Home Forums Chat Forum Look what some sick b*stard did to my mother in laws cat

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  • Look what some sick b*stard did to my mother in laws cat
  • Zoolander
    Free Member

    Some tw@ did the same to one of our cats a few years back. Poor little bugger nearly had to have its tail amputated. Some proper sick people about.

    Free Member

    Ha ha personal insults, so quickly? Let see your buke projects…oh.no.you’ve never done any, your just sat there behind your keyboard.

    not like you have never keyboard warriors and coming fromt he man who admits he would not act like this face to face that is irony [ or lack of self awareness] of the higest order.

    Free Member

    not like you have never keyboard warriors and coming fromt he man
    What does it mean…??

    Free Member

    My moral compass must be screwed, because I find that clip slightly amusing. There are so many clips on the internet that I get confused as to which ones I’m supposed to be outraged at/write to my local MP about, and which I’m supposed to laugh at.

    Your moral compass is fecked, not something I’d be keen to show in a public forum, but each to his own. Then again, with a username like that I guess it’s second nature 😉

    You can’t really go as far as calling them “men” to be honest, they forgo that right when making the choice to injure a harmless animal for fun.

    Maybe my moral compass is screwed too, because I find abuse of animals worse than pretty much anything over abuse of kids. I hope they’re found and either jailed or beaten senseless.

    Free Member

    Yeah, I fail to see what is even slightly amusing.
    I did some stupid things when I was a yoof, but harming animals is just pathetic and cowardly.
    Couldn’t give a shit about the cat, but I’d still love to give chav scum in that video a kicking.

    Free Member

    Your moral compass is fecked, not something I’d be keen to show in a public forum, but each to his own. Then again, with a username like that I guess it’s second nature

    You can’t really go as far as calling them “men” to be honest, they forgo that right when making the choice to injure a harmless animal for fun.

    Don’t get me wrong, if it was my own cat, I would be enraged. But I struggle to get so wound up over clips I see on the internet. perhaps i’ve become desensitised.

    Free Member

    You can’t really go as far as calling them “men” to be honest, they forgo that right when making the choice to injure a harmless animal for fun.

    Really? Talk about melodrama… 🙄

    Free Member

    Couldn’t give a shit about the cat, but I’d still love to give chav scum in that video a kicking.

    So you’d be prepared to break the law and inflict physical harm on a fellow human?

    That makes you just as bad as him, if not worse. The fact that you can let vengeance take over and allow you to become Judge Judy and Executioner makes you just as uncivilised as the chav in the video.

    Free Member

    for every keyboard warrior, there’s a keyboard drama queen.

    Without being face to face it’s so much easier to be an extrovert.

    Free Member

    Am I right in thinking most people dont pay for Kittens?

    Free Member

    My dad used to swing me around by my legs in a similar way when I was I kid.
    It was great fun!

    Full Member

    So you’d be prepared to break the law and inflict physical harm on a fellow human? That makes you just as bad as him, if not worse.

    Can’t agree there. Slapping the perpetrator would be against the law in modern parlance but imo (and clearly only my opinion it seems) society self governance with this sort of thing rather than deferring to and clogging up “the system” to sort it out for us is where it’s at. Maybe it’s a sign I’m getting old but I do yearn for the days (not that I was old enough to appreciate them ) when society (and more specifically the local community) could and would step in to set the moral compass with it’s youth and tearaways.

    I know what I’d find myself doing if I came across someone inflicting pain on an animal for pleasure. Wild,domestic, mine, someone else’s would make no odds.

    Glad to see the cat survived.

    Free Member

    So you’d be prepared to break the law and inflict physical harm on a fellow human?


    makes you just as uncivilised as the chav in the video

    Sure, ok.

    Free Member

    Am I right in thinking most people dont pay for Kittens?

    No, they are very easy to come by. All you need to do is post a, ‘cat hurt’ thread on here and lots of people have kittens immediately.

    Maybe my moral compass is screwed too, because I find abuse of animals worse than pretty much anything over abuse of kids. I hope they’re found and either jailed or beaten senseless.

    Oh yes, in that case your moral compass is definitely screwed. There are far worse atrocities perpetrated on humans, lasting more than 30 seconds.

    Free Member

    I think I might know who it is!

    (sorry, just saw this on fb and it amused me. I’m glad the cat is okay)

    Full Member

    Some of the comments here, unreal. Yes, it may ‘only’ be a cat and as is pretty well documented on stw cats aren’t the most favoured of creatures. But the majority are pets, loved by their owners, maybe part of a household that has kids. For all the ones who’ve seen fit to spout unpleasantness on here (is it because the cat was ultimately ok, doesn’t really ‘matter’ so much? Or is it simply internet anonymity, write something gratuitously offensive because you can?) what if that happened to a cat belonging to someone you are close to? My friends cat died after being poisoned (a spate of them in the area) and having a pet killed, maimed or abused is actually really distressing for the owners/families involved and all because some cretin(s) fancied a ‘laugh’.

