ 61 million people? what happens when petrol is £2 a litre? what happens when the power-stations we haven't bothered to replace have to be switched off?

    A lot of whats ifs and buts.

    How much energy does it take to raise a cow? how much fish protein to raise a salmon? There are a lot of issues, this might not be the right thing. But the way this country does/doesn't function is not a good way either. We are told house prices are high because we don't build enough, yet you can't build a house because you will almost certainly be in breach of planning or subject to NIMBYs

    Free Member

    It's a pretty old school house really.

    Free Member

    I like it, it's not a solution to housing in the 21st century but as a nice little diversion it's cool.

    I couldn't sleep in the same room as my kids though..

    Free Member

    Lovely day outside.
    Proper first day of spring!

    A sensible post 😀
    Ive got my onions spuds in tomatoes are coming on nicely as are the cabbages. Asparagus is sprouting already garlics doing well and we have fresh parsley to use. Strawberries are weeded and new runners planted in.
    Hope the weather this week doesnt **** it all up

    Free Member

    i assume you are behind the runway at Heathrow, out of town shopping centres,

    And why shouldn't people fly off on holiday if they want to? Most people spend all year slaving away to earn enough to go to some exotic place. In fact, I've even heard that some mountain bikers fly to foreign countries just to ride their bikes, when they could actually just open their front doors and ride a bike.

    Free Member

    I thought about buying some woodland and building a house as a series of rooms on stilts, going up and up through the trees so that there were a couple of living rooms level with the top of the canopy… so you could look out over the treetops and get full sunshine from all directions… The treetops would be full of squirrels and birds and stuff – cool.

    You'd have to make sure the trees didn't grow up though to plunge your living room into darkness.

    Free Member

    The treetops would be full of squirrels and birds and stuff – cool.

    They'd shit eveery where

    Free Member

    Molgrips – That would be pretty awesome!

    EDIT – Dales_rider

    Free Member

    Dales_rider – Member

    ……….. building a house without planning permission.

    😕 How do you know he didn't have planning permission ?

    He certainly claims to have on the second house which he is working on now :

    "After being granted Planning Permission at the end of August 2009, we moved immediately onto the land and have since been working on a first dwelling. "

    Free Member

    Lol@Lifer 🙂

    Free Member

    You naysayers about damp/rot/infestation need to go see some proper old houses – 100+ year old straw buildings, Tudor buildings, the Scottish Longhouse up the road from me and then consider if damp/rot/infestation is that big a deal if the building is detailed right.
    I think that sealing buildings up like plastic bags (as we currently usually do in the UK) is far, far worse.

    Free Member

    Totally agree with Lady Gresley, what a waste of wood and skill, cant we get away from thes sily and under engineered tree houses, what we need is shelter and warmth,not some overgriown triffid fantasy.

    We are now at the begining of 2010, and things need to be more modern and adaptable for this decade.

    Free Member

    [/b]molgrips – Member
    I thought about buying some woodland and building a house as a series of rooms on stilts, going up and up through the trees so that there were a couple of living rooms level with the top of the canopy… so you could look out over the treetops and get full sunshine from all directions… The treetops would be full of squirrels and birds and stuff – cool.

    You'd have to make sure the trees didn't grow up though to plunge your living room into darkness.

    You hopefully wouldnt get planning permission, for such a folly, and the suirrels would eat your nuts at christmas.

    Free Member

    And you know what else bugs me? All these people saying how good this house is and how eco friendly, are no doubt the ones who think nothing of putting a bike in a car to go for a bike ride – how is that eco friendly??

    Free Member

    We are now at the begining of 2010, and things need to be more modern ……

    Nonsense. I want to live like Fred Flintstone.

    Free Member

    I think that sealing buildings up like plastic bags (as we currently usually do in the UK) is far, far worse.

    Yeah I didn't realise that til recently. We use brute-force to drive the moisture out, but traditionaly houses were designed to breathe.

    Free Member

    How practical are these "eco houses"? Is there enough hills to house everyone in the country. Are they really low impact? What about the wildlife that would be displaced?

    Free Member

    All these people saying how good this house is and how eco friendly, are no doubt the ones who think nothing of putting a bike in a car to go for a bike ride – how is that eco friendly??

