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  • London cyclist looking for help identifying bloke who assaulted him
  • Junkyard
    Free Member

    28% of reported crime in the uk leads to a conviction.

    1.4% of cases reported to the ipcc result in action being taken against an officer (either disciplinary or more).

    comparing conviction rates to reporting an officer is not comparing like with like now is it. You are not even comparing people charged or questioned with conviction rates which would be more appropriate. you are comapring convictions with allegations whilst criticising my logic 😯
    Furthermore I would hazard a guess that a number of lieing unscrupulous criminals make unfounded claims to aid their defence or because they are crims. They cannot really be relied in as a good witness so I would expect a lower success rate tbh.

    Does this mean that the police are a special breed of ultra law abiding people? I find it hard, nay impossible to believe the the police force does not represent a cross section of society. To me I am suspicious that ipcc is not as independent as it should be. I’m not looking for 28% but 1.4% is very very sniffy.

    You probably get a certain type in the police force perhaps more authoritarian and conforming. As they get sacked for breaking the law I would assume it is reasonable to assume they have fewer law breakers than society in general due to the implications of a conviction.
    You may get more caring folk in nursing , more aggressive folk in the army etc. i would not necessarily expect any profession to match society exactly. I would also expect less lawlessness in say lawyers or solicitors for similar reasons.
    The IPCC probably is a bit pro police though

    Free Member

    The real point which was my point

    The IPCC probably is a bit pro police though


    Free Member

    My point was your logic was flimsy and most of your points were bollox. As you made no attempt to defend your “logic” Thanks also.

    Free Member

    I don’t need to defend mine as your attmepts to refute it were pathetic. You haven’t shown any grasp of logic yet, only lots of unfounded assumption. Go back and do it again.

    Free Member

    The IPCC aren’t “pro Police”. Hence the name Independent Police Complaints Commission. Read some of the reports on their website. The vast majority of complaints against the police are baseless, spurious, or relate to incivility. There is a significant difference between someone thinking the police are rude and someone being charged with a criminal offence.

    Free Member

    It’s the bloke in Horatio’s link.

    He was fined £400 plus £100 compensation to the cyclist.

    Full Member

    I’m sure business will be booming for him now that he’s gone viral 🙂

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