    For those that think that “it’s only a cat, it doesn’t matter”, yes, there are worse things happening in the world every day but does it really mean that it doesn’t matter? For every duck or swan that gets shot with a crossbow, horse that gets cut, every act of gratuitous, wanton cruelty we should simply brush it aside as unimportant? I don’t wanna see or read about stuff like this but I shouldn’t ignore it either. I find it hard to comprehend why people do stuff like this, hard to comprehend why people appear to condone stuff like this, I also find it hard to comprehend the logic of animal rights nutters who get themselves foaming at the mouth over stuff like this but at least in their own histrionic way they’re standing up for decent behaviour. Surely it’s just down to respect for other living creatures and each other? Don’t go chucking defenceless moggies about and don’t go trolling posts about it on web forums. Yeah, I sound like a hippy but I don’t give two F***s. Life would be better if we all gave that bit more of a toss for who and what’s around us. If any of you lot have got a F***ing problem with that I’ll see you outside 😉

    Free Member


    WOW! Keyboard warrior and drama queen in the same post!

    Full Member

    You knows it beeyatch. 🙂

    Free Member


    whatever you do guys, don’t go to Darfur.

    Free Member

    Jonny, I feel compelled to jump to the defense of all the defenseless songbirds, rodents and reptiles that are cruelly treated by cats in the name of fun.

    I’m going to form a vigilante group that tracks the nasty little thugs down, swings them round by their tails and locks them in wheelie bins. How does that sound?

    Free Member

    Can I at least kick the wheelie bin a bit?

    Full Member

    So you’d be prepared to break the law and inflict physical harm on a fellow human?

    That makes you just as bad as him, if not worse. The fact that you can let vengeance take over and allow you to become Judge Judy and Executioner makes you just as uncivilised as the chav in the video.

    Jonny, I feel compelled to jump to the defense of all the defenseless songbirds, rodents and reptiles that are cruelly treated by cats in the name of fun.

    I’m going to form a vigilante group that tracks the nasty little thugs down, swings them round by their tails and locks them in wheelie bins. How does that sound?

    Like a hypocrite?

    Full Member

    What’s that bin ever done to you, DezB? Hmmm? HMMMM??

    Free Member

    brassneck – Member
    Like a hypocrite?

    Erm, nope, like someone trying to highlight the idiocy of some members of STW. 🙄

    Free Member

    If you can’t work out the difference between an animals natural instincts and a supposedly civilized human being harming animals for few ****ed up giggles and a laugh then there really is no hope for you.

    Free Member

    tbh I dont know what all the puss is about! 3 pages of people acting like little pussies – mtfu! I know a lot of you are winding people up on purr-pose but calm down before you have a stroke and stop being so catty! I agree its not fur-nny and we need to paws for thought for the pur little kitty. its quite paw-ssible this might cause other idiots to do copy cat style assaults in there area (which would be cat-astrophic)

    Free Member

    Tabby honest, I think sefton’s right.

    Full Member

    Erm, nope, like someone trying to highlight the idiocy of some members of STW

    There’s a slight difference between an animal doing what it does, and a supposedly intelligent being inflicting pain for the amusement of others perhaps.

    schrick clearly types quicker than me.

    Free Member

    Some of you are as bad as the **** that did it.

    Free Member

    If you can’t work out the difference between an animals natural instincts and a supposedly civilized human being harming animals for few ****ed up giggles and a laugh then there really is no hope for you.

    They’re a domesticated animal – they have no need to kill for food.
    Cats, living in a civilised society, should learn to obey OUR rules, and if they can’t, they shouldn’t be allowed out unsupervised.

    Therefore, it’s Flow’s mother-in-law’s fault.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Surely it’s just down to respect for other living creatures and each other?

    It’s this parity between ‘other living creatures’ and ‘each other’ which I find difficult.

    whatever you do guys, don’t go to Darfur.

    This is true, apparently they only feed their cats medium grade cat food over there.

    Overall we need to be more sensitive an be aware that things we say on here can hurt each others felines.

    Free Member

    Flows mum in law is a 42 year old IT teacher……..Only in Thanet

    Free Member

    WOW! Keyboard warrior and drama queen in the same post!

    Drama Warrior.

    …and a meme was born.

    Free Member

    I think Keyboard Queen may be more appropriate

    Free Member

    Cats People, living in a civilised society, should learn to obey OUR rules, and if they can’t, they shouldn’t be allowed out unsupervised.

    IMO, the chav involved is the very worst kind of bully and I hate bullies.
    That poor little animal has no way whatsoever of protecting itself.
    If you find this funny, you have problems IMHO.

    Free Member

    That poor little animal has no way whatsoever of protecting itself.

    Not to play devils advocate, but cats can be pretty vicious*

    *Obviously no excuse for swinging one down the street.

    Free Member

    at least you’re not alone in the hunt!


    Free Member

    That poor little animal has no way whatsoever of protecting itself.

    Much like garden birds, then.

    Free Member

    Much like garden birds, then.

    Comparing the instinctual behaviour of a cat with no capability of rational or moral thought to that of a seemingly grown adult?
    So cats are just inherently evil? Do you really believe that?


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