    Did you need to form that prejudice to prop up your world view, or was it just an added bonus? 😉

    Free Member

    Lady Gresley – Member

    And you know what else bugs me? All these people saying how good this house is and how eco friendly, are no doubt the ones who think nothing of putting a bike in a car to go for a bike ride – how is that eco friendly??

    I think you need to change your username to "Queen Assumption"

    Free Member

    How practical are these "eco houses"? Is there enough hills to house everyone in the country. Are they really low impact? What about the wildlife that would be displaced?

    At last some one reading between the lines, all the others who assume that you dont think like them that you are being negative.
    Just being on the internet makes you un green and non eco friendly.
    And if anyone thinks other wise they are fools
    Probably the same people who do as Lady G says "think nothing of carrying a bike in a car"

    Free Member

    Who's forcing this upon you?

    Free Member

    Who's forcing this upon you?

    Some southern W**ker

    Free Member

    as note 'eco-houses' can be as crusty/beardy or as technological as you like.. i.e. you don't have to live like a damp crusty hobbit house if you don't want to (though think the house in the OP is great and having been in similar structures not damp or horrible).

    each to is own. sure most would be preferable to crap general housing stock that is being thrown up around the county… in the UK we really do have the dullest aspirations for new houses… where an 'individual' design means that your bathroom window is in a slighly different location to your neighbours or you have a different colour roof tile… yawn

    Free Member

    You Northerns! You're funny when you get upset

    Free Member

    ooOOoo – Member

    You Northerns! You're funny when you get upset

    Another assumption, I do love STW everyone assumes they know someone, and they are always right.

    Full Member

    Part of the ethos of low impact is to cause as little disturbance to the environment as possible, and that includes wildlife. The houses are generally smaller so take up less space and permaculture gardening positively encourages wildlife. Compare that with a modern housing estate which is pretty much rendered sterile by acres of concrete, block paving and big look-at-how-much-money-I-earn houses.

    Changes are coming, like it or not, so why not buy a ticket now and get a good seat rather than sulking and trying to ignore it, you'll just end up standing at the back, on tiptoe, trying to see what's going on.

    Free Member

    You lead by example Dales.

    Free Member

    Nicely put Karin. I really don't understand why people get so ferociously angry about others doing things like this.
    Perhaps they think the future is Star Trek? Still waiting for their jet cars?

    Free Member

    I think Dales rider's woman must have run away with a Southerner

    Full Member

    I think people get angry for a number of reasons, guilt could be one of them.

    In some ways though, the whole green thing has been portrayed as two polar opposites: either a straggle-haired, beardy, sandall-wearing hippy grubbing out a living or a gel-haired, sharp-suited executive drinking in expensive wine bars, whereas, in fact, there are lots of ways to reduce one's impact without turning into the former (unless you want to, of course).

    A problem is that many societies measure worth by possessions, big house, big car, fancy watches, exotic holidays. Thus lower impact items and pursuits equate to a loser, an unsuccessful (and maybe even stupid) person.

    Free Member

    Wow – unbelievable d!ckheads in here! I do hope they're trolling and attempting to be funny.

    I think it is fabulous, and if all our homes (or a much greater number) were as light on the environment the world would be a nicer place. It's made of a few trees – how moronic to suggest that steel and glass might be better for the environment. Like it doesn't take any energy to make steel and glass!

    If you like that kind of thing this is a great book Home Work, Lloyd Khan

    Free Member

    Lifer – Member

    I think Dales rider's woman must have run away with a Southerner
    Guessing again that I'm married. 😮

    Free Member

    Any way back on track the whole eco concept is a non starter.
    I for one where I live would never ever get planning permission.
    The cost to the environment to demolish all the housing stock and rebuild it just is too much.
    So we are back to one person Living in a house of their design and splendid isolation. A mere Utopia for the many 61 million in this country.

    Free Member

    I didn't say 'wife'

    Free Member

    I for one where I live would never ever get planning permission.
    The cost to the environment to demolish all the housing stock and rebuild it just is too much.

    i) Have you tried or are you just assuming 😉

    ii) No-ones suggesting knocking everything down and starting again

    Free Member

    I had to use matching stone to extend my house, even now trying to get permission to replace a garage. The downside of living in a national park.
    Another is all the tossers on mountain bikes who will invade starting friday. 😉